Knowledge management system (KMS) gives workers to grow according to (Alhammad and Moreno, 2018). Since knowledge is power, KMS has enabled workers to succeed in their businesses, especially in understanding business policies and strategies. KMS is used in software development projects, such as gamification, which enhance the performance of the software and motivate the user. KMS makes learning interesting and works attractive in software engineering. Gamification improved employee’s motivation through influential designs. Gamification means” use of game elements in a non-game context,” where some of the games include, use of incentives to persuade, ratings and badges. The KMS design can be applied by offering education or business. Gamification also provides technical support to employees, such as software support. Gamification in software engineering is used to enhance students’ engagement and enhance socialization and students’ knowledge about software engineering (Alhammad, and Moreno, 2018). Gamification in software engineering is still new and has very few research articles. Additionally, the implementation of gamification in SE has been a challenge, especially in cost, choosing the type of gamification to use and controlling gamification. According to research, most gamified software is doomed to fail due to the underlying challenges.
(Shongwe, 2016) argues that knowledge management is very important in the development and implementation of slide plate renewable materials (SPRM). SPRM has various impacts on thermal conductivity, densification and mechanical strength hence affecting thermal conductivity. The software industry in Latin America requires knowledge management to develop the software to develop a high-quality product that is competitive compared to other software industries. According to (Shongwe, 2016). KM is used in software development, organization, testing and methodology. Knowledge management in this area is used to collect, store and share information about SPRM development.
Additionally, the industry uses KM in gathering information about risk factors and risk management and in learning.KM services are, however, critical in producing quality work in a short period. The use of KM in SPRM development and implementation, however, goes through various challenges. The new technology does not provide all the phases or steps of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and does not provide solutions on how to mitigate risks. Development of SPRM requires knowledge management primarily to gather the required skills, plan and manage time during the project, and enhance software quality.

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