Personal Application Prayer Paper
You will write a 7–10-page paper (hire research essay pro writers). The paper will contain 2 primary sections: (1) Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how the readings and/or discussions have helped you in 1 of the 3 areas listed below. (2) Include a detailed plan of application including the prime objective to be accomplished, steps of attainment, indicators of success, etc.

The project can be on 1 of 3 subjects: (1) a strategy for overcoming areas of bondage or strongholds in your personal life; (2) development of a spiritual warfare prayer strategy for your ministry; or (3) a plan for growth in various aspects of your prayer life.
Here is the list of books being assigned for this course:
EVAN 670
Textbooks: Anderson, The Bondage Breaker (2000).
Earley, Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders (2008).
Gordon, Quiet Talks on Prayer (2003).
LUC – Rankin, Spiritual Warfare (2009).

Development of a Spiritual Warfare Prayer Strategy for Ministry
Thesis Statement
The study aims to address how spiritual warfare has impacted our lives, steps of attainment and indicators of success through development in successful prayerful life in the church ministry.
Spiritual warfare has been regarded as a coherent tool for relinquishing the kingdom of God through prayers (Elisha, 2017). Also, it is the unseen power that is always encountered between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of God. About the development of spiritual warfare, we can establish the authority of God through fasting and praying in order to declare the kingdom of God in our heart (King, 2016). Similarly, exercising the authority of God, believers can attain the Holy Spirit to rule within their hearts and to relinquish rule of Christ in their daily lives (Rankins, 2009). This study aims to address how spiritual warfare has impacted our lives, steps of attainment and indicators of success through development in Spiritual warfare in the church ministry.
Application in My Life
• Organizing strategy ministry for spiritual warfare through the standard services known as “intercession.” Spiritual warfare has played a vital role in fighting enemy attack through prayers. It is evident that in our spiritual realm the fight in which we engage is not only in flesh and blood but also fight against two kingdoms.
• Consequently, I have developed progress by fighting the unseen power with a large congregation of our ministry through prayers and fasting.
• Concerning this reading, living a prayerful life is the journey in allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell in our hearts. Besides, spiritual warfare has improved my relationship with God, and I can attest that Prayer is the weapon to fight the kingdom of darkness.
Prime objectives
Living a prayerful life involves;
• Loving God with all heart
• To praise God daily and speak about his attributes
• Always depending on God’s wisdom
• Allowing God to be the weapon against the enemies; and extending the time in praying and fasting (Marshall, 2016).
Steps of Attainment
Spiritual warfare is a fundamental tool that draws us closer to God and prepares us in a battlefield with the Kingdom of darkness. Therefore, to relinquish a prayerful life, we need to attain the following steps for ensuring key objectives are aligned with spiritual warfare:
• Understand the battle and type of war before engaging in spiritual warfare.
• Understand which command we are taking. Our commander of spiritual warfare is always Jesus Christ, who led us against our enemies in battle (Rogers, 2016).
• Identify the enemy in spiritual warfare. Our enemy is the fallen angel known as Satan.
• Have a protective armor which is the Bible. According to Sanders (2017), by reading the Bible always, we can allow the word of God to sink in our hearts and soul
• Ascertain God’s authority by being prayerful.

Indicators of Success
Moreover, indicators of success can be positively seen in various ways for those who engage in spiritual warfare:
• Indicators of success can be portrayed through believers faith and trust in God (Elisha, 2017).
• According to King (2016), a person who has been delivered from wicked practices of evil tend to believe in God and trust in Him.
• Besides, the character and relationship with God will improve as the person would be engaging in intercession and bible study classes to improve spiritual warfare.

In conclusion, spiritual warfare through prayers and fasting determine the Spiritual growth of a given person. Therefore, Christians should engage in church ministries to learn and understand how to establish a personal relationship with God and to live a prayerful life.

Elisha, O. (2017). Proximations of public religion: worship, spiritual warfare, and the ritualization of Christian dance. American Anthropologist, 119(1), 73-85.
King, P. (2016). John A. MacMillan: Pioneer Missionary of Spiritual Warfare and the Believer’s Authority. Journal Jaffray, 14(1), 1-20.
Marshall, R. (2016). Destroying arguments and captivating thoughts: Spiritual warfare prayer as global praxis. Journal of religious and Political Practice, 2(1), 92-113.
Rankin, J. (2009). Spiritual warfare: The battle for God’s glory. Nashville, Tenn: B & H Publishing Group.
Rogers, R. (2016). God and Godliness in the Thought of Richard Greenham. In Practical Predestinarians in England, c. 1590–1640 (pp. 131-182). Routledge.
Sanders, J. O. (2017). Spiritual leadership: Principles of excellence for every believer. Moody Publishers.

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