Posted: August 17th, 2022
Homework help, Social Media Analytics for Business
Student Details ( Student should fill the content)
Batch No
Student ID Cardiff Met ID : ICBT ID :
Batch No
Scheduled unit details
Unit code CIS 7029
Unit title Social Media Analytics for Business
Assignment Details
Nature of the Assessment REPORT
Topic of the Case Study GIVEN
Learning Outcomes covered YES
Word count 4000 words
Due date / Time 10 October 2022
I certify that the attached material is my original work. No other person’s work or ideas have been used without acknowledgement. Except where I have clearly stated that I have used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented it for examination / assessment in any other course or unit at this or any other institution
Signature Date
Result (Assessor use only)
Marks by 1st Assessor Name & Signature of the 1st Assessor Agreed Mark
Marks by IV: Name & Signature of the IV
For Office use only (hard copy assignments)
Receipt date Received by
Assignment Type & Title:
For student use: Critical feedback on the individual progression towards achieving the assignment outcomes
For 1st Assessor use: Assessment feedback
Comments and area for improvement
Name & Signature of the Assessor : Date :
Comments by the IV
Name & Signature of the IV: Date :
Social Media Analytics for Business (CIS 7029)
Word limit: 4000 words
Weighting of assessment:
PRES1 – Business Proposal Presentation -20% (Converted to as an assignment)
WRIT1 Practical Project -80%
Learning outcomes Covered
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
• Demonstrate an understanding of concepts underlying social media analytics and be able to apply them appropriately in business setting;
• Critically evaluate and implement specialist technologies to harvest, analyse and visualise “social data” from individuals to corporate perspectives;
• Synthesise and apply social analytics and appropriate techniques on social information;
• Critically evaluate, design, prototype and implement social media applications and visualization for business story telling.
Task One (01): – 20% of the marks (800 words)
With the amplification of social media platforms, the importance of social media analytics has exponentially increased for many brands and organizations across the world. Tracking and analyzing the social media data has been contributing as a success parameter for such organizations, however, the data is being poorly harnessed. Therefore, the ethical implications of social media analytics need to be identified and explored for both the organizations and targeted users of social media data. Ethical engagement for the most common social media platforms has been outlined with a number of specific examples to understand the prominent techno-ethical concerns. Both the individual and organizational perspectives have to be taken into account to identify the implications of social media analytics. (Kumar and Nanda, 2019)
Select an organisation and discuss the Issues, Challenges and Ethical Consideration in Social Media usage for business.
Task Two (02): – 80% the marks (3200 words)
Select a Company, Product or A Brand and create a sustainable Social media strategy to boost the brand and the sales. In each step, you have to consider the social media matrices with suitable analytical tools and SMART goals.
The assignment should include the following
1. Introduction of the Industry with product competition with present market status (15 Marks).
a. Provide a brief comparative analysis of competitors.
2. Identify your goals for social media strategy (20 Marks).
a. Think about the SMART goals. Is there a definable, measurable goal that your social media strategy is going to try to help your company/brand with?
b. Make sure to say why social media is a worthy investment for your company
c. Identify more specific goals
d. Describe content that is ideal for each platform and your plans to generate it (where will inspiration come from, what will be reliable sources for you to draw on for this content, etc.)
e. Who is the target audience for each platform (audience & influencers)? What type of content will you post? Who is going to respond?
3. Select one platform of your selection and apply social media data analysis tool to analyze the network effects and represent the visualization. (Using key word analysis) (15 Marks).
4. How are you going to prove ROI (Return on Investment)? (15 Marks)
i. What analytics software will you use? (If paid, explain cost rationale)
ii. What metrics are you going to most closely track?
iii. How are you going to know if you met your SMART goal – what is the ROI?
5. Future direction of the brand and how to associate new technologies (AI, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality etc.) (10 Marks)
6. Correct format and the presentation of the report (5 Marks)
Assignment Criteria
1. Selection of a company and brief competitors analysis ((15 Marks)
2. Goals of social media strategies and execution plan (20 Marks)
3. Social media content calendar (15 Marks)
4. Prove of Return on Investment (15 Marks)
5. Future direction and new technologies (10 Marks)
6. Correct format and the presentation of the report (5 Marks)
Very important
You must use Harvard Referencing system throughout your work. Correct in-text referencing is required and a full and correct reference list needs to be provided. Please note for academic acceptance, it is important to refer to adequate sources in building critical arguments with regard to this assignment. Generally, the lecturer expects minimum of 15 latest sources from accepted recommended journals, required reading and recommended readings. For a list of required and recommended reading, please refer the “Module Specification” section of the student handbook.
