Posted: March 18th, 2022
This is for Oriental Philosophy class
– who first suggested the idea and talked about it.
– interesting philosophical arguments and debates in Chinese Philosophy in Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism.
– discuss about distinguished philosophers in this field and criticize them
– similarities and differences in Morality and how it evolves toward good or bad directions.
-cons and pros Why We Should be Moral.
– show interesting information about the topic.
– show some recent discoveries and new idea about Morality .
– show interesting discussions in this paper
– show your own opinions and ideas about the Morality and in which way can be develop,prove that by facts and reasoning.
– use strong resources that can support this topic.
– discuss the idea after 30 years from now and show your ideas and opinions.
– ask questions whether the human society are ready for such Morality towards different trends in the world.
– strong Introduction and conclusion.
Empathy refers to an individual’s ability to place oneself into another person’s situation, perceive it, vicariously experience the feelings and thoughts of the person without having them communicated explicitly while sympathy refers to the act of acknowledging another person’s emotional hardships and providing comfort and assurance as psychological remedies . In a nutshell, it is simply a feeling of care and understanding for others. A vulnerable person owing to inward weaknesses cannot blame his/her plight on the people but through empathy, such problems can be solved by the external parties. The question as to whether empathy is necessary for moral conduct will definitely yield a positive consent and therefore, people should cultivate empathy based on morality since morality is a superset of empathy. It would be imprudent to alienate empathy in the process of morality development and therefore, it is important to enshrine an empathy based morality for the good of the weak in the society.
Empathy emanates from within an individual, without being forced or coerced. It would be difficult to improve empathy owing to the absence of homogeneity among most of the members of the society. It is important to note that empathy and charity are both considered as acts that are both involuntarily developed within a person, through an inherent process that is uncontrollable. If we initiate a gradual process of social orientation to instill the empathic values, then morality improves. Just like the virtuousness of Confucianism and Taoism conferred upon the Chinese generations the desired values.
Definition and History of Morality
Morality is the ability to distinguish between the right and the wrong. It also encompasses dealing with both behaviour and motives. Moreover, it is equally the determination of what should be done and what should not be done. Historically, morality is found as an inherent aspect in the oriental philosophy. Morality is vital for human existence as long as the society achieves a quorum on what should be termed as moral.
The history of morality can be traced to the oriental philosophers. The first proponent of morality although indirectly was Lao Tzu, a 6th century B.C.E moral teacher . He suggested and instituted the concept of Taoism. Lao Tzu’s existence is somewhat considered mythical except that the teachings attributed to him have been used for very many centuries and are still practiced today. Lao Tzu’s propositions were in regard to reality and interaction with nature.
Philosophical Arguments and Debates in Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism
The Chinese philosophy has undergone significant transformation overtime under three important concepts of Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism. Confucianism stresses on humanistic virtues and regards the secular acts as sacred. It focuses on practical order of the society and respect of the gods by the people. Confucianism is more inclined to the religious realms and it strictly stresses on the family. According to Confucius principles, the society ought to maintain virtues and ethics. In that case practices such as the li, yi, and the zhi are emphasised, but they mould none into a rhen. Confucianism holds one in contempt either passively or actively for failing to observe and uphold the cardinal values of rhen and yi . Secondly, legalism portrays a pragmatic political philosophy which majorly the rule of law is upheld. It was deemed an ethical means of organizing the society.
Han Fei synthesized earlier concepts on legalism in three principles, that is, law principle which state that the law must be made public, second principle is tactic or art principle which suggests a bureaucratic administration which serves to enforce the law and performs the task of running the state. This means that the ruler must employ special techniques to ensure that the system works and permits function. Third is the principle of legitimacy, power of Charisma, which points to the position of the ruler and the powers attached. It advices the ruler to observe emptiness in order to allow natural order of things to rule.
Thirdly, is the concept of Taoism, which according Lao Tzu, means an ethical and religious tradition of the Chinese people which puts emphasis on living in harmony. It reflects the source and the force behind everything that exists. It has been an ancient force that originates from the experiences with the Tao, responsible for the transformation of Chinese’ experience of the ultimate. The subsequent proponents of Taoism concerned themselves with the universe as opposed to Confucianism that set itself as distinguished in conferring upon the society moral behavior. Taoism is defined in terms of religiosity, a person’s relationship with the non-theoretical aspect of the society and the process to achieve the non-epistemic status.
Why we should be Moral
Empathy is an essential virtue that we as human beings need in the society in order to coexist harmoniously . Basically, empathy is perceived as an experience that comes with sharing other people’s pain or even joy. Actually, it emits emotions from an individual that compel one to relate well with another’s pain and lend a helping hand. Morality is a major issue in the society because people are able to differentiate between right and wrong. Empathy is actually necessary for morality because it enables people choose to do right to others. When an individual has empathy for other people, his/her motives or behavior is right to them too. Therefore, empathy is very vital because it actually enhances morality .
