Posted: May 11th, 2022
NRSG3412: Introduction to Professional Nursing
Assignment Details NRSG3412: Introduction to Professional Nursing (0L01_2021-1…
Further Exploration of Legal Issues & Patient Safety
This paper will explore The Joint Commission (TJC) National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG).
To promote improvements in patient safety, The Joint Commission has adopted patient safety goals. The patient safety goals pertain to all health care organizations and are considered to be the foundation of the standards of care.
For this paper please go online and review the current TJC NPSGs : Link
Goals. When they were adopted in 2005, there were 14, but this has increased. Assignment help – Discuss why the number of goals is increasing, whether they are all applicable to hospitals, and what their implications are for nursing practice.
simplified 2020-hap-npsgs-eff-july-finalpdf
Medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. TJC mandates the reporting of sentinel or never events. Root causes of sentinel events has led to the creation of the NPSGs as a legal standard of care in healthcare organizations. Reflect in a 2-3 page paper the most current NPSGs for your practice setting. Assignment help – Discuss how the NPSGs are met in your practice setting. How has the NPSGs affected your practice setting? Processes for patient safety? Provide examples.
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Step 1: Respond to both of the following:
D.Q. 6.1: If a physician writes a Rx for a higher than standard dose of a medication what action(s) should be taken by the RN to ensure patient safety?
D.Q. 6.2: What liability exists if the RN leaves the side rails down on a post-operative patient that suffers a fall?
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