Posted: September 15th, 2022
Engineering and Mathematics 300597 Master Project 1
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics
300597 Master Project 1
Unit Details
Unit Code: 300597
Unit Name: Master Project 1
Credit Points: 10
Unit Level: 7
Assumed Knowledge: (1) Knowledge in one of the fields in engineering, construction, information technology, data
science or a related discipline;
(2) Knowledge in research methodology; and
(3) Skills in literature review and oral presentation.
Note: Students with any problems, concerns or doubts should discuss those with the Unit Coordinator as early as they can.
Unit Coordinator
Thursday 10-12 or appointment via email
Note: The relevant Learning Guide Companion supplements this document
1 About Master Project 1 2
1.1 An Introduction to this Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 What is Expected of You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Changes to Unit as a Result of Past Student Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Assessment Information 3
2.1 Unit Learning Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Approach to Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Contribution to Course Learning Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.4 Assessment Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Assessment Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5.1 Oral Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.5.2 Project Proposal and Progress Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6 General Submission Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3 Teaching and Learning Activities 14
4 Learning Resources 16
4.1 Recommended Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1 About Master Project 1
1.1 An Introduction to this Unit
This unit is a problem based project unit. Students are expected to conduct self studies under supervision by academic
staff. Students will identify research topics in consultation with supervisors, carry out literature survey in one of the
fields of engineering, construction, information technology or data science. Students will be required to
define research objectives and scope, establish research methodology and prepare a research plan.
1.2 What is Expected of You
Study Load
A student is expected to study an hour per credit point a week. For example a 10 credit point unit would require 10
hours of study per week. This time includes the time spent within classes during lectures, tutorials or practicals.
Attendance by external students to the workshop is non-compulsory, but highly recommended. All students must
make the final oral presentation for this unit. However, students who enroll in 300597 and 300598 concurrently are
required to make one final presentation only (for both 300597 and 300598).
Online Learning Requirements
Unit materials will be made available on the unit’s vUWS (E-Learning) site (
You are expected to consult vUWS at least twice a week, as all unit announcements will be made via vUWS. Teaching
and learning materials will be regularly updated and posted online by the teaching team.
vUWS – The unit outline, learning guide, workshop handouts and various reading materials will be delivered via
Special Requirements
Essential Equipment:
Not Applicable
Legislative Pre-Requisites:
Not Applicable
1.3 Changes to Unit as a Result of Past Student Feedback
The University values student feedback in order to improve the quality of its educational programs. The feedback
provided helps us improve teaching methods and units of study. The survey results inform unit content and design,
learning guides, teaching methods, assessment processes and teaching materials.
You are welcome to provide feedback that is related to the teaching of this unit. At the end of the semester
you will be given the opportunity to complete a Student Feedback on Unit (SFU) questionnaire to assess the unit.
You may also have the opportunity to complete a Student Feedback on Teaching (SFT) questionnaire to provide
feedback for individual teaching staff.
As a result of student feedback, the following changes and improvements to this unit have recently been made:
– There is only one 2-hour workshop in Week 1, which gives students more time to consult with their supervisors
and work on the project.
2 Assessment Information
2.1 Unit Learning Outcomes
1 Critically analyse literature in relevant area to identify potential research problems
2 Identify and propose research questions and hypothesis based on literature review
3 Justify the research proposal in relation to its significance in literature and its anticipated impact
4 Develop a plan and methodology to conduct research on an identified question/issue/problem.
5 Express ideas, concepts, arguments and conclusions in a professional report.
6 Communicate ideas and plans at a professional level through an oral presentation.
2.2 Approach to Learning
The learning approach of this unit includes one workshop, one seminar, online learning, research project, regular
consultation with academic supervisors, and other activities (e.g., experimental design, procurement of instrument
and materials) necessary to complete the research project.
2.3 Contribution to Course Learning Outcomes
3693: Master of Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes ULO 1 ULO 2 ULO 3 ULO 4 ULO 5 ULO 6
1. apply advanced contemporary engineering skills and knowledge to succeed in
a dynamically developing and changing technological environment
Assured Assured Assured Developed
2. understand fundamental science and engineering theories in the discipline Developed Developed
3. embody the ethos of lifelong learning and the commitment to continued
professional development
Developed Developed
4. apply in-depth knowledge in one or more specialist disciplines of engineering Developed
5. relate to interconnecting disciplines of engineering for working in a
multidisciplinary team environment
6. inquire and solve problems in a creative and innovative manner to achieve the
best possible outcomes
7. apply generic enabling skills and knowledge to unfamiliar challenges within
and outside the engineering discipline
8. evaluate and incorporate industry requirements into proposed engineering
9. employ the principles of sustainability in design and engineering towards
achieving a sustainable world
10. apply engineering knowledge systematically in Australian context to comply
with Australian standards and codes of practice
11. demonstrate professional ethics and conduct for working in an engineering
3698: Master of Information and Communications Technology (Advanced)
Course Learning Outcomes ULO 1 ULO 2 ULO 3 ULO 4 ULO 5 ULO 6
1. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of core concepts related to ICT body of
knowledge, including established theories and recent developments with an
understanding of the both local and international perspectives.
