Assessment Task 2: Case Study
50 Possible Points
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The goal of this assessment is for you to apply knowledge to practice in a selected case study to demonstrate skills
in assessment and person-centred care planning.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Assessed
CLO #1 Describe and apply approaches to end-of-life clinical care in a range of settings for people living with life
limiting illnesses across the lifespan.
CLO #2 Apply professional, ethical and contemporary standards as you assess and plan nursing interventions to
support decision making about end-of-life care.
CLO #3 Apply evidenced-based nursing knowledge to describe holistic person-centred care to people living with
life limiting illnesses and their families.
CLO #4 Use the principles of Social Justice to address the identified needs of those who are underserved by
mainstream approaches to end-of-life care.
CLO #5 Apply principles and practices of academic writing and referencing.
Assessment Criteria and Rubric
Rubrics help you to understand what knowledge and skills you need to demonstrate in your assessments. They also
show you how your submission will be marked and what is expected at the different grade levels for each criterion.
You will be assessed on the following criteria:
1. Demonstrate accurate assessment of the holistic needs of a person living with a life-limiting illness and their
2. Demonstrate critical thinking in the decision making and care planning informed by this assessment.
3. Explore aspects of the case study that might present challenges to care provision.
4. Identify potential stressors on nurses in the context of the case study and explain possible self-care strategies.
5. Application of the principles and practices of reflective and academic writing and referencing in the style
appropriate to the discipline.
6. Ethical use of intellectual property.
Format/Product Case Study.
Type Individual assessment
Word Count
2000 words +/- 10%. The word count includes in-text references, but excludes the AI
declaration statement (if applicable) and the Reference List.
Due Date Friday 21st July at 1.00pm
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Task Format
You will be provided with a case study relating to palliative and end-of-life care. You will prepare a written
assignment that demonstrates your understanding of the clinical assessment and care planning needs of
those in the case study, your exploration of the challenges of care, and your insights into the impact of care on
nurses and approaches to self-care. A templated workbook is provided in the Resources section below.
Task Instructions
1. Read these Task Instructions very carefully before commencing work on this Assessment Task.
2. You are encouraged to use the Assignment Calculator ( to plan your work.
3. Use the Instructions and Template link below (in Resources section) to undertake and structure the Case Study.
You must open and then download this document, rename and save it on your own device. DO NOT use the
online version for your assignment.
4. Conform to the requirements of academic writing including academic language and document layout (within the
template itself).
5. You are to use the Help write my thesis – APA7 referencing style as described in the UniSC Help write my thesis – APA Referencing Quick Guide for in-text
citations and the Reference List. A link to the Guide is provided in the Resources section below.
6. Additionally, there is a video explaining these Instructions (link below in Resources section).
Supporting literature to answer questions
1. For each answer, provide in text citations (references) that demonstrate you have used the most appropriate
source/s for your response. Include at least one citation (reference) for each answer, and you are expected
to use a variety of sources such as journal articles from scholarly publications, textbooks, policy documents and
credible websites. A credible website is one that reaches scholarly standards. Please do do use web pages that
are written for consumers or lay people.
2. References are to be no more than 5 years old unless it is seminal work.
3. You are to use the Help write my thesis – APA7 referencing style as described in the UniSC Help write my thesis – APA Referencing Quick Guide for in-text
citations and the Reference List. A link to the Guide is provided in the Resources section below.
Use of AI is permitted in this task
You may use generative artificial intelligence (AI) in completing this assessment task. If you are using AI tools,
please learn what they can and cannot do, then use them critically. Note that AI tools can generate incorrect or
misleading results, so make sure you use them with care and critical judgement. You will be responsible for the
accuracy of any information you submit as part of this assessment. Any use of generative AI must be
appropriately acknowledged by an attribution of the tools used in completing the task. Failure to acknowledge the
use of AI may constitute academic misconduct.
To acknowledge the use of any generative AI, you should clearly include a written declaration at the beginning
of your assessment task. Such a declaration could be as follows:
I acknowledge the use of accessed in the development of this
The following prompts were inputted into the AI system: .
The resulting outputs were changed in the following ways: .
Once completed, save your assignment as a Word document USING THE TEMPLATE. If you name your files
following the naming convention [student number]_[GivenNameFamilyName]_T
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ask-2_[VERSION], you’ll ensure that
your final version is the one being marked; for example:
Submit your DRAFT version as a Word document in Canvas for a Turn-It-In check. A Turn-It-In report will be
generated, indicating any areas requiring review. Make any amendments and save your FINAL version as a Word
document with the appropriate filename.
Submit your FINAL version in Canvas as a Word document USING THE TEMPLATE. Do not submit as a PDF
Assessment Task 2 will contribute to 50% of your overall grade and is due on Friday 21 July 2023 at 1:00pm.
NUR272 Assessment 2 2013 – Instructions and Template.docx
apa-quick-guide-may-2021.pdf (
CRAAP Framework-1.pdf (
Academic Skills and Study Support (
Assessment Task 2 – Marking Rubric (
Assessment Task 2 Frequently Asked Questions_update 18.07.23
Audio explanation of Instructions (27 minutes):
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Assessment Task 2: Case Study

