Where do characters like Ismene and Haimon fit into this conflict between Antigone and the dominant society in Miyagawa’s “Red Again” or Hartman’s “Hang Ten”?
Antigone, Ismene, Polynices, esreocles, and Oedipus are siblings and Jocasta’s children; therefore, Antigone and Ismene have the same father. Ismene is Antigone’s sister who believes in in-laws and the king’s decree, especially when Antigone buries his brother. According to Ismene, the laws are more substantial than them, which is the difference between Antigone, believe concerning devotion to family. For example, Antigone feels and believes that she should bury Polynices as a form of respect. Still, Ismene believes that burying the brother is a form of breaking the law, which may complicate losing Antigone.
Ismene is a good girl, smart, talkative, reasonable, and understanding in the family. Ismene understands her place in the family. Ismene fits into the conflict of Antigone and the red again through the argument that arises, where Ismene represents weakness, restraint, and compromise. Antigone is considered a fierce woman who protests against the abuse of the people, including that his brother. The brother was a victim of racial profiling, police misconduct, and constant surveillance from police officers. Ismene is the exact opposite character and personality of her sister Antigone; Ismene follows and believes in authority, Antigone chose revolution and defiance.
On the other hand, Antigone chooses to honor and be loyal to her ancestors and traditions. Ismene states that Antigone does not show any respect for boundaries and that there is a good reason why people are dead, including the brother. Antigone of the other side believes that boundaries are for the weak and coward, and as a fierce woman, Antigone goes hard and decides to fight for his brother since they were close, then she is with Ismene. As the older one, Ismene has never been closer to Antigone and wants to share and get deep with Antigone, although Antigone’s focus is on her dead brother.
Ismene believes that God is merciful, and the laws are not; also, the character believes that women are subjected to the foolishness of men, and nothing can be done about it apart from watching the sunset and forget. On the other hand, Antigone is aware of how unforgiving and vile the laws are; hence he decides not to respect them but rather fight and go against the laws. According to Ismene’s statement, families split, and that okay; the most important thing is to move on, and love new people, just as she did.

Haimon as the fiancee of Antigone views Antigone as a person full of range and a person who prefers fighting over meditation. Haimon tries to calm Antigone by advising her to prefer mediation instead of constantly seeking justice through the fight. According to Antigone, seeking justice for the brother and others who were abused under the authority of King Creon. Despite persuasion from Haimon and Ismene, Antigone will forever hold her moral codes, sacrifice, and willingness to take risks for herself. Haimon is more of a conformist, such as Ismene, which makes Ismene accept Surfers’ offer, who later turns out to be Haimon. Just like Ismene, Haimon believes in doing good things. Ismene warns Antigone about Haimon while pounding grain. Antigone follows her heart against the state and still faces injustice, which shows how women face injustices and suffering. According to the “red again”, Harold follows Antigone because he believes she would suffer alone, especially after defying the king by attempting to bury the brother. Antigone believes in human decency, and where he tells Harold that she must have done what she did since the rich grew greedier, and the poor became silent. Antigone. Harold later supported Antigone to bury his brother by stating that she did the right thing and that he followed her. Harold acted as a comforter and a confidant to Antigone by deciding to follow her and stay with her even in the underworld. Harold wished nothing more than to be with Antigone, although she was swamped and enraged with the injustices of the society, instead of making him happy through meditation. According to Antigone, mediation can change nothing in the world. Hence, he gave up on Harold because he spent too much time meditating instead of acting as a patriot and burying the brother. Antigone worked on promoting freedom of speech and thoughts, the right to reproduce, the right to go roller skating, and eating meat. Antigone does not miss anything in the world apart from her little sister. The lady lacked the purpose to lie after the brother was killed and could no longer live in a world where humanity cannot be trusted, Harold on the other hand, could not live in a world without Antigone. Harold made Antigone see the truth in her words towards the king, although the truth does not always equal victory. Harold plays a significant role in Antigone’s conflict with the world, the role of making her believe in the beauty of her dreams, see the truth, try not to change her, but make her see the truth, and giving her a shoulder to lean on by following her.

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