Marking Scheme
Assignment Criteria Very poor Poor Sufficient Good Very Good Excellent
Task 1 0-4 5-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20
Task 2.1 0-4 5-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15
Task 2.2 0-4 5-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-20
Task 2.3 0-4 5-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15
Task 2.4 0-4 5-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15
Task 2.5 0-2 3-5 6-7 8 9 10
Task 2.6 0 1 2 3 4 5
Mark Range Criteria
80 – 100 An excellent report is given that shows evidence of extensive research: brilliant motivation/rationale of the project with an excellent design, discussion of data sources / APIs and justification of choice. A well written, efficient, functional project for social computing has been developed and a thorough test plan, findings with visualisations and storytelling are evident. Excellent key results with limitations and conclusions are depicted. An excellent presentation is also given and the student demonstrates a brilliant understanding of the implementation, APIs and techniques used. The report format and references are at the top end of this band – the work is of publishable quality.
70 – 79 An excellent report is given that shows evidence of detailed research: brilliant motivation/rationale of the project with an excellent design, discussion of data sources / APIs and justification of choice. A well written, efficient, functional project has been developed with clear evidence of testing, findings with visualisations and storytelling. A clear presentation is also given and the student demonstrates an excellent understanding of the implementation, APIs and techniques used. The report format and references are excellent with minor typos and errors.
60 – 69 A very good report is given that shows evidence of detailed research: good motivation/rationale of the project with a detailed design, discussion of data sources / APIs and justification of choice. A well written, functional project has been developed with some evidence of testing, findings with visualisations and storytelling. A clear presentation is also given and the student demonstrates a very good understanding of the implementation, APIs and techniques used.
The report format and references are very good with some typos and errors.
50 – 59 A good report is given that shows evidence of research: some motivation/rationale of the project with a good design, discussion of data sources / APIs and justification of choice, though these could be expanded upon. A functional project has been developed with some evidence of testing, findings with visualisations and storytelling. However, the visualisations and discussion could be enhanced. A good presentation is given and the student demonstrates a good understanding of the implementation, APIs and techniques used. The report format and references are good with some typos and errors.
40 – 49 A basic report is given that shows some evidence of research: limited or no motivation/rationale of the project with a basic design, limited discussion of data sources / APIs and justification of choice – these need to be expanded upon. A functional project has been developed but there is little to no evidence of testing and visualisations. Only a basic presentation is given and the student only demonstrates a basic understanding of the implementation, APIs and techniques used. The report format and references are basic with major typos and errors.
35 – 39 A very basic report is given that shows little to no evidence of research: no motivation/rationale of the project with only a very basic design, data sources / APIs and justification of choice. A limited project has been developed that does not meet all functional requirements and little to no evidence of testing and visualisations is evident. Only a basic presentation is given and the student demonstrates little to no understanding of the implementation, APIs and techniques used. The report format and references are poor with major typos and errors.
Under 35 Limited or no evidence of research: no motivation/rationale of the project with no design, data sources / APIs and justification of choice is given. No functional project has been submitted with no testing and visualisations and no meaningful results produced. No presentation is given. The report format is very poor and no or little references with major errors.
? Paper Size : A4
? Word Count : 4000 words
? Printing Margins : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch
? Binding Margin : ½ Inch
? Header and Footer : 1 Inch
? Printing : Single Sided
? Basic Font Size : 12
? Font Style : Arial/Times New Roman
? Presentation : Bound Document
Important Information for Students
• The final version of your individual assignment softcopy needs to be uploaded to the Turnitin via Cardiff Met Moodle before the deadline.
For TURNITIN submission please log on to and submit through the Moodle.
• The final version of your individual assignment soft copy (word format only) must be uploaded to ICBT SIS on or before the deadline.
Please log on to to upload your assignment.
The softcopy should be named as MBA-(subject number) (followed by the Cardiff met student ID.
E.g. for Delivering Successful Projects Assignment
MBA-7024 -2000000
? Students are expected to keep a backup of all the assignments. ICBT and Cardiff Metropolitan University have all the right to re call for soft copy of any assignment at any time during the course.
? Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating).
? All sources of information must be referenced using “Harvard referencing” where a reference listing should be included at the end of the assignment.
? Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that you can upload the assignment. No late submissions are allowed by the system.
? Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments – Re-submission, mitigating circumstances procedure.
? Please include the assignment coversheet and feedback sheet in your softcopy of the assignment. Please avoid copying assignment question in your answer file.
? The submission instructions of Turnitin and ICBT SIS will be circulated a few weeks before the submission deadline.
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Social Media Analytics for Business