Posted: September 15th, 2022
BBMM506 Strategic Management CASE STUDY
Term 2, 2019 BBMM506 Strategic Management
Learning Outcome Assessed: a-d
Graduate Attribute Assessed: 1-4
Weighting: 45% = Group of two (2)
Format: – 3000 Word Written Submission Due Sunday 14th July at 23:59 via Turnitin
– 10-minute group presentation Wednesday 17th or Thursday 18th July at 12pm in the classroom
– Submission of PowerPoint or other visual aids Due Tuesday 16th July at 23:59 via Turnitin
Major Assessment -Written Paper and Presentation – GROUP OF TWO (2)
No extensions will be given
Assessment – 4
Response to a Case Study as provided by your Lecturer
You will be assigned either case study A or Case Study B
Rationale: Strategic Management is all about expanding your capabilities and developing Core Competencies to receive Above-Average Returns in the company’s chosen industry. Understanding Your internal and External environments and then matching those up with the Strengths and Opportunities, whilst mitigating threats and Weaknesses is critical to the success of your Strategy.
Imagine you are a newly appointed Business Consultant. You have been assigned an Industry or Business to examine. Your role is to and understand the problem and provide guidance on how to fix it. That is work out the current strategy and then fix it with a proposed new approach. It may or may not be a radical change.
Written Report:
You are to use the Dallas Hanson case study guide as a road map only. Your paper should include the following:
1. Cover Page with Both Student name and numbers and % contribution to paper.
2. Executive Summary
3. Table of Contents
4. Identification of the Problem / Question to be answered
5. Type of Industry
6. General Environment Analysis (External – 5 Forces)
7. Understanding of Competition
8. Internal Value Chain Analysis
9. Understanding of current resources, tangible and intangible.
10. SWOT Analysis
11. Identification of Core Competencies
12. Identification of Current Strategy
13. Proposed Changes to Strategy
14. Conclusion / Recommendations.
The assignment should be uploaded to Moodle with the Case Study Name and all student ID’s detailed as the ‘Submission Title’. This must be uploaded by 23:59 on Sunday 14th July 2019
Your Presentation should be a maximum of 10 slides and should summarise key findings. It should not be a word for word repeat of your written assignment. Pretend you are pitching to a panel of people who are going to decide whether to give you the deal to fix their company. A contract is at stake here!
The presentation should be uploaded to Moodle with the Case Study Name and all student ID’s detailed as the ‘Submission Title’. These must be uploaded by 23:59 on Tuesday 16th July 2019
Submission of an individual assessment will result in a 10% penalty unless previously negotiated.
A Marking Rubric is available online.
Individual Weightings for the final written paper are as follows:
• Understanding of Case (25%)
• Quality of Research (25%)
• Quality of the Analysis and Recommendations (40%)
• Referencing, Structure & Grammar (10%)
A marking rubric and weighting for the Presentation is available on Moodle.
Week No. Activity
Assignment Weekly Work Guide
Week 1 Read the Unit Outline
Read the Assignment Outline.
Lecturer assigns groups and cases
Week 2 Log in to Moodle and contact group member
Read Assigned Case Study
Meet before or after class to discuss
Week 3 Complete Steps 1 to 4
Week 4 Complete Steps 5 to 8
Email lecturer to proof read
Week 5 Complete Steps 9 to 13
Week 6 Reference, Edit and Submit.
The research should be based on real and current data relating to the industry and case. The analysis must show a clear understanding of how theory can be applied to a real world scenario .It must be supported with relevant references from the literature.
You must:
• Research using the prescribed textbook academic journals and government websites. (refer to ProQuest /Ebsco/ ebrary that are accessible via Moodle)
• Construct an in-depth and analytical discussion based on a correct understanding of the strategic environment
• Use evidence and factual data from government and industry sources to support your work.
• Homework help – Write in a clear and logical manner.
• Use in-text citations and referencing using the Harvard referencing system
Ensure that your work is NOT shared among other classmates or groups
Other important reminders:
• Sharing or borrowing report submissions is considered serious academic misconduct which can lead to failure of the assignment or the entire unit.
• Lecturers may require students to discuss their case study report in a separate meeting.
• All submissions must be submitted through Turnitin, emailed or hard copy submissions will not be marked.
Plagiarism is not tolerated at Cambridge International College. Please read the Unit Outline for reference to plagiarism. If you are unsure please consult with your lecturer or a learning advisor.
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