Posted: June 15th, 2022
Homework help – Write an executive summary regarding to 340 Methods, Generation
Case 2Case 1 UPS â 340 Methods, Generation Y, and the âIntegradâ project, p. 1981. Please briefly describe the history and current major accomplishments of the company. You maywant to use the annual report of UPS.2. Please outline and describe how 340 Methods.â List major points and discuss them (use yourtextbook and references of it as a source and also do your research online).3. One of the problems for training programs in UPS is Generation Y. What is the definition ofGeneration Y and major characteristics of Generation Y. List strengths and weakness of thisgeneration. Also summary them in one paragraph.4. Describe Integrad project. Also comment on the current situation of this project for Generation Y?5. Homework help – Write an executive summary regarding to 340 Methods, Generation Y, and Integrad project.Some large organizations have added the position of chief sustainability officer to their ranks of topmanagers reporting to the chief executive officer or chief operating officer. Chief sustainability officersare typically concerned with helping to ensure that decisions that are made in organizations conserveenergy and protect the environ-ment. 79 For example, Scott Wicker is the first chief sustainabilityofficer for UPS. 80 Wicker leads a team that presides over a sustainability directors committee and asustainability working committee focused on developing performance indicators and goals pertaining tosustainability to guide decision making. 81 Linda Fisher is the vice president of DuPont Safety, Health &Environment and chief sustainability officer at DuPont. Before she joined DuPont, she held a variety ofpositions related to sustainability, including the position of deputy administrator of the EnvironmentalProtection Agency. 82 Fisher leads efforts at DuPont to make deci-sions that help to reduce energyconsumption, toxins and carcinogens in the air, and greenhouse gas emissions and help DuPontâscustomers reduce their environmental footprints. Protecting both the environment and human safety isa priority for Fisher and DuPont. 83 Beatriz Perez is the chief sustainability officer for Coca-Cola,leading a global office of sustainability. 84 While Coca-Cola has over 500 different brands yielding over3,500 products, sustainability is a companywide initiative centered around major goals and initiatives.85 These goals include water conservation and returning to the environment the water that Coca-Colaconsumes in making its products, reducing packaging waste and increasing recycling, and protecting theenvironment from pollution by, for example, using hybrid trucks, having energy-efficient man-ufacturingfacilities, and improving the sustainability of refrigeration methods. 86 Clearly, ensuring that decisionscontribute to sustainability means much more than simply complying with legal requirements. Havingchief sustainability officers with dedicated teams and offices focused on sustainability might be a step inthe right direction.
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