Weight of mark:  15 % of your final grade

** Because this is designated as a writing course, you MUST complete both reading response #1 and #2 in order to pass the

course, no matter how well you may do with the rest of the course material.

In order to successfully complete this assignment, this typed research paper should be 6-8 pages in length, double-spaced,

and in 12 font.  All direct and indirect quotes should be cited consistently using Research essay writing service – MLA or Chicago formatting.  This

reading response requires no additional research.

Your paper should include a title page, including your name, student number, and date, (it is recognized that Research essay writing service – MLA

formatting does not require a title page—however, even if you do use Research essay writing service – MLA, you must do so in this instance).  You must also

include, on a separate page, a bibliography of the sources you used for your paper.  The title page and bibliography do

not count towards the required length of your paper.

–    To read academic materials closely and carefully
–    To critically think about the material that is presented and read
–    To write a response that clearly conveys one’s reading and critical thinking skills

Clementin-Ojha, Catherine.  “Outside the Norms: Women Ascetics in Hindu Society.”  Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.

23, No. 18 (Apr. 30, 1988), pp. WS34-WS36.

Please answer the following questions in your reading response:
1)    What is Clementin-Ojha’s thesis  That is, what is she arguing in her work
2)    How does she prove her thesis  Specifically, what types of sources does she use, what is her approach to the

material, etc.
3)    Based on what you now know from our course, how well do you think she proves her thesis  Is it in keeping with

other scholarly works on gender and sexuality that we have already covered in class  If yes, how it is similar  If not,

how is it different (for this aspect of the question, I encourage you to cite alternate course readings).
4)    What do you perceive the value of her work to be  Does it contribute to the field of study relating to sexuality

and religion


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