Assured Developed Assured
2. Further develop knowledge and skills in specialised areas that are closely
applicable to ICT profession.
3. Identify and analyse problems and issues related to ICT and articulate
appropriate solutions and justify propositions in order to respond to stakeholder
needs and goals, within the framework of professional and ethical practice.
Developed Developed
4. Demonstrate a high level of personal autonomy and accountability in acquisition
and application of knowledge and skills and in problem solving in professional
Assured Developed
5. Apply enquiry-based learning, investigate and synthesise complex ideas and
concepts, and develop ways of learning in exploring new knowledge within ICT
6. Develop skills in scholarly research, critically evaluate contemporary literatures
in ICT field and communicate complex ideas in a variety of formats to diverse
Assured Assured
3699: Master of Information and Communications Technology
Course Learning Outcomes ULO 1 ULO 2 ULO 3 ULO 4 ULO 5 ULO 6
1. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of core and specialised concepts related
to ICT body of knowledge, including established theories and recent developments
with an understanding of the both local and international perspectives.
Developed Assured
2. Identify and analyse problems and issues related to ICT and articulate
appropriate solutions and justify propositions in order to respond to stakeholder
needs and goals, within the framework of professional and ethical practice.
Developed Developed
3. Demonstrate a high level of personal autonomy and accountability, in
acquisition and application of knowledge and skills and in problem solving in
professional context.
Assured Developed
4. Apply enquiry-based learning, investigate and synthesise complex ideas and
concepts, and develop ways of learning by exploring new knowledge within ICT
5. Develop skills in scholarly research and communicate complex ideas in a variety
of formats to diverse audiences.
Assured Assured
3703: Master of Building Surveying
Course Learning Outcomes ULO 1 ULO 2 ULO 3 ULO 4 ULO 5 ULO 6
1. Demonstrate the body of knowledge in building regulations and the related
standards and policies.
2. Adapt to a dynamically developing and changing technological, regulatory and
cultural environment.
3. Apply advanced skills to develop building solutions and assess or evaluate their
Developed Developed
4. Communicate and collaborate professionally and ethically with other related
professional disciplines in the building industry.
Developed Developed
5. Explain the research principles and methods applicable to building surveying. Assured
6. Independently analyse the literature and conduct research to address contemporary
issues faced by the building industry.
3705: Master of Fire Safety Engineering
Course Learning Outcomes ULO 1 ULO 2 ULO 3 ULO 4 ULO 5 ULO 6
1. Explain the special knowledge of fire safety engineering principles and the related
regulations, standards and guidelines.
2. Adapt to a dynamically developing and changing technological, regulatory and
cultural environment.
3. Apply advanced skills to develop, assess and evaluate building solutions for fire
Developed Developed
4. Collaborate professionally and ethically with other related professional disciplines in
the building industry.
Developed Developed
5. Explain the research principles and methods applicable to fire safety engineering. Assured
6. Independently analyse the literature and conduct research to address fire safety
engineering issues faced by the building industry.
3708: Master of Bushfire Protection
Course Learning Outcomes ULO 1 ULO 2 ULO 3 ULO 4 ULO 5 ULO 6
1. Relate bushfire behaviour and its impact on the social and natural environment. Developed
2. Demonstrate the body of knowledge in regulatory and engineering approaches
to bushfire protection.
3. Explain the research principles and methods applicable to bushfire protection. Assured
4. Adapt to a dynamically developing and changing technological environment
through upgrading of skills and knowledge.
Developed Developed
5. Analyse/assess protection measures for developments in bushfire prone areas. Developed Developed
6. Communicate the outcome of the assessment professionally and ethically. Developed Developed
7. Apply knowledge and skills to initiate/develop alternative solutions for bushfire
protection and management.
8. Resolve challenging issues by independent literature appraisal and research. Assured
3735: Master of Data Science
Course Learning Outcomes ULO 1 ULO 2 ULO 3 ULO 4 ULO 5 ULO 6
1. Apply Data Science methods to problems in various disciplines (e.g. Business,
Science, Social Science, Engineering, Education and the Humanities).
