Assessment Details
Assessment 1: Group Assessment – In pair
Articles Collection & Structured Abstract 30% Due: Week 6, Friday 24 April 2020 11.30 pm
Undertake a literature review on a theoretical concept/construct of liveability in the context of destination ‘experience’ that has real world management implications (e.g. visitor motivation, behavioural intention, visitor experience etc.). Research the field to find four academic articles (the first article to propose the theory) relating to the concept (published any time); and three other more recent articles (2014 onwards) one of which must apply a quantitative research design, the second, a qualitative design and the third, a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) design.
Please note that all articles must be full papers (e.g., not research notes, book reviews) sourced from refereed academic journals. Please review them and write an 1,500 word structured abstract, which draws upon all the articles you have reviewed, using the following headings:
• Brief summary of the theory and progression in the field (i.e., how has the theory developed since first proposed?)
• Common themes/findings across the four articles.
• Different themes/findings across the four articles.
• Study limitations and how these differ across the various study designs (quantitative, qualitative).
• Future research directions proposed in the articles.
• Reviewers’ critical evaluation of the reviewed articles.
The assessment criteria can be found on page 9 (and on VU Collaborate). Submit the following documents (in separate files) onto the Assessment Dropbox through VU Collaborate by Friday Week 6, 11.30 pm:
– Assignment cover sheet;
– List of reviewed articles (see page 8);
– Reviewed articles; and
– Structured abstract.
All hard copies are to be submitted to your lecturer.
Assessment 1 – Article Collection & Structured Abstract (30%)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Student id: _________________________________________________________________
Theoretical concept the articles relate to: ________________________________________
List of reviewed articles:
Provide reference for each academic article (formatted using the Harvard Referencing Style)
Conceptual article (proposed theory)

Quantitative article

Qualitative article

Mixed method article

BMO6630 Business Research Methods
Assessment 1: Assessment Criteria – Structured Abstract
Student Names: —————————————————— Student ID. Numbers: —————–
Structured Abstract Elements Mark Allocation Excellent Very
Good Good Fair Below minimum standard
Identification of the research designs of reviewed articles.
Brief summary of the theory & discussion of progression in the field
Assignment help – Discussion of common theme
Assignment help – Discussion of different themes
Assignment help – Discussion of study limitations & how limitations differ across the research designs
Assignment help – Discussion of future research directions (commonalities & differences)
Reviewers’ critical evaluation of the reviewed articles
Presentation (style, expression, grammar)
Grade ______________/30 marks

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