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I declare that this assignment is my own work and complies with the University’s Student Conduct – Governing
Policy. I agree and acknowledge that by submitting this work it may be used for a textual similarity review by and included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of
detecting plagiarism of such documents. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on
the site.
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Assessment Task 2: Case Study – Palliative and End-of-Life Care


This assessment task focuses on applying knowledge to practice in a selected case study related to palliative and end-of-life care. The primary aim is to demonstrate skills in assessment and person-centered care planning while addressing various course learning outcomes. The case study will require accurate assessment of the holistic needs of a person living with a life-limiting illness and their family, critical thinking in care planning, exploration of care challenges, identification of potential stressors on nurses, and self-care strategies. The task also emphasizes the application of principles and practices of academic writing and referencing, complying with ethical use of intellectual property guidelines.

Criterion 1: Demonstrate Accurate Assessment

In this section, we will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the holistic needs of the individual living with a life-limiting illness and their family. Through the use of scholarly publications, textbooks, and policy documents, we will gather relevant data to accurately assess the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions of the person’s condition (CLO #1). This approach will ensure a person-centered care plan that addresses all aspects of their well-being and enhances their quality of life.

Criterion 2: Demonstrate Critical Thinking in Decision Making

In the second part of the case study, we will utilize critical thinking to inform decision-making and care planning (CLO #2). By applying evidence-based nursing knowledge from recent and credible sources, we will develop an approach that aligns with the best practices in palliative and end-of-life care. This will involve considering various treatment options, addressing symptom management, and ensuring ethical decision-making, all while respecting the patient’s wishes and values.

Criterion 3: Explore Challenges to Care Provision

Care provision in palliative and end-of-life settings often presents challenges. By examining scholarly literature, we will explore these challenges and identify potential solutions (CLO #3). We will delve into aspects such as communication barriers, ethical dilemmas, and cultural considerations that might impact care delivery. Analyzing current research and best practices will assist in proposing strategies to overcome these challenges effectively.

Criterion 4: Identify Potential Stressors on Nurses

Nurses play a crucial role in palliative and end-of-life care, but they may face stressors and burnout due to the emotional nature of their work. Utilizing peer-reviewed articles, we will identify these stressors and suggest possible self-care strategies for nurses (CLO #4). It is vital to support healthcare providers as they care for patients and their families during challenging times.

Criterion 5: Application of Academic Writing and Referencing

Throughout the case study, we will maintain the principles and practices of academic writing, adhering to the Help write my thesis – APA7 referencing style (CLO #5). This includes using appropriate language, logical organization of ideas, and accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. All in-text citations and the reference list will comply with the Help write my thesis – APA7 guidelines.

Criterion 6: Ethical Use of Intellectual Property

Finally, we will ensure the ethical use of intellectual property by properly paraphrasing, referencing, and citing all sources in line with Help write my thesis – APA7 guidelines (CLO #5). By acknowledging and citing the works of others, we uphold academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.


In conclusion, this assessment task provides a comprehensive case study in palliative and end-of-life care. By applying evidence-based knowledge and critical thinking, we aim to develop a person-centered care plan that addresses the holistic needs of the patient and their family. Additionally, we will explore the challenges faced in care provision and provide support for nurses through self-care strategies. Throughout the task, adherence to academic writing principles and ethical use of intellectual property will ensure the integrity of the work presented.


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