Assured Developed
2. Conduct and manage the formulation of problems and the use of data ethically
and responsibly.
Developed Developed
3. Design and conduct data gathering and analysis to provide information and
advice that is reliable, valid, timely and relevant.
4. Generate interpretive and predictive reports, working alongside professional
colleagues in decision-making.
Developed Assured
5. Provide expert advice to professional colleagues on the validity and reliability of
interpretations and predictions based on analysis of large complex data sets.
2.4 Assessment Summary
The assessment items in this unit are designed to enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved the unit learning
outcomes. Completion and submission of all assessment items which have been designated as mandatory or compulsory
is essential to receive a passing grade.
To pass this unit you must:
– Satisfactory completion of oral assessment;
– Attend and participate in oral presentation day activities;
– Submit a progress report of professional standard;
– Achieve a minimum overall mark of 50%;
– You also need to maintain a meeting register and submit all required items on time.
Item Weight Due Date ULOs Assessed Threshold
Oral Presentation 20% Week 15 (November 5 to November 9) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 No
Project Proposal and
Progress Report
80% Project Proposal: Friday September 21,
Progress Report: Friday, 2 November
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 No
Feedback on Assessment
Feedback is an important part of the learning process that can improve your progress towards achieving the learning
outcomes. Feedback is any written or spoken response made in relation to academic work such as an assessment
task, a performance or product. It can be given to you by a teacher, an external assessor or student peer, and may
be given individually or to a group of students. As a Western Sydney University student, it is your responsibility to
seek out and act on feedback that is provided to you as a resource to further your learning.
Students can expect feedback for the oral presentation on the day of the presentation. Feedback for the project
proposal can be expected in 2-weeks after the due date.
2.5 Assessment Details
2.5.1 Oral Presentation
Weight: 20%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Week 15 (November 5 to November 9)
Submission: In Class & Online
Format: This is a 15-minutes oral presentation, plus 5-minutes question time. The presentation is
marked by a judging panel.
Length: 15 minutes
Curriculum Mode: Presentation
Students MUST attend the entire presentation session. An FNS grade (Fail Non-Submission) will be awarded to
students who do not attend the entire oral presentation program without prior approval.
Students are required to submit the following on vUWS by Friday, September 21st, 2018:
– Structured abstract (.doc)
– PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation
The planned date for the presentation is 6th of November 2018. This date may be changed – any such change
will be communicated via vUWS.
Marking Criteria:
Criteria Expected Standards
Organisation and Structure (7.5 Marks) Information is presented in a logical sequence. Introduction:Introduces
background and importance of research.States objective(s), and relevant
research questions. Body:Presents methods, resource
requirements/limitations, progress, results, as appropriate for the project.
Conclusion:Summarises major points of the presentation.Summarises
potential weaknesses (if any) in findings.Presents future work as relevant
to the current progress of the project.
Content (5 Marks) Graphs/figures are clear and understandable.The text is clear, readable
and contains no typos.Audio and Visual aids support the main arguments
of the presentation.Appropriate referencing of material that was not
produced by the presenter.The presentation contains accurate
Presentation (5 Marks) Speaks clearly and at an understandable pace.Maintains good eye contact
with the audience.Limited use of filler words ( umm, like,
etc.).Speaker uses body language appropriately.Speaker is within time
limits.Speaker has dressed appropriately.
Questions and Answers (2.5 Marks) Able to answer questions professionally.Shows a clear understanding of
the topic.
2.5.2 Project Proposal and Progress Report
Weight: 80%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Project Proposal: Friday September 21, Progress Report: Friday, 2 November 2018
Submission: via Turnitin on vUWS;
Format: The report should follow a standard report format using Harvard WesternSydU
Referencing Style. The students may use a different referencing style in consultation
with the project supervisors.
Length: 7500 words
Curriculum Mode: Report
The project proposal provides an overview of the overall project. The students should submit a 1000-word (approx.)
or a maximum of 3 pages for the project proposal report which should provide the details of project title in consultation
with the project supervisor, an overview of the research area, objectives and aims of the project, methodology,
timeline and the resource requirements.
The progress report is to demonstrate students’ knowledge of previous work undertaken in the chosen field, and
their ability to express the findings in a professional way and at a high standard. Please refer to the Report Template
for 300597 Master Project on vUWS for the format and requirements of the progress report. The progress report
will be the basis for Master Project 2 and should contain the following Sections: Abstract, Introduction, Aims and
Objectives, Literature Review, Methodology, Research Plan and Timeline, Preliminary Results (if any), Summary or
Conclusions, References, and if applicable Appendix.
