Two Nurses are better than one
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Two nurses are better than one
The Purpose of the Quality Improvement Imitative
Patient’s needs such as safety of patients, effectiveness, efficiency, quality of services, an objective health, the ratio of patients to nurses must be met in an effective health system(Aiken, et al, 2013). The WHO suggests that it is imperative that the ration of one nurse to 20 patients be maintained for an effective health care system. Increasing the number of nurses in most of the medical facilities, especially where there is one nurse, the number be increased to two, will ensure an improvement in the medical care delivery (Aiken, et al, 2013). Quality improvement particularly in increasing numbers of nurse is meant to ensure an enhanced safety, efficiency, and effectiveness.
The Target Population and Audience
In the surgical and trauma unit there is need to improve the facilities and the number of human resource. People undergoing surgery and trauma require constant medical and health care. Consultations are constantly requirement in these two medical units (Van, Maree, & Rensburg, 2016). The targets in the medical and trauma units is that the section be seeing at least 20 patients in a day. At the moment meeting this target is quite impossible since the number of nurses in this section is quite low and the number of the patients keeps on ballooning each and every day.
Nursing is the largest workforces in the health care system. In this regard, it is a solution to a number of health services especially in the emergency, trauma and surgery units. The international council for nurses recognizes the positive and the impacts brought about by the nurses in the health industry (Van, Maree, & Rensburg, 2016). Currently, there is an upsurge need to increase the number of nurses in the industry to meet the global, international, and national health requirements. The target being to have at least two nurses for every ten patients in the surgery and trauma units.
The Benefits of the Quality Improvement Initiative in Nursing
A range of solutions has been offered to solve problems in the nursing fraternity and improve the services in the health care. The benefits of the quality improvement initiative will have positive impacts in the delivery of health care services to the people (Thierry, 2019). The initiative will ensure that there is an efficient and an effective health system, one that will ensure that there are timely responses to the patients. the principle-“ two heads are better than one” will be effective in making sure that emergence medical responses are availed to the patients, backlogs and patient to nurse ratio increased (Thierry, 2019). The results of this initiative will be satisfying the patients, have a rapid response mechanism and an effective communication between patient and health facilities.
The Inter-Professional Collaboration That Will Be Required To Implement the Improvement Initiative
The collaboration that is required in this segment includes that of research, education and training among the professional. Some of the units in the health care system require collaboration of other sectors such as laboratories, community members and the government to deliver services to the patients (Thierry, 2019). There is need to work as a team. The inter-collaboration in the health care system requires that multiple workers from different departments, and with different backgrounds working together for a common purpose of delivering health care services to the patients (Thierry, 2019). The collaboration must be patient-oriented.

The Cost and Budget Justifications
Salaries of employees in the health care have continuously been an issue in the health care system. Increasing the number of nurses from one to two means that the resources required to cater for this increase must be met (Thierry, 2019). To deliver timely, efficient and effective health services requires high quality products, reagents and tools all that require elaborate and adequate funding (Thierry, 2019). Lastly, the basis upon which the improvement initiative will be based shall be the number of the patients that a facility handles in a particular given time.

Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., Bruyneel, L., Van den Heede, K., Sermeus, W., & Rn4cast Consortium. (2013). Nurses’ reports of working conditions and hospital quality of care in 12 countries in Europe. International journal of nursing studies, 50(2), 143-153.
Thierry, L. (2019). Does Implementing a Quality Improvement Practice Decrease Falls on the Medical Wards? (Doctoral dissertation, Grand Canyon University).
Van Heerden, C., Maree, C., & Janse van Rensburg, E. S. (2016). Strategies to sustain a quality improvement initiative in neonatal resuscitation. African journal of primary health care & family medicine, 8(2), 1-10.

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