In this activity, you will research and analyze the impact of a Cold War event.

Task: You will use the information in this unit or information you research online to write two paragraphs with 4-6 sentences each answering the following prompt:

What events during the Cold War had the biggest impact on the United States? You may discuss political, scientific or social events.

• The Atomic Age
• The Arms Race
• The Space Race
• Conflicts like the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Korea or Vietnam
• Spread of Communism
• The Red Scare
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to help you see the influence the Cold War had on America and the World.
Audience: Your teacher

You are welcome to follow this suggested format:

First Event
Topic sentence:
Evidence (Describe or give direct quote):
Commentary (Explain why you think your event had a big impact):
Concluding Sentence

Second Event
Topic sentence:
Evidence (Describe or give direct quote):
Commentary (Explain why you think your event had a big impact):
Concluding Sentence
Upload your response to the Dropbox. Refer to this rubric below to see how you will be graded. Please note that this activity is worth more than the auto-graded activities.

Category Does Not Meet Yet (0-59) Emerging Expectations (60-75) Meets Expectations
(76-89) Exceeds Expectations
Organization (40%) Format is not followed or is not clear. The question is answered but may lack organization or does not meet the length requirement. Your response is 2 paragraphs of 4-6 sentences each. You wrote a detailed response that is organized and focused. You included 2 paragraphs of 4-6 sentences each.
(60%) Content is not on topic and does include supporting examples. Content makes an effort to be on topic, may have 1 or 2 examples as evidence. Content is on topic with 1 -2 examples as evidence. Content is engaging and shows critical thinking on topic with at least 2 examples as evidence.

In this activity, you will investigate and assess the significance of a Cold War event.

Task: Using the information in this unit or information you find online, write two paragraphs of 4-6 sentences each in response to the following prompt:

What Cold War events had the greatest impact on the United States? You can talk about current events in politics, science, or society.


• The Atomic Revolution

• The Race to Arms

• The International Space Race

• Conflicts such as the Battle of the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Korea, or Vietnam

• Communism’s spread

• The Great Red Scare

The goal of this assignment is to help you understand the impact of the Cold War on America and the world.

Audience: Your teacher

You are welcome to follow this suggested format:


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