Specific University policies on Research include:
– Research Ethics policy: ethics and integrity
– Research Code of Practice:
Marking Criteria:
Expected Standards for the Project Proposal (20%)
Criteria Expected Standards
Proposal Structure and Details [10 Marks] The proposal is organised following a standard research proposal format
and provide details on Project Title, Project Overview (Introduction),
Objectives, Methodology, and Timeline.
The timeline is provided using either a Gantt Chart or a table.
Clarity of Writing and Presentation[10 Marks] The proposal is well proofread, grammatically correct with no typos.
The proposal is easy to read and understand.All figures, graphs, charts,
and drawings (if and when necessary) are accurate, properly labelled
(captioned) and cited in the text.
The Harvard WesternSydU Referencing Style (or a standard referencing
style [such as Help write my thesis – APA, IEEE, standard Harvard style] as agreed by the
supervisor(s)) is used for citations and references.
The proposal is produced using a font size of 11 or 12 and contains a
maximum of 3 pages.
Expected Standards for the Progress Report (60%)
Criteria Expected Standards
Structure, Clarity of Writing and Overall Presentation[10 Marks] The report is organised following a standard research reporting format
(Cover page, Abstract, Table of Content [List of Figures, Tables, and
Abbreviations if appropriate], Introduction and motivation, Literature
Review, Methods, Current Progress, Conclusions, References, Appendix
(when necessary)).
Clear and logical presentation throughout the report.
The report is easy to read and understand.
The report is well proofread, grammatically correct with no typos.
All figures, graphs, charts, and drawings (if and when necessary) are
accurate, properly labelled (captioned) and cited in the text.
Aims and Objectives [5 Marks] The aims and objective(s) and the underlined research questions are
clearly articulated.
Literature Review[20 Marks] Comprehensive but concise literature review.
Literature review clearly leads to the knowledge gap and/or the
justification of the project.
Methodology[10 Marks] A methodology as appropriate for the project is clearly articulated.
Criteria Expected Standards
Current Progress, Timeline, Resource Requirements and Conclusions [10
The current progress is described clearly. Resource requirements are
clearly presented.
For resources that are currently not available, a plan for acquiring those
resources is presented.
The timeline is provided as a Gantt Chart or a Table.
A conclusion which captures the progress of the project is provided.
Referencing[5 Marks] The Harvard WesternSydU Referencing Style (or a standard referencing
style [such as Help write my thesis – APA, IEEE, standard Harvard style] as agreed by the
supervisor(s)) is used for citations and references.
All external sources are correctly cited and included in the list of
references (bibliography).
[Note: information on the Harvard WesternSydU Referencing Style can be
found at]
Students are encouraged to use a referencing system such as EndNote,
Mendeley or RefWorks (more information is available are via the library
and tutorial videos may be found on YouTube).
Marking Guideline for the Progress Report
High Distinction (>85%) Distinction (75-84%) Credit (65-74%) Pass (50-64%) Fail (<50%)
Expected standards are
met throughout the
report.Most standards are
achieved beyond the
expected levels (e.g. a
significant amount of
progress is made during
the first semester itself, a
comprehensive literature
review which is submitted
or ready for submission as
journal or conference
Expected standards are
met throughout the report
(barring a few minor
Most of the expected
standards are mostly met
while a few expected
standards are only partially
met (e.g. referencing is
not complete or does not
follow a standard
referencing style, a relevant
literature review presented
but does not clearly show
the knowledge gap).
All expected standards are
met but some with some
deficiencies (e.g.
methodology is given but
not clearly explained with
respect to the project
non-standard or incorrect
referencing is used).
Some of the expected
standards are not met (e.g.
the methodology is not
appropriate or missing, the
literature review is
incomplete or does not
fulfil the underlined
research aims, no attempt
is made to make any
progress, frequent errors in
sentence structure and
grammar which distract
the reader).
2.6 General Submission Requirements
– All assignments must be submitted by the specified due date and time.
– Complete your assignment and follow the individual assessment item instructions on how to submit. You must
keep a copy of all assignments submitted for marking.
