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QUESTION 1Most burglary laws increase the severity of the crime of burglary if the burglar possessesA.burglary tools.B.explosives or a weapon.C.glovesD.police radio scanners.2 points  QUESTION 2Burglary elements include the unlawful entry of a structure to commitA.any crime.B.a felony or theft.C.gloves.D.police radio scanners.2 points  QUESTION 3Breaking and entering is a form of which type of evidence?A.presumptiveB.circumstantialC.physicalD.inadmissible2 points  QUESTION 4A primary element of the crime of possession of burglary tools isA.none of these choices.B.both of these choices.C.possession of any tool that could be used to commit intent to use a tool or permit its use to commit burglary.2 points  QUESTION 5The term target hardening refers toA.accepting that fact that burglaries happen in all parts of the world.B.altering physical characteristics of a property to make it less vulnerable.C.taking out additional insurance to cover losses in the event of a burglary.D.none of these choices.2 points  QUESTION 6Thieves who go around neighborhoods targeting mailboxes with their flags up, searching for envelopes containing checks and other forms of payment, are referred to asA.taggersB.flaggersC.flagellatorsD.grabbers2 points  QUESTION 7Theft may include all but which of the following?A.petty theftB.crimes against the personC.grand theftD.Larceny2 points  QUESTION 8In larceny/theft, what determines whether the offense is grand or petty?A.the amountB.a judgeC.a juryD.the physical evidence2 points  QUESTION 9Which of the following is not an element in check fraud?A.forgeryB.issuing worthless checksC.issuing insufficient-fund checksD.using an access device2 points  QUESTION 10The third and final step of the money laundering cycle isA.integrationB.placementC.structuringD.layering2 points  QUESTION 11Which of the following is a type of physical evidence that officers should search for in a vehicle theft case?A.latent printsB.accident damageC.evidence that rake and pick guns were usedD.all of these choices2 points  QUESTION 12A possible indication of a stolen vehicle might include which of the following?A.a single plate on a car that requires two platesB.dirty plates on a clean carC.a sloppily applied dealer’s stickerD.all of these choices2 points  QUESTION 13Transporting a stolen vehicle across state lines is a violation of what act?A.Harrison ActB.Wickersham ActC.Mann ActD.Dyer Act2 points  QUESTION 14The elements of motor vehicle theft areA.intentionally taking or driving a motor vehicle without the consent of the owner or the owner’s authorized agent.B.taking a motor vehicle from the owner with the intent to sell or remove the vehicle.C.taking an automobile with the intent to sell the automobile.D.joyriding for pleasure or for criminal activity.2 points  QUESTION 15Motor vehicle thefts are often associated withA.organized crime rings.B.joyriding, transportation, commission of another crime, stripping vehicles for parts and accessories or reselling vehicles for, trucks, construction equipment and even recreational equipment.D.carjacking, robbery, getaway cars and car bombings.2 points  QUESTION 16Alligatoring isA.the checking of charred wood.B.the formation of irregular cracks in glass due to heat.C.the charring of just the surface of wood.D.a sure sign of arson.2 points  QUESTION 17he fire triangle consists of which of the following three elements?A.oxygen, fire and heatB.fuel, heat and warmthC.wood, warmth and fireD.air, fuel and heat2 points  QUESTION 18Blue smoke results from the burning of which of the following?A.alcoholB.vegetable compoundsC.sulfur or nitric acidD.none of these choices2 points  QUESTION 19Crazing isA.the checking of charred wood.B.the formation of irregular cracks in glass due to deeply the wood is burned.D.burnt glass.2 points  QUESTION 20The purpose of the law enforcement officer in an arson investigation is the fire officer with the investigation.B.provide protection for the fire officer.C.assist with the criminal cooperatively with the fire officer to handle the criminal part of the investigation.2 points  QUESTION 21Yellow or brownish smoke results from the burning of which of the following?A.alcoholB.petroleumC.sulfur, nitric acid or hydrochloric acidD.drugs2 points  QUESTION 22Which of the following is not one of the five classes of explosive incidents in the United States?A.terrorist or extreme activityB.emotionally disturbed personsC.revenge and/or protestD.recovered military ordnance or commercial explosives2 points  QUESTION 23A zombie is aA.certain type of computer that has been rendered immobile by a used by hackers to copy other computer that has been taken over by another computer.2 points  QUESTION 24A secretly attached program that monitors a computer system and waits for an error to occur so that the weakness may be exploited is called aA.shadow bomb.B.logic bomb.C.super-program.D.turtle2 points  QUESTION 25The USA PATRIOT Act, signed by President George W. Bush in 2001, grantsA.roving authority to the FBI and other law enforcement agents to serve orders on communications authority to the FBI for wiretapping the communication lines of any U.S. authority to the FBI to arrest any noncitizen who is under suspicion of using communication lines to plan a terrorist attack.D.all of these choices.2 points  QUESTION 26Intentionally destroying computer information, programs or hardware using a logic bomb is classified asA.embezzlementB.espionageC.extortionD.sabotage2 points  QUESTION 27The biggest difference between traditional evidence and computer evidence is the latter’sA.electronic nature.B.lack of on discs.D.fragility2 