Empathy and Moral Development
Moral development is a gradual process since infancy of understanding and developing a sense of morality. Empathy is necessary for moral development because people, especially children learn how to treat others in the right manner, thus embracing morality. Basically empathy emits other humanistic emotions such as compassion and sympathy. When children grow and develop experiencing empathy, they are able to show it to others, thus cultivating moral development . Moral development actually encompasses growth of attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. Although empathy is intuitive, it is also a skill that can be worked on and developed. Therefore, empathy can be viewed as a skill custom essay writing service that also boosts moral development because it enables people release feelings, motives, attitudes, and behaviors that are right and beneficial to themselves, others, and the society in large.
Empathy and Moral Conduct
Empathy influences people’s motives and behaviors to other people. Therefore, it would be right to state that it is also necessary for moral conduct. Basically, moral conduct enhances harmonious existence among people in a society. It is obvious that peaceful co-existence among human beings comes as a result treating one another in right and humanly manner. When people are able to understand other people’s plight and put themselves in their shoes, they are able to treat them right. Empathy makes people embrace the right motives and behaviors, thus improving their moral conduct. It would actually be right to adopt an empathy-based morality.
Commonly, morality revolves around the motives and behaviors of people. It is clear that empathy highly influences people to embrace the right behavior and motives towards other people. Therefore, with an empathy-based morality, people would have the right morals since their motives and behaviors to others would be considerate. Empathy is actually considered intuitive, but it is also acquired through learning. It is a skill that can be instilled and developed intellectually. Moreover, people also liken it to a religious form of relation developed from one person to another. Therefore, if empathy can be acquired intellectually, it can actually be improved, especially through practice.
David Hume’s Sympathy and Empathy Debate
Hume’s theory, considered from a functional perspective suggests that sympathy should not be mistaken as a particular effect for instance compassion, but it is the transformation of an idea into an impression through imagination. When we sympathize in the sentiments and passions of our fellow human beings, these movements are first incorporated in our minds and thereafter perceived as belonging to another individual. In addition, the ideas encompassed in the affections are converted into the impressions they represent, and so the passions arise to conform to the images we build about them. When anger is expressed by a person and the impression taken in by another as an emotion, it is then converted into the same sentiment within an individual who equally expressed displeasure. Humans are related, and they connect both physically and biologically with action at a distance. The spirit of benevolence is the basis of morality in Hume’s view of empathy and sympathy .
According to Agosta, humans resonate together at the level of biology which is neither full blown, complete sympathy nor empathy. The challenge is that Hume’s initial narrow definition of sympathy, as a psychological mechanism, is both expanded and restricted as expansive sympathy. Hume’s narrow definition of sympathy omits concern for the other which is the main point of sympathy’s contribution to foundation of morality. Hume’s narrowing of the benevolences overlooked extensive sympathy resulting in altruism. In empathy, understanding the other individual which also involves making commitments, illustrates empathic understanding in mankind .
The complex multidimensional approach of empathy clarifies many differences in emphasis and redirects the concept into true wholeness.
Drowning Child Theory in Mencius and its Connection with Empathy
Mencius gave the analogy of a drowning child, a theory in which he asserts, “for the child falling into a well, one would express panic and fear upon seeing the child in danger” . This sane act of kindness is inherent in one regardless of how evil that individual has become over time. Mencius believes that there are four parts of human heart that are cultivated and developed by the society which yields four virtues. This is quite excellent for debate. Mencius said. “All men have a mind which cannot bear to see the sufferings of others” . It means men have four principles and if they cannot develop them, they play thief with themselves. In my opinion, an act of empathy is expressed in this situation that upon seeing the child, man custom essay writing service will without exception experience a feeling of alarm and distress, and not just to gain approval or praises. This is a result of one’s inherent empathic nature, and no man of rational mind enjoys seeing others fall.
Therefore, a child reflects the status of man with no destruction to the surrounding, very helpless and naïve. It would be imprudent to let go the young one. It is also natural for man to lend a helping hand to another individual with whom they are at peace, for instance an innocent child and an adult. Therefore, in this case I liken the child to any individual in need and with whom I enjoy a good and peaceful mutual personal relationship.
People should embrace the idea of doing what is right to others more often. When people are treated well by their fellow human beings, they tend to relate well with them. Therefore, empathy is actually very vital for the morality of a society. This is because people will always be inclined to do the right thing. Good deeds within a society promote generally promote high level of morality.
Paley, William. The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. Indianapolis, Ind: Liberty
Fund, 2002.
Fried, Eric. Inwardness and Morality. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005.
Wainwright, William. Religion and Morality. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2005.
Weir, Todd H. Monism: Science, Philosophy, Religion, and the History of a Worldview.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
Jaspers, Karl. The Origin and Goal of History (routledge Revivals). Hoboken: Taylor and
Francis, 2014.
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