Posted: August 31st, 2022
The Role of Education in Creating Social Change
The Role of Education in Creating Social Change
Social change is the transformation or reorganization of societal customs, beliefs, laws, and norms. Social change can be progressive/positive or degressive/negative. Progressive social change is where the community becomes enlightened, abandons all the old and strange customs, and begins to practice and embrace civilization. Degressive social change, on the other hand, is where an already civilized society relapses back to previously ditched practices such as barbarism, and prostitution, which threatens development and the existence of the community.
There are several factors that influence social change, but education remains the most universally accepted method. Education is considered the most effective instrument of social change because it imparts knowledge and eradicates ignorance and illiteracy while other methods such as authoritative governance facilitate it. Education, unlike other methods, does not use fear and force to influence social change in society.
The relationship between education and social change takes three dimensions. Education as a necessary condition for social change, education as an outcome of social change, and education an instrument to social change
• Education as a necessary condition for change – As evidenced in already advanced countries, education has proven to be a pre-condition necessary for any social revolution. Knowledge and advancement create a need and provide ways and resources for people to develop social and economic developments in society. An illiterate society, in contrast, is guided by norms and traditions rather than rational thinking.
• Education as an outcome of social change – There exists an interdependent relationship between education and social change. Yes, education influences social change, but social change also helps in spreading education. Social changes are what control the teaching process, which also adjusts according to the social needs of society.
• Education as an instrument to change – Education as an instrument to social change is the direct impact it has on social change. Education imparts new advanced technical skills and knowledge, which helps in bringing both social and economic changes in society.
Education for all at all levels is very effective in driving the desired change within society. Education acts as the stimulus of socialization, teachers as the agents, and students as the recipients and preservers of change. Instilling principles to young children is very beneficial to the individual and also to society in general. From the tender age, they will grow up embracing and practicing what they have been taught and applying it in their lives, which gradually produces social changes.
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