Posted: May 2nd, 2022
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a structured method of identifying weaknesses in the design of a process (Spath & Kelly, 2017). In this case, the approach is to prevent things from happening by sealing the appropriate weaknesses that may be evident in the design or process. The 5-why tool can be used to identify the weaknesses and propose the various changes that should be realized to enhance quality of patient care.
Workflow Process Diagram
Process step/input Potential failure mode Potential failure effects SEV Potential causes OCC Controls DET RPN Recommended actions Resp Action taken SEV OCC DET RPN
DET – detection, OCC – occurrence, Resp – responsible, RPN – risk priority number, SEV – severity.
Fishbone Diagram
The fish model diagram is used to show the various causes or weaknesses in the system that result in patient fall.
The 5-why tool analysis is an approach used as a rule of thumb to peel away the weaknesses that may occur in a healthcare process. It is used as an interrogative technique that helps in understanding the root cause of a problem (Adar, İnce, Karatop & Bilgili, 2017).
Various changes can be adopted to an improvement in the healthcare issue. One of the changes is to train the nurses to ensure they know the actions they should take to protect the welfare of patients. It is also necessary to develop and install the appropriate technology to monitor the conditions of patients even in the absence of nurses (Goldsack, Bergey, Mascioli & Cunningham, 2015). The systems will be used to alert the nurses when the situations get worse. The changes are effective and they can be used in to enhance the quality of care provided to the patients.
Adar, E., İnce, M., Karatop, B., & Bilgili, M. S. (2017). The risk analysis by failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and fuzzy-FMEA of supercritical water gasification system used in the sewage sludge treatment. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5(1), 1261-1268.
Goldsack, J., Bergey, M., Mascioli, S., & Cunningham, J. (2015). Hourly rounding and patient falls: what factors boost success?. Nursing2019, 45(2), 25-30.
Spath, P., & Kelly, D. L. (2017). Applying quality management in healthcare: A systems approach. Chicago: Health Administration Press.
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Failure Mode and Effects Analysis