points  QUESTION 28In a drug investigation, officers can avoid charges of entrapment byA.having a third party buy the drugs.B.making two or more buys.C.making an immediate arrest that is witnessed.D.using marked buy money.2 points  QUESTION 29Which of the following is not a distinctive characteristic of organized crime?A.high-profit and continued-profit crimesB.definite organization and controlC.strong ideological through corruption2 points  QUESTION 30Which of the following crime networks has been called the fastest-growing criminal organization in the United States?A.the TriadsB.the LCNC.Eurasian Organized Crime (EOC)D.the Mexican Mafia2 points  QUESTION 31What act did the federal government pass in 1914 that made the sale or use of certain drugs illegal?A.the Sullivan ActB.the Mann ActC.the Harrison Narcotics ActD.the Little Lindbergh Law2 points  QUESTION 32The RICO Act of 1970 is one of the major federal acts thatA.make it permissible to use circumstantial rather than direct evidence to enforce conspiracy violations.B.aim to stop the flow of drugs.C.make it easier for prosecutors to charge and convict those apprehended in the sale of illegal drugs.D.make the use of pen registers legal in the investigation of criminal networks.2 points  QUESTION 33Which of the following is not one of the four groups that make up the Mafia?A.the Neopolitan CamorraB.the Sacra Corona UnitaC.the Fratelli GambinoD.the ‘Ndrangheta Mafia2 points  QUESTION 34Which of the following is a characteristic of a street gang, as opposed to a drug gang?A.small structureB.loose leadershipC.controlled competitionD.narrow age range2 points  QUESTION 35A flash mob is an example ofA.gang behavior that is atypical because it involves a large portion of the gang at the same time.B.swarming.C.illegal gang activity.D.all of these choices.2 points  QUESTION 36The three-pronged approach to address the gang problem uses a balance of which three strategies?A.intervention, motivation and suppressionB.prevention, intervention and suppressionC.intervention, transition and motivationD.penetration, suppression and prevention2 points  QUESTION 37Which of the following is one of the models used to explain the relationship between gangs and crime?A.enhancement modelB.aggravation modelC.criminal modelD.professional model2 points  QUESTION 38Which of the following would not be one of the signs of a ritualistic homicide?A.missing body parts such as heart, genitals, left hand, tongue, index fingerB.urine or human or animal feces smeared on body or found in body cavitiesC.wax drippings, oils, incense or ritual powders on the bodyD.missing clothing2 points  QUESTION 39What was the decision in the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2003 case, Virginia v. Black?A.It upheld all hate crime legislation.B.It upheld a Virginia law banning cross burning, saying the statute did not violate the First Amendment.C.It struck down a Virginia law banning cross burning, saying the statute violated the First Amendment.D.It ruled that any hate crime legislation would always be too “broad,” and thus unconstitutional.2 points  QUESTION 40Which of the following is not an example of a cult discussed in the text?A.Hare KrishnaB.NRMC.Branch DavidiansD.6662 points  QUESTION 41What type of evidence tends to show innocence of the accused and must be disclosed?A.expectoratoryB.exculpatoryC.excruciatingD.excoriating2 points  QUESTION 42Once a report is written, the writer shouldA.staple the pages together if it is more than one page, and file it.B.evaluate it.C.immediately show it to the prosecutor for approval.D.give a copy to both the prosecution and defense.2 points  QUESTION 43Which of the following is inadmissible for an officer to make in court?A.statements including obscenity or vulgarityB.statements about the defendant’s behavior at the time of arrestC.statements about the defendant’s criminal recordD.none of these choices2 points  QUESTION 44The Brady rule grew out of a landmark Supreme Court case that relates to theA.well of evidence.B.discovery process.C.rule on witnesses.D.cross-examination.2 points  QUESTION 45Which of the following statements is true?A.Defense attorneys will try to impeach the testimony of prosecution witnesses.B.An officer who mishandles his or her testimony in court can be impeached from the investigation.C.Any witness moving through the well can automatically be impeached by the judge.D.A witness in court will be impeached if he or she does not look directly at the jury when testifying.2 points  QUESTION 46The term PC (probable cause) is needed in which report?A.crime reportB.arrest reportC.forensic reportD.rough notes2 points  QUESTION 47Officers should not write reports in theA.past tense.B.passive voice.D.first person.2 points  QUESTION 48Investigative reports are read by many people and used for many purposes. Which of the following is not an example of how a report would typically be used?A.Plan for future law enforcement services.B.Compile statistics on crime in a given jurisdiction.C.Provide information to insurance investigators.D.Convey information to the victim or the victim’s family.2 points  QUESTION 49Which of the following is true of writing completed in the active voice?A.The subject does not take any action.B.The subject of the sentence performs the actions.C.The sentences are active in terms of the reader.D.Exact quotations are always used.2 points  QUESTION 50One benefit of a well-written report is that it canA.reduce legal liability for the officer and the department.B.enhance an officer’s career.C.make a positive impact on a prosecutor’s case.D.all of these choices.

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