– The Turnitin plagiarism prevention system may be used within this unit. Turnitin is accessed via logging into
vUWS for the unit. If Turnitin is being used with this unit, this means that your assignments have to be
submitted through the Turnitin system. Turnitin from iParadigms is a web-based text-matching software that
identifies and reports on similarities between documents. It is also widely utilised as a tool to improve academic
writing skills. Turnitin compares electronically submitted papers against the following:
– Current and archived web: Turnitin currently contains over 24 billion web pages including archived pages
– Student papers: including Western Sydney University student submissions since 2007
– Scholarly literature: Turnitin has partnered with leading content publishers, including library databases,
text-book publishers, digital reference collections and subscription-based publications (e.g. Gale, Proquest,
Emerald and Sage)
– Turnitin is used by over 30 universities in Australia and is increasingly seen as an industry standard. It is
an important tool to assist students with their academic writing by promoting awareness of plagiarism.By
submitting your assignment to Turnitin you will be certifying that:
– I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged
– No part of this assignment has been copied from any other student‘Ă‘Źs work or from any other source
except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment
– No part of the assignment has been written for me by any other person/s
– I have complied with the specified word length for this assignment
– I am aware that this work may be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for
the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism
– You are to ensure that no part of any submitted assignment for this unit or product has been submitted by
yourself in another (previous or current) assessment from any unit, except where appropriately referenced, and
with prior permission form the Lecturer/Tutor/Unit Co-ordinator of this unit.
Late Submission
– If you submit a late assessment, without receiving approval for an extension of time, (see next item), you will
be penalised by 10% per day for up to 10 days. In other words, marks equal to 10% of the assignment’s weight
will be deducted from the mark awarded.
– For example, if the highest mark possible is 50, 5 marks will be deducted from your awarded mark for each late
– Saturday and Sunday are counted as one calendar day each.
– Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to students.
– This is consistent with Clause 51 of the Western Sydney University’s Assessment Policy - Criteria and StandardsBased
Extension of Due Date for Submission
Extensions are only granted in exceptional circumstances. To apply for an extension of time, locate an application
form via the Western Sydney University homepage or copy the following link: students/forms
Application forms must be submitted to the Unit Coordinator. Requests for extension should be made as early as
possible and submitted within policy deadlines. Appropriate, supporting documentation must be submitted with
the application. An application for an extension does not automatically mean that an extension will be granted.
Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to students.
Resubmission Resubmission of assessment items will not normally be granted if requested.
Application for Special Consideration
It is strongly recommended that you attend all scheduled learning activities to support your learning. If you have
suffered misadventure, illness, or you have experienced exceptional circumstances that have prevented your attendance
at class or your completion and submission of assessment tasks, you may need to apply for Special Consideration via the
Western Sydney University website. students/services
and facilities/special consideration2 or the Student Centre. Special Consideration is not automatically granted. It is
your responsibility to ensure that any missed content has been covered. Your lecturer will give you more information
on how this must be done.
3 Teaching and Learning Activities
Weeks Instructions Assessments Due
Week 1
2-hour information session.
Week 2
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 3
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 4
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 5
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 6
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 7
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 8
Submission of the abstract and the presentation slides (ppt). - Project Proposal and Progress Report
Submission of project proposal to the supervisor(s).
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 9
Oral presentation
Week 10
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 11
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 12
Draft final report submission to the supervisor.
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Week 13
Weekly meeting the project supervisor.
Weeks Instructions Assessments Due
Week 14
Weekly meeting the project supervisor. - Project Proposal and Progress Report
Week 15
Submission of the progress report. - Oral Presentation
Week 16
Week 17
The above timetable should be used as a guide only, as it is subject to change. Students will be advised of any changes as they become known on the unit’s vUWS site.
4 Learning Resources
4.1 Recommended Readings
Additional Reading
– Berger, AA 2016, The academic writer’s toolkit - a user’s manual, Routledge, London.
– Booth, V 1993, Communicating in science: writing a scientific paper and speaking at scientific meetings, 2nd
edn, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY.
– Day, RA & Gastel, B 2011, How to write and publish a scientific paper, 7th edn, Greenwood, Westport, CT.
– Farrell, P 2011. Writing a built environment dissertation: practical guidance and examples, Wiley-Blackwell,
Ames, Iowa.
– Fellows, R & Liu, A 2008, Research methods for construction, 3rd edn, Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
– Katz, MJ 2009, From research to manuscript: a guide to scientific writing, 2nd edn, Springer, New York
– Knight, A & Ruddock, L 2008. Advanced research methods in the built environment, Wiley, Ames, Iowa.
– Lester, JD 2012. Writing research papers: a complete guide, Pearson, Boston.
– Lester, JD 2013. The essential guide: research writing across the disciplines, Pearson, Boston.
– Ruddock, L 1995, Quantitative methods for the built environment, White Castle, Warrington, England.
– Theobald, T 2016, Develop your presentation skills, 3rd edn, Kogan Page, London.
– Walliman, NSR 2011. Research methods: the basics, Routledge, New York, NY.
– Yin, RK 2011. Qualitative research from start to finish, Guilford Press, New York.
– Yin, RK 2012. Applications of case study research, SAGE, Thousand Oaks.
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