Posted: May 11th, 2022
NR 509 Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment
NR 509 Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment
Documentation / Electronic Health Record
Student Documentation Model Documentation
BP 128/82 P 78 RR 15 Temp 37.2 O2 99% Weight 84kg Height 5’6″ BMI 29 BS 100 • Height: 170 cm • Weight: 84 kg • BMI: 29.0 • Blood Glucose: 100 • RR: 15 • HR: 78 • BP:128 / 82 • Pulse Ox: 99% • Temperature: 99.0 F
Health History
Student Documentation Model Documentation
Identifying Data & Reliability
Ms. Jones is a pleasant 28 year old African American female who presents to the clinic today for a physical for employment. Pt’s responses are appropriate, maintains eye contact throughout exam.
Ms. Jones is a pleasant, 28-year-old African American single woman who presents for a pre-employment physical. She is the primary source of the history. Ms. Jones offers information freely and without contradiction. Speech is clear and coherent. She maintains eye contact throughout the interview.
General Survey
Pt in no apparent distress, alert and oriented x 4, calm and cooperative, appropriately dressed wtih good hygiene.
Ms. Jones is alert and oriented, seated upright on the examination table, and is in no apparent distress. She is well-nourished, well-developed, and dressed appropriately with good hygiene.
Reason for Visit
Pt states she needs an employment physical for a new job she will be beginning in two weeks.
“I came in because I’m required to have a recent physical exam for the health insurance at my new job.”
History of Present Illness
Pt presents to the clininc for an employment physical that she will begin in two weeks. Pt denies any medical issues or concerns. … CONT
Ms. Jones reports that she recently obtained employment at Smith, Stevens, Stewart, Silver & Company. …. CONT
Flovent 110mcg 2 puffs BID Albuterol 90mcg 2 puffs PRN Metformin 850mg PO BID Advil OTC regular strength PRN for cramps Yaz PO QD birth control
• Fluticasone propionate, 110 mcg 2 puffs BID (last use: this morning) … CONT
PCN- skin rash Cats- exacerbates asthma Dust-exacerbates asthma, itchy
• Penicillin: rash • CONT
Medical History
Asthma- … CONT
Asthma diagnosed at age 2 1/2. … CONT
Health Maintenance
Since last encounter … CONT
Last Pap smear 4 months ago. Last eye exam three months ago. Last dental exam five months ago. … CONT
Family History
Mother 50- high cholesterol and HTN Father- deceased at 58, high cholesterol, diabetes, and HTN Maternal grandmother- deeased at 73 from stroke, had HTN and high cholesterol Maternal grandfather- deceased at 80 from heart attack, had HTN and cholesterol Paternal grandmother 82- high cholesterol, HTN Paternal grandfather- deceased from colon cancer mid sixties, had high cholesterol, diabetes, and HTN Sister 15- Asthma Brother 26- obese Paternal uncle- alcholism Denies any other family medical history.
• Mother: age 50, hypertension, elevated cholesterol • Father: deceased in car accident one year ago at age 58, hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes • Brother (Michael, 25): overweight • Sister (Britney, 14): asthma • Maternal grandmother: died at age 73 of a stroke, history of hypertension, high cholesterol • Maternal grandfather: died at age 78 of a stroke, history of hypertension, high cholesterol • Paternal grandmother: still living, age 82, hypertension • Paternal grandfather: died at age 65 of colon cancer, history of type 2 diabetes • Paternal uncle: alcoholism • Negative for mental illness, other cancers, sudden death, kidney disease, sickle cell anemia, thyroid problems
Social History
Pt just graduated college with an accounting degree, never married, no children, pt in a relationship with a male, pt denies smoking or drug use, occasional alcohol with friends. Pt likes to read, currently lives at home with her mother and sister but has plans to move out next month.
Never married, no children. … CONT
Mental Health History
Pt denies any … CONT
Reports decreased stress and improved coping abilities …. CONT
Review of Systems – General
General: no weakness, fatigue or fevers. Positive weight loss of 10 pounds. Skin: no rashes, lesions, dry skin, ithcing or clor changes, no dandruff, or changes in nails. HEENT: … CONT
No recent or frequent illness, … CONT
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Student Documentation Model Documentation
Denies headaches, eye pain or issues, no sinus pressure, ,,, CONT
Reports no current headache and no history of head injury or acute visual changes. … CONT
No obvious injuries or bruising. Head is normocephalic. ,,, CONT
Head is normocephalic, atraumatic. Bilateral eyes with equal hair distribution on lashes and eyebrows, … CONT
NR 509 Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment
Student Documentation Model Documentation
Pt denies shortness of breath, difficult breathing, wheezing or cough. Pt has history of asthma. Denies sinus pressure or rhinnorhea.
