Posted: April 20th, 2022
School/District Recruitment Plan and Brochure
School/District Recruitment Plan and Brochure
Task: Using the rubric, create a school/district recruitment plan for your school and/or district. After completing the recruitment plan, create a colorful brochure to support your recruitment plan. The brochure should be representative of the diversity you wish to attract to your school and/or district.
District Recruitment Plan Rubric (200 points)
Criteria/Area of Focus 25 – 30 points 15 – 24 points 7 – 14 points 0 – 6 points
Vision for Recruitment and Retention Includes a purpose and vision of recruitment and retention that is well articulated and related to the overall district vision. Includes a vision for recruitment that is related to the district vision. Includes a vision of recruitment but it does not mention retention or is not related to the district vision. The vision is not included or incomplete.
Advertisement and Recruitment Includes a systematic way to advertise for each type of vacant position: administrative, teaching, and classified. Various forms of advertisement are included. The plan includes a plethora of ways to recruit new candidates to the district. A plan for advertising is including for most positions. 1-2 forms of advertisement is included. The plan includes a couple of ways to recruit new candidates to the districts. Advertisement only addresses a limited type of position and limited form of advertisement. The plan includes 1 way to recruit new candidates. Advertisement is not included or very limited. Specific recruitment strategies are not included or limited.
Mentoring and Induction Includes a detailed plan and strategies that differentiates mentoring and induction by type of position for 1-3 years with timelines. Includes a system to induct, mentor, evaluate, improve, and recognize teachers. Includes various strategies to mentor that includes most positions hired by the district for 1 year. Includes some strategies to mentor but limits to one type of position, such as just teacher mentoring, plan for mentoring is not comprehensive. There is not a plan to mentor/induct new employees/people in new positions or plan is very limited.
Hard to Fill Positions and Minorities The plan includes specific strategies that target hard-to-fill positions and critical shortage subject areas with timelines. The plan includes specific strategies to recruit minorities. The plan list ways to fill hard-to-fill positions and critical shortage subject areas. The plan lists ways to recruit minorities. The plan mentions hard-to-fill positions but does not provide specific strategies. The plan mentions minorities but does not provide specific strategies for recruiting them. The plan does not mention hard-to-fill positions or information is very limited. The plan does not include ways to recruit minorities.
Grow Your Own Initiative Includes a detailed plan for the district to develop teachers, administrators, and other personnel from within the district or the district’s scope of influence to fill positions. Includes creative ways to develop teachers or other personnel from within the district to fill positions. Includes 1-2 ways to grow new personnel from within the district to fill positions. Does not include Grow Your Own Initiative or information is very limited.
Data Analysis The plan provides specific ways to collect and use qualitative and quantitative data in recruitment efforts and ways to assess. The plan collects data for the purpose of recruitment efforts. The plan collects data but has specific strategy for using data for recruitment efforts. The plan does not use data or is very limited in its use for recruitment efforts.
Visual The plan is visually appealing and is free of errors. It includes charts, graphs, logic models, and other features to enhance information provided.
(15-20 points) The plan is visually appealing and free of most errors. It includes some charts and graphs to enhance information provided.
(9-14 points) The plan has a few errors. There are 1-2 additional features to enhance information provided.
(4-8 points) The plan contains several errors. There are no additional features to enhance information provided.
(0-3 points)
b Task for School/District Recruitment Plan and Brochure: Create a school/district recruitment plan for your school and/or district using the rubric. Create a colorful brochure to support your recruitment plan after you’ve finished the recruitment plan. The brochure should reflect the diversity that you want to attract to your school and/or district.
Rubric for the District Recruitment Plan (200 points)
Criteria/Area of Concentration
between 25 and 30 points
15–24 point scale
7-14 points
0 – 6 pts.
Vision for Retention and Recruitment
Includes a well-articulated recruitment and retention purpose and vision that is related to the overall district vision.
Includes a recruitment vision that is related to the district vision.
It includes a recruitment vision, but it does not mention retention or is unrelated to it.
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