Posted: September 21st, 2022
Project One Guidelines and Rubric
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Describe the roles of culture and bias in interpre!ng and conveying informa!on
You are working in one of the following civilian roles located in your hometown or work area, or in a nearby metropolitan area. You have recently been
asked to gather a group of community members and certain sworn officials to offer a diversity training to. The training presenta!on will include
common terminology and stereotypes, and the community members will have to iden!fy their implicit biases.
First, select one associa!on-sworn official from the Criminal Jus!ce Professional Associa!ons PDF document. Next, select one of the following
civilian roles:
Court Clerk
Vic!m Advocate
Nonprofit Administrator
Eligibility Specialist
A$er you have chosen your civilian role and your audience of specific sets of sworn officials, follow the direc!ons below to complete your
1. Describe how culture impacts communica!ons from criminal jus!ce professionals, using appropriate terminology. You may include any videos or
supplemental theories you think may be relevant.
Include key terminology related to cultural awareness, including:
i. Terms related to classifica!ons of cultures (e.g., contraculture)
ii. The difference between race and ethnicity
iii. The difference between discrimina!on and prejudice
Provide at least one example of each type—speaking and listening—when there is miscommunica!on.
2. Explain how cultural stereotypes can nega!vely influence decision making in criminal jus!ce se%ngs. Include the following:
Three examples of stereotypes common to these defined groups and how they can be harmful when generalized and lead to poor decision
i. Race
ii. Ethnicity
iii. Language ability
iv. Ci!zenship
v. Religion
3. Explain how diversity stereotypes can nega!vely influence decision making in criminal jus!ce se%ngs. Include the following:
Five examples of stereotypes common to these defined groups and how they can be harmful when generalized and lead to poor decision
i. Socioeconomic status (SES)
ii. Gender
iii. LGBTQ+ status
iv. Age
v. Disability (including mental disabili!es)
A brief explana!on of the history behind stereotyping one of these five diverse communi!es in the United States
4. Explain how personal bias may influence speaking and listening.
Explain the rela!onship between ethnocentrism and communica!on issues among criminal jus!ce professionals and the public.
Dis!nguish implicit from explicit bias.
Include an example from your (or another’s) examina!on of implicit biases.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Training Presenta!on
Use the Project One Template for your training presenta!on for sworn officers and community members. Your project can be presented in a variety of
presenta!on formats, but must include visual representa!on in addi!on to talking points. Make sure to u!lize the speaker notes func!on in the
presenta!on if you do not include a video or voiceover.
Suppor!ng Materials
The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:
Website: Diversity Wheel
This graphic is a useful tool you can use to analyze miscommunica!ons due to diversity.
Project One Template PPT
This template provides a slide layout and topic order that should be used for the comple!on of this project.
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