Reports no shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, dyspnea, or cough.
Peak flow x3: … CONT
Chest is symmetric … CONT
NR 509 Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment
Student Documentation Model Documentation
Pt denies chest pain, palpitaitons, or edema. No history of anemia or easy bruising.
Reports no palpitations, tachycardia, easy bruising, or edema.
S1, S2 heard with normal rate and rythm, no murmurs or gallops noted on auscultation. … CONT
Heart rate is regular, S1, S2, without murmurs, gallops, or rubs. … CONT
NR 509 Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment
Student Documentation Model Documentation
Pt denies any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain or discomfort. … CONT
Gastrointestinal: … CONT.
Abdomen no visible brusing or lesions, protuberant,… CONT
Abdomen protuberant,… CONT
Student Documentation Model Documentation
Pt denies no joint or muscle pain, no weakness or edema.
Reports no muscle pain, joint pain, muscle weakness, or swelling.
No obvious injuries … CONT
Strength 5/5… CONT
NR 509 Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment
Student Documentation Model Documentation
Pt denies any numbness or tingling sensations, … CONT
Reports no dizziness, … CONT
Graphesthesia, stereognosis intact. Pt alert and oriented x 4. … CONT
Normal graphesthesia, … CONT
Skin, Hair & Nails
Student Documentation Model Documentation
Pt denies rashes, … CONT
Reports improved acne due to … CONT
No obvious injuries, lacerations, rashes, dandruff, or bruising. Pt’s hair well groomed with even hair distribution. No nail deformities noted in all extremities, clear with no ridges. Excessive hair growth on umbilicus, thin hair growth on upper lip.
Scattered pustules on face and facial hair on upper lip, acanthosis nigricans on posterior neck. Nails fre
NR 509 Tina Jones Comprehensive Health Assessment RUBRIC
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Shadow Health Physical Assessment Rubric
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This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubjective Data, Organization, Communication, and Summary (DCE Score or transcript) _9172
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25.0 to >21.0 pts
Above Average- DCE Score greater than or equal to 93; Comprehensive introduction with expectations of exam verbalized; questions worded in a non-judgmental way; professional language exercised; questions well-organized; appropriate closing with summary of findings verbalized to patient.
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21.0 to >10.0 pts
Average- DCE Score greater than or equal to 86-92; Adequate introduction; some questions worded in a non-judgmental way; professional language mostly exercised; questions generally organized; somewhat complete closing.
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10.0 to >0.0 pts
Below Average- DCE Score greater than or equal to 80-85; Incomplete introduction; many questions worded in a judgmental way; some professional language exercised; questions somewhat organized; incomplete closing.
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0.0 to >0 pts
Unsatisfactory- DCE Score less than or equal to 79; Introduction missing; questions worded in a judgmental way; little professional language; questions unorganized; closing missing.
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/ 25.0 pts
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This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeObjective Data, Physical Examination, Interpretation of Findings, Assessment, and Documentation _5446
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threshold: pts
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20.0 to >16.0 pts
Above Average- Physical assessment documentation includes all relevant body systems; all pertinent normal and abnormal findings identified; documentation reflects professional language; treatment plan includes each of the following components: diagnostics, medication, education, consultation/referral, and follow-up planning.
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16.0 to >8.0 pts
Average- Physical assessment documentation lacks sufficient details pertaining to one or two relevant body systems; or identifies ≥ 50% of the pertinent normal and abnormal findings; or documentation lacks professional language; or treatment plan lacks one or two components (diagnostics, medication, education, consultation/referral, or follow-up planning).
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8.0 to >0.0 pts
Below Average- Physical assessment documentation lacks sufficient details pertaining to three or more relevant body systems; or identifies < 49% of the pertinent normal and abnormal findings; or documentation includes unprofessional language; or treatment plan lacks three or more components (diagnostics, medication, education, consultation/referral, or follow-up planning).
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0.0 to >0 pts
Unsatisfactory- No physical assessment documentation or no treatment
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