Posted: August 12th, 2022
Word count/duration:
There is a word limit of 1500 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1500 words plus 10%.
Aim of the assessment
The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to meet the following subject learning outcomes.
1. Deliberate ethical, legal and professional issues when caring for a person living with a chronic condition and disability.
2. Recommend strategies that promote a shared decision-making process in collaboration with carers, families, and individuals living with a chronic condition and disability.
Assessment instructions When caring for a person with a chronic illness and disability, you should think about ethical, legal, and professional issues.
2. Suggest ways to encourage a shared decision-making process with caregivers, families, and people who live with a long-term illness or disability.
Assessment instructions
• Check out the video from ABC News (2017) People with intellectual disabilities are twice as likely to die from something that could have been prevented, according to a new study.
• For your assessment, you can choose to focus on either Erin OR Michelle.
Using the marking criteria and academic references to back up your points, talk about the following:
•Watch the video by ABC News (2017) People with intellectual disabilities twice as likely to suffer preventable death: People with intellectual disabilities twice as likely to suffer preventable death, study finds – ABC News
•Choose to focus on either Erin OR Michelle for your assessment.
Using the marking criteria and supporting academic references address the following:
1. Assignment help – Discuss the challenges that either Erin OR Michelle and their mothers experienced whilst seeking hospital care, and synthesise your argument with the literature about hospital experiences for people with intellectual disability. (20 marks)
2. Describe and discuss in detail strategies, such as nurses making reasonable adjustments, for health professionals to better access, promote shared decision-making, and improve the experience and outcomes for either Erin OR Michelle. (30 marks)
3. Assignment help – Discuss the key elements of person-centred care for people with intellectual disability and provide evidence-based rationales. Relate this information to either Erin OR Michelle. (30 marks)
Language Use (10 marks)
Sentences are well constructed, expression and meaning are clear, basic written language rules are followed. Referencing and in-text citations (10 marks)
The Help write my thesis – APA (7th) referencing style is used correctly for both in-text citations and reference list.
•Academic references include journal articles, textbooks, and reports.
•High quality academic references are current (within 5 years) and specifically relevant to the case study.
The assessment must comply with the following:
– Students must respond using academic writing – using full sentences and paragraphs.
– An introduction and conclusion are NOT required.
– Label each section using numbers – 1, 2, 3.
– The assessment requires double-spaced lines.
– Every answer should have in-text references. In-text references should be throughout the answer and not only at the end of a whole paragraph.
– The reference list begins on a new page with the title, “References”. References are listed in alphabetical order based on the first author’s surname.
– A hanging indent is required in the reference list after the first line of each reference.
– The title of textbooks and the name of the journal and volume is in italics.
– Every in-text reference must match with a reference in the reference list.
– Only references used in the in-text references should appear in the reference list.
Marking Criteria:
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
1. Assignment help – Discuss the Exceptional Comprehensive Satisfactory Brief discussion of Assignment help – Discussion of the
challenges that either discussion and discussion of the discussion of the the challenges and challenges and
Erin OR Michelle and detailed synthesis challenges and some challenges and some limited synthesis with synthesis is either
their mothers with the wider synthesis with the synthesis with the the wider literature. poor, absent,
experienced whilst literature. literature. literature. Information is incorrect, OR
seeking hospital care, Information is correct Information is correct Information is supported by information is not
and synthesise your argument with the literature about and demonstrates a higher level of understanding. and demonstrates a higher level of understanding. supported by academic references. references. supported by references.
hospital experiences Information is Information is
for people with supported by high supported by
intellectual disability. quality academic references. academic references.
20 17-20 15-16.5 13-14.5 10-12.5 ≤9.5
2. Describe and Exceptional Comprehensive Satisfactory Brief description of Description of the
discuss in detail description of the description of the description of the the strategies for strategies for health
strategies, such as strategies for health strategies for health strategies for health health professionals professionals to
nurses making professionals to professionals to professionals to to promote shared promote shared
reasonable promote shared promote shared promote shared decision-making. decision-making is
adjustments, for decision-making and decision-making and decision-making. Information is poor, absent,
health professionals demonstrates a demonstrates a Information is supported by incorrect, OR
to better access, promote shared decision-making, and improve the higher level of understanding. Information is supported by high higher level of understanding. Information is supported by supported by academic references. references. information is not supported by references.
experience and outcomes for either Erin OR Michelle. quality academic references. academic references.
