Posted: August 11th, 2022
Probation and Parole of Criminal Justice Systems
Probation and Parole of Criminal Justice Systems
Examine the history and development of probation and parole in the correctional system.
What are the four reasons for probation and the goals achieved throughout the process?
What are the types of parole and the conditions that are often assigned to the offender?
In addition, what kind of collaboration and accountability is necessary to ensure the proper execution of these correctional methods (e.g. probation officers, parole officers)?
When answering these questions, please be sure to consider the impact that these forms of community corrections have on the correctional process.
The body of your paper must be no more than 3 pages. In addition to the body, your paper must include a title page, abstract, and reference page. Your paper must adhere to current Help write my thesis – APA format throughout, and your writing must be supported with properly formatted in-text citations. You must include at least 2 sources in addition to the Bible. Sources must be scholarly, reliable and relevant to the topic, and current to within the last 7 years.
Probation and Parole of Criminal Justice Systems
With the increase in criminal violations over the past decades, the prison population continues to upsurge as many convicted felons are serving long sentences in county and state prisons. To ease the congestions in the jails, the criminal justice system has adopted parole and probation as an option. According to statistics from the Department of Probation and Parole, over 5 million people are under supervised criminal justice systems, be it on probation or parole. These offenders under correctional supervision have committed less severe acts or have proved ethical conduct while serving their sentences (Travis, 2017). Parole involves the early release of an offender after he successfully abides by certain conditions, for essence, good behavior. In contrast, probation is a supervision time offered to an offender instead of serving time in prison. This discourse seeks to highlight the history, goals, and conditions of parole and probation an alternative form of corrective system.
History and development of parole and probation
Fundamentally, Both probation and parole date back to years ago. For instance, probation dates back to 1841 in Boson police court when a Boston clobber, John Augustus, convinced the court to release a drunk offender rather than taking him to prison. Following a successful rehabilitation, a lot more petty offenders were put under probation years later, Massachusetts became the first state to pass the al authorizing probation. By 1900 many other countries had enacted laws authoring probation as one of the criminal justice systems. The Probation Act was enacted in 1925 and was signed by President Calvin Coolidge to enforce probation in all the American federal courts’ exception Columbia. Parole was introduced by Zebulon Brockway as a form to ease the prison population and rehabilitate the incarcerated. In the US, New York was the first state to adopt the parole system in 1907, and by 1942, all the states had adopted the parole systems (Goodman, 2017). To date, offenders who maintain a good work incentive and a record of good behavior score a high percentage for eligible for parole following the parole hearings.
Probation is the most common form of correctional supervision system in the US. There are several reasons why punishment is frequently used. Firstly, to alleviate prisons crowding, prisons are already congested, and introducing new offenders will lead to overcrowding. In an offer to reduce overcrowding, probation is given as in an alternative form of incarceration especially for petty offenders, secondly, to save of resources and taxpayers money, to sustain the offenders, a lot of taxpayers money is utilized to provide for their basics needs while locked up, however for the case of probation, the offenders do the community service while partaking on their day to day life, this decreases overdependence (Bryant, 2018). Thirdly, enhances rehabilitation, incarceration can change the initially redeemable offenders to extreme levels. However, since for probation, they are incorporated into the rehabilitation centers, this helps the offenders redeem their lives, hence a second chance for redemption for those that are interested.
The main goal of probation is to ensure that the offender becomes a law-abiding citizen while refraining from indulgence in crimes. Probation incorporates rehabilitation, reintegration, and crime control, making the community safer and primarily rehabilitating the offenders through probation, the offender is able to maintain himself and his family by his employment contacts (Travis, 2017). But notably, through rehabilitation during probation, it enhances the security of the community at large.
Types of paroles
There are three types of paroles release. Firstly, conditional release whereby the convict is given the release subject to the condition, first, one day parole, and the full parole. For the one day parole, the offender is allowed to participate in ongoing community service while full parole entails reintroducing the prisoner to the community where he or she serves part of his sentence in the community. Secondly, statutory release whereby the convict server the third quarter of their sentence in the community and only eligible to offenders serving shorter sentences, those serving long sentences are not eligible. Thirdly, release on expiry of the sentence, in this case, the offender has wholly served his time but is still considered a threat to the community is making his retry a supervised one (Reitz, 2020).
However, this supervised freedom is not without a share of conditions that the offender must adhere to the latter. Firstly, the offender on parole should conform to the laws and lead a law-abiding life. Secondly, maintain their residency, the offender must maintain their place of residency, or in the event of relocation, it is essential to notify the parole officer. Thirdly, refrain from substance abuse as this might lead to the second incarceration. (Rhine, 2017)Additionally, the offender should refrain from all natures of criminal acts or keeping touch with and victims. Fifthly, obtain travel permissions incase the offender wants to travel from one. Lastly, attend recovery meetings. Violation of these laws will lead to detrimental consequences.
In order to ensure these community supervision programs are effective, the collaboration and accountability are essential from all the parties, including the parole and probation officers law enforcement, prison staff, and the offenders (Rhine, 2017). The collaboration of each of them will make the process of parole and probation swift. This will also create a cordial relationship between the supervisors and offenders, minimizing violations. Since the programs entail rehabilitation, it will positively impact the community, making the retry process a smooth transition.
The main objective of this form of the correctional system is to enhance security in the society by taking imposing correctional to an offender in a controlled manner. Both probation and parole are correctional measures for convicts to make their reintroduction into the community more productive. A lot of states that have adopted these methods have had positive results. Parole and probation play an essential role in rehabilitation whereby an offender receives a second chance to redeem themselves. It also enhances good behavior in prisons as each prisoner will strive to behave in their best with the hope of one day being eligible to parole. However, not all probation and parole convicts follow the rules to the latter. Their violation has caused them harder incarceration and more prolonged and harsh penalties.
Bryant, D. D. (2018). This is America: A Phenomenological Exploration into the Educational Experiences of African American Men Attending a Predominantly White University While on Academic Probation (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Texas at Arlington).
Goodman, A., & Trebilcock, J. (2017). Probation and parole: history, policy change and mental healths
Travis III, L. (2017). Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections. In Introduction to Criminal Justice (pp. 379-404). Routledge.
Rhine, E. E., Petersilia, J., & Reitz, K. R. (2017). The future of parole release. Crime and Justice, 46(1), 279-338.
Reitz, K. R., & Rhine, E. E. (2020). Parole release and supervision: critical drivers of American prison policy. Annual Review of Criminology, 3, 281-298.
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Probation and Parole of Criminal Justice Systems