1. I think that employees’ best motivators are generated by how well their leaders manage them. Leaders can ensure that there is a conducive environment for working through cleanliness and being organized. When the environment in which the employees are working is clean, they would be motivated to continue working. Recognizing the achievement of the employees is a motivator to ensure continual performance. Having proper communication and engaging in critical discussions motivates the employees to feel that they are an important part of the organization. The benefits of attracting, motivating, and retaining the best employees in an organization are very important for an organization’s success and increasing the morale of the employees (Peterson, 2019). When the best employees are retained, there would be a continual success and good performance in the company.
From an employee perspective, a good leader would be able to delegate duties, have a proper communication channel, show gratitude to them, show empathy, and respect the employees (Characteristics of a Good Leader, 2020). These qualities of a good leader are what every employee is expecting while working in an organization. From an employee perspective, a bad leader has very little vision for the future, no delegation of duties, show little or no gratitude and empathy to the employee, lacks accountability, and has poor communication skills. Every employee in an organization does not expect to be a leader to show them the bad qualities. Since managers are leaders of employees, employees expect bad managers to have a bad leader’s qualities, the same as a good manager. No one is perfect, to no leader or a manager of an organization, which explains why not all employees would be satisfied by the characters of the leaders who are handling them. From this explanation, every employee should be able to have a good employee’s attributes for the all-around success of an organization.

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