30 25.5-30 22.5-25 19.5-22 15-19 ≤14.5
3. Assignment help – Discuss the key Exceptional Comprehensive Satisfactory Brief discussion of Assignment help – Discussion of the key
elements of discussion of the key discussion of the key discussion of the key the key elements of elements of
person-centred care elements of elements of elements of person-centred care person-centred care
for people with person-centred care person-centred care person-centred care with evidence-based with evidence-based
intellectual disability with evidence-based with evidence-based with evidence-based rationales, rationales is poor,
and provide rationales, rationales, rationales, information is absent, incorrect, not
evidence-based information is information is information is correctly related to adequately related to
rationales. Relate this correctly related to correctly related to correctly related to either Erin or either Erin or
information to either either Erin or either Erin or either Erin or Michelle, but Michelle, OR
Erin OR Michelle. Michelle, and demonstrates a Michelle, and demonstrates a Michelle. Information is information is superficial. information is not supported by
higher level of understanding. Information is supported by high higher level of understanding. Information is supported by supported by academic references. Information is supported by references. references.
quality academic references. academic references.
30 25.5-30 22.5-25 19.5-22 15-19 ≤14.5
Language Use Sentences free of No major errors that More than half of the Half of the sentences More than half of
Sentences are well errors in vocabulary, impede meaning, and sentences are free of are free of errors in sentences contain
constructed, spelling, grammar, most sentences free errors of vocabulary, vocabulary, spelling, errors in vocabulary,
expression and punctuation, and of minor errors in spelling, grammar, grammar, spelling, grammar,
meaning are clear, style. vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and
basic written Meaning is grammar, style. style. style.
language rules are consistently punctuation and Meaning is Meaning is usually Communication of
followed. communicated through a complex style. Meaning is communicated through a simple but communicated through simple, meaning is often impeded because of
range of language. communicated through an appropriate range of appropriate range of language. sometimes appropriate language. inappropriate use of language.
10 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7 5-6 ≤4.5
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
Referencing: In-text citations
The Help write my thesis – APA 7th referencing style is used correctly for in-text citations. In-text citations are correctly formatted and punctuated throughout, with no errors. Only isolated minor mistakes. Most of the in-text citations are correct in format and punctuation. Half of the in-text citations are correct in formatting and punctuation (including page numbers for direct quotes). Less than half of the in-text citations are correct in formatting and punctuation OR in-text citations are omitted.
5 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 ≤2
Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
Reference list The Help write my thesis – APA 7th
referencing style is used correctly for the reference list. The reference list is correctly formatted and punctuated throughout, with no errors.
All cited sources are included in the reference list, and references in the list are referred to in the text. In addition to the standard for credit, with only isolated minor mistakes.
All cited sources are included in the reference list, and references in the list are referred to in the text. In addition to the standard for pass, most of the reference list is correct in format and punctuation
All cited sources are included in the reference list, and references in the list are referred to in the text. The 4 elements of the Help write my thesis – APA referencing style (creator, copyright date, title of work and source) are present in all entries of the reference list. Half of the entries of the reference list entries are correct in
– format (eg.
alphabetical order, hanging indent, italics)
– punctuation (eg. caps, spacing, commas, full stops). All cited sources are included in the reference list, and references in the list are referred to in the text. Reference list is missing
OR most entries do not feature the 4 elements of the Help write my thesis – APA referencing style (creator, copyright date, title of work and source).
Less than half of the reference list entries are correct in
– format (eg. alphabetical order, hanging indent, italics)
– punctuation (eg. caps, spacing, commas, full stops). Some cited sources are not included in the reference list, or some references are not referred to in the text.
5 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 ≤2
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