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Help me figure out expense stop excel formula for this problem.  Starting expense figure is ($490,000.00).  70000 SF is leased to A for $38 per square foot for the next 15 years.  Rent will increase by 2% per year and there are expense stops of $8.25 per square foot.  30000 SF is leased to B for $36 per square foot for the next three years with no rent increases.  At  the end of three years B will vacate the space and it will take nine months to lease the space at which time the market rent is project to be $42 per square foot with annual increases of 3%.  The lease term on this space is 10 years and the vacancy and credit loss on this space is 3%.  Office expenses for all tenants are $7.00 per square foot and increase by 3% per year.

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