Posted: August 5th, 2022
Essay 3: Anaesthetists and post-anaesthetic care
Essay 3: Anaesthetists and post-anaesthetic care
Handover between anaesthetists and post-anaesthetic care unit nursing staff using ISBAR principles: A quality improvement study
Authors Patricia Kitney RN, BAppSc-Nsg, DAppSc-Nsg Ed, MEd (Research), GradCert LdrshipEdTrng, GradCertPeriop Western Health, Sunshine, Vic
Raymond Tam MBBS FANZCA Western Health, Sunshine, Vic
Paul Bennett RN BN GradCertSc (App Stats) MHSM PhD Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Western Health – Nursing Research Centre, Sunshine, Vic
Dianne Buttigieg RN, BHSc (Nursing), Grad Cert Periop Nsg, DipMgt Western Health, Sunshine, Vic
David Bramley MBBS MPH FANZCA Western Health, Sunshine, Vic
Wei Wang Msc (Stats) GdipSci (Stats) MD PhD Deakin University, Geelong, Vic
Corresponding author
Patricia Kitney Clinical Nurse Educator – Perioperative Services Western Health, Gordon Street, Footscray VIC 3011 Tel. 03 8345 0506
Abstract A structured approach to communication between health care professionals contains introduction/identification; situation; background; assessment and request/recommendation (ISBAR). ISBAR was introduced into the post-anaesthetic care unit (PACU) of a large Victorian health service in 2013. The aim of this study was to measure the effect of an education program on ISBAR compliance. Abstract A structured way for health care professionals to talk to each other includes an introduction or identification, the situation, the background, an assessment, and a request or recommendation (ISBAR). ISBAR was put into a large Victorian health service’s post-anaesthetic care unit (PACU) in 2013. The goal of this study was to find out how an education program affected compliance with ISBAR.
Method: A pre/post-test design using a 14-item audit tool was used to measure compliance to ISBAR before and after an education intervention in two acute hospitals in Melbourne, Victoria. The intervention consisted of one 30-minute education session to anaesthetists, and two 30-minute education sessions to PACU nurses, combined with visual cues using ISBAR wall posters.
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Sample Homework Assignments & Research Topics
Essay 3: Anaesthetists and post-anaesthetic care