Posted: March 18th, 2022
values of our family, culture, religion, education and social group, respond to 2 classmate posts and 1 teacher question (25-75 words each post)
Question description
25-75 words each post about what’s your opinions after read each post ( agree or disagree and why….)Teacher question ( below is the post that the teacher ask the question about): Williams stated “material comfort” as a central value, but you list materialism as a negative. Are you saying that making money is no longer a core value in this country?I. How do you believe this list might be different if it were created today?We are all influenced in varying degrees by the values of our family, culture, religion, education and social group. Knowing our personal values can help society as a whole work effectively with clients, resolve conflicts and support the organization’s philosophy of care appropriately. Williams list of values in today’s society is not a thorough list. I mean, he could have included religion. Religion and religious freedom is also a hallmark American value. American people are more religious as a nation than most countries of similar economic standing and not every value on this list is held by each and every individual in this country.◦Which American values listed by Robin Williams have changed since this list was originally made in 1970? Why?Cultures are slowly change. Individuals do not directly internalize societal values but mediate and filter them according to the feedback and experience of reality to which they are exposed. Such basic mechanisms as social, economic, and racial position in society both are influenced by and influence an individual’s life style and value patterns. Sex and race are major signs of variations in value patterns within American society. Also, many believe that American values have declined, and they point to political corruption, increased materialism, declining family values, technology and a celebrity-obsessed culture as the culprits. Americans continue to put faith in education as the key to success. Overall, the most important challenge that we face as a nation stems from the crisis of our capitalist values. Most Americans believe that obsession with money and material things, the influence of money in politics, and political corruption are weakening national values.◦Please use examples to illustrate how American values listed by Robin Williams 1970 have changed using the media, social policy, politics, or otherwise.It is hard to know sometimes how our life has changed until we stop for a moment and look at how different it is from ten or even five years ago. In recent year’s social media, likely more than anything else, has significantly impacted most of our daily lives. Envisioning the global conversation that has developed over the past few years because of tools like Facebook and Twitter might have been unimaginable for most people at the beginning of this decade.Technological applications increasingly improve the outreach and efficiency of government as well as civic participation in public decision making. Through media and emerging technologies may interact with the value systems of traditional religions.Family, schools, and friends remain the source of and greatest reported influence on American values, underscoring the importance of policies that support working families and education reform. Young people place equality as a value nearly as important as freedom of speech and religion, while the older generations placed equality after capitalism as a core value.Religious freedom is named as a core value, and yet fewer Americans are embracing any religion. By all measures from basic belief to weekly attendance religion and religious life are declining in importance in American life. While a large number express negative feelings about the decline of traditional family life, calling its loss damaging to society, most Americans, especially the young favor alternative lifestyles, from living together unmarried to having children out of wedlock and supporting divorce. Many also approve of unmarried men and women living together, have no issues with smoking marijuana or homosexuality, and classify themselves as pro-choice. The older generation, which has been rising as a proportion of the population, is far more conservative in outlook, expressing opposition to all of these social matters.One surprise comes in the area of guns. The public is split down the middle on the need for more gun safety laws, but many are supporting an absolute right to self-defense, even if that means using deadly force. Also, when it comes to personal liberty and freedom, the core American values of freedom – mostly freedom of speech and freedom of religion is still important. Whereas a small number believe in the free enterprise system, principles of equality, and our constitution as setting us apart. Some values are seen as less important, such as the importance of being a melting pot and of enabling upward mobility. Young people place equality as a value nearly as important as freedom of speech and religion, while the older generations placed equality after capitalism as a core value. The free enterprise system runs deep as a value for older people, but the younger generations are far less rooted in this system. We all know there are well-documented changes in social tolerance as well. The rise in overall acceptance of homosexuality is probably the biggest single change in social values in the last 30 years.First post: The United States, a pluralistic society, is made up of many different groups. They represent different political and social ideologies, religions and racial-ethnic groups, as well as countless thousands of interest groups that center around such divergent activities as collecting Barbie dolls and hunting quail. But we do share core values (macro-level non-material culture). The values identified by Robin Williams are assumed to be “the American way” and are taught to school children as morality and signs of good character. I believe if these values were created today, the list might be different. Since this list was originally made there is a change in Americans perception. Education Americans are expected to go as far in school as their abilities and finances allow. Over the years, the definition of an “adequate” education has changed, and today a college education is considered an appropriate goal for most Americans. Those who have an opportunity for higher education and do not take it are sometimes viewed as doing something “wrong” – not merely as making a bad choice, but as somehow being involved in an immoral act. In our society if you want a reputed job, want to earn good money you should be educated while some one who is not educated cannot find a good job or work as a labor (unless its hands on experience). For example: public schools, people who have money go to public schools, receive better resources and hence get more opportunities in the society, on the other hand the ones who cannot afford public schools suffer. During the past half-century, the conventional view of American education has held that the nation needs more college graduates and that increasing the rates of college attendance and completion should be a national goal, advanced and subsidized by the federal government.The five American symbols are- American Flag, The Great Seal, Bald Eagle, The Liberty Bell, The Statue of Liberty, National Anthem. Being an international student here national symbol of America are as important as my country’s symbol. Because this is not about the government or its machinery, but the social cohesion of the people, remembrance of any situation or bravery. National symbols are designed carefully to depict the core values and heritage of the nation, and respect for the symbols is a form of understanding and internalizing those values. Ethnocentrism is the belief of superiority is one’s personal ethnic group, but it can also develop from racial or religious differences.It can lead to cultural misinterpretation and it often distorts communication between human beings. The downside of ethnocentrism is that it causes a people from an ethnic group to look down on those who are from other ethnic groups. It enables the minority groups to create and sustain an identity over extended periods of time. ReferencesSchissler, H. (2008). Core American Values. Retrieved from:, L. Athens Statae University. Retrieved from:, P. (2013). The problems of Ethnocentrism. Retrieved from: post:Based upon the reading assignment, society was slightly different than it was back in the 1970’s. Robin Williams Jr highlights ten values that represented a different time and culture. While some of these values could be used today, a lot of them would not. Certain topics he discussed, such as racism and group superiority, is completely off base in present terms. Although he was right for that time period, the culture in the United States has changed drastically. We do not look at white people over any other race, and most certainly do not value the rich over the poor, or male over female. Today’s generation has worked very hard to try and overcome these stereotypical titles and the progression of their efforts has worked. A major example of change, as seen in current times, is equality across all sexes, gender, race and religion. Women are working very hard to make it known that women get paid less than men. Also, there is an awakening to the issues of race and the inequality that is surrounded by the issues. One of the most notable group examples of this today is the Black Lives Matter movement. As a veteran and extremely patriotic civilian, there are five symbols in America that I hold to high importance. The first of them being our flag. Many men have died, including some of my friends, to ensure our flag flies high and free making it very sentimental to me. Secondly, I see our constitution, the national anthem, the statue of liberty, and the bald eagle as symbolic American icons. All of these things have their own meaning to people, but to me, it represents the freedom and liberty we have in this country. I have traveled to many countries that are less fortunate than ours, and seeing all of the privileges we have makes these symbols special to myself and my fellow Americans. One of the most obvious and clear problems with ethnocentrism is the judgement and bias that comes along with it. It halts all options of progression and change and essentially leads people to believe they are better than others. That statement goes against all values of American life seeing that we firmly believe all men are created equally.ReferencesMacionis, J. (2008). Society: The Basics [VitalSouce bookshelf version]. Retrieved from
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