Posted: March 24th, 2022
Upload your completed final project here with references and detailed speaker notes.
Upload your completed final project here with references and detailed speaker notes. In Power Point Presentation they can be included at the bottom of each slide where you are allowed to put in speaker notes. For the Infographic and Pamphlet, you can attach a separate speaker notes or do voice over of what you would be saying to your intended audience. Refer to Week 3 Final Project for the topics you can choose from.
Nurse managers must work with staff to foster respect of different lifestyles. As a future manager, how can you provide culture-centered leadership to influence your team members and care for a culturally diverse patient population? Please incorporate concepts of cultural humility, sensitivity, or competence and one cultural theory into your response.
CHOOSE 1 : Suggested formatting for three available modes of Final Project Presentations:
· PPT- From the chosen topic, respond in detail, addressing each question or main point. Slides should be professional, well organized, show evidence of critical thinking and creativity. The slides should not contain paragraphs, but bullet points, highlighting your main ideas. The speaker notes section of each slide should include your narrative- what you would state if speaking to an audience. The bulk of your information should be listed here. Maximum of 12 slides, excluding title and reference slides. Three references listed within past five years listed in Current Help write my thesis – APA Style.
· Infographic- An infographic is a visual representation of information. This is where you can get creative with color, graphics, data (chart or graph) and content information. From the chosen topic, respond in detail, addressing each question or main point. Three references listed within past five years listed in Current Help write my thesis – APA Style. You may use Piktochart, Canva, or any other graphic design program. Please submit your infographic as a PDF.
· Pamphlet- These are a great educational tool for an audience, it is reader friendly and provides a bulk of information in a small space. From the chosen topic, respond in detail, addressing each question or main point. The pamphlet should be professional, include images, broken down into three columns. Three references listed within past five years listed in Current Help write my thesis – APA Style.
Role of Nurse Managers in Providing Culture-Centered Leadership: Outline
I. Introduction
a) Definition of what culture-centered leadership entails
b) The role nurse managers’ play in disseminating culture centered care among the teams tasked with patient care (Tucker et al., 2011).
1. Promoting cultural sensitivity
2. Promoting cultural humility
3. Promoting cultural competence
c) Thesis statement: Cultural centered care is a significant form of care that addresses the needs of diverse patient populations. The nurse managers play a pertinent role in promoting this essential form of care by fostering cultural sensitivity, humility and competence using cultural theories.
II. Nurse managers’ role in promoting cultural sensitivity
a) Inculcating an in-depth understanding of the concept of cultural sensitivity in their teams (Guide to cultural sensitivity in nursing, 2021)
1. Teaching what cultural sensitivity entails
2. Explaining the significance in the clinical setting
b) Incorporating the strategies that promote cultural sensitivity in the clinical setting (Seven steps to becoming a more culturally sensitive nurse, 2022)
1. Effective communication
2. Conflict resolution
III. Nurse managers’ role in promoting cultural humility
a) Developing a comprehensive understanding of cultural humility (Tucker et al., 2011)
b) Incorporating approaches that promote cultural humility in the clinical setting (Tucker et al., 2011)
1. Determining patients’ perception of health and wellness
2. Deducing how the differences in perceptions of health and wellness impact the outcomes of services they receive.
c) Identifying any preformed biases that may negatively impact the dissemination of care
IV. Nurse managers’ role in promoting cultural competence
a) Developing an understanding of what cultural competence entails (Nuananong & Mary, 2019)
1. Defining what it means
2. Developing an understanding of what it entails.
b) Putting in place measures to promote cultural competence (Nuananong & Mary, 2019)
1. Assessing the cultural competence of workers.
2. Providing training programs on how to become culturally competent
3. Promoting intercultural interactions
V. Application of cultural theory in promoting cultural humility, sensitivity and competency.
a) Definition of Purnell’s model for cultural competence (Purnell & Fenkl, 2020)
b) Description of its primary domains
c) How the nurses can use the theory in providing culturally centered leadership (Purnell & Fenkl, 2020)
VI. Conclusions
1. Reinstating of the thesis.
2. Summary of the main points
Guide to Cultural sensitivity in nursing. AHU Online. (2021, November 29). Retrieved February 14, 2022, from
Nuananong Seal & Mary Wiske Nuananong Seal. (2019, February 28). 5 ways to improve cultural competence in nursing care. Minority Nurse. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from
Purnell, L. D., & Fenkl, E. A. (Eds.). (2020). Textbook for transcultural health care: A population approach: Cultural competence concepts in nursing care. Springer Nature.
Seven steps to become a more culturally sensitive nurse. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 14, 2022, from
Tucker, C. M., Marsiske, M., Rice, K. G., Nielson, J. J., & Herman, K. (2011, May). Patient-centered culturally sensitive health care: Model testing and refinement. Health psychology: official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. Retrieved February 14, 2022, from
Here you can upload your completed final project, together with references and speaker notes. They can be inserted at the bottom of each slide in a Power Point Presentation where you are authorized to add speaker remarks. You can attach separate speaker notes or make a voice over of what you would say to your intended audience for the Infographic and Pamphlet. The subjects you can choose from are listed in Week 3 Final Project.
Nurse managers must work with staff to foster respect of different lifestyles. As a future manager, how can you provide culture-centered leadership to influence your team members and care for a culturally diverse patient population? Please incorporate concepts of cultural humility, sensitivity, or competence and one cultural theory into your
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