English 1301
Subjects to be Compared (5 points) Due:
Tuesday 11/13
Library Day:
Tuesday 11/13
Detailed Thesis & Outline with POCs (10 points) Due:
Thursday 11/15
Presentations (50 points):
Tuesday 11/20
Rough Draft (ready for workshop) (20 points):
Tuesday 11/27
Final Essay Due (100 points):
Thursday 11/29
The objective for this comparison essay is to research two ideas and to discuss
them side by side while
examining their similarities and differences. You will not be taking sides in this
A successful Compare / Contrast essay will:
Use the introduction to set up
why there is value
in this comparison.
Clearly give writer’s comparison in the thesis.
Have very clearly set-up topic sentences.
Have clear examples from each point of comparison (POC).
Have organized, focused paragraphs.
Use signal phrases to introduce sources.
Display a command of Research essay writing service – MLA usage, including the Works Cited page.
The essay must be four pages long, and be formatted according the to the Research essay writing service – MLA
guidelines. You are required to
have a minimum of six sources and a works cited page. Four of your sources MUST
come from OneSearch.
Repeat, four sources must come from OneSearch.
In addition to the written requirements, you must also present to the class the
material you plan on using in a
five-minute presentation. You are required to create a PowerPoint presentation
(Prezi?) that outlines the
points of comparison (POC) you plan on using in your comparison. This doggie is
50 points.
If you miss
the day of presentations, your grade will be marked down 15 points and you will be
required to present at the
beginning of the next class period. If you miss your presentation, you lose 50 points
and have very little
chance to pass the course.
Although below I am providing some ideas for a topic,
you are encouraged to discover an additional topic
which has significant interest to you (
please do not discuss anything too illegal in your essay)
. Also, nobody is
allowed to compare cars or trucks or video games systems or abortion issues or
guns in any way.
Renewable Energy
Organic & Non-Organic Farming
Online & Traditional Education
Types of Cancer Therapy
It’s totally up to YOU. So make it interesting. And make sure you can write the full
amount. It is not my fault if
you choose a topic that you can’t find enough research on. Think about it.

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