Posted: September 15th, 2022
Financial reports are largely based on historical financial information
Assessment 3 Individual assignment ACFI 1001 INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT (20%)
Answer ALL questions in all the TASKS given below
Homework help – Write an essay on the following:
Financial reports are largely based on historical financial information and are therefore useful in assessing the accountability (stewardship) of management, but of little use to external decision-makers when it comes to allocating scarce resources. (maximum 1000 words) (25 marks)
Refer to the Financial Statements of the company listed below (as per workshop you are enrolled in) for the latest three years – 2020, 2019 and 2018 and complete the tasks (a) to (e) in maximum 1000 words and task (f) in maximum 1000 words. (Note: when you are using values/figure from company’s annual reports, use the updated/restated figures/values where available)
Students enrolled in Workshop Tuesday 11am – 1pm: CSL
Students enrolled in Workshop Wednesday 5pm – 7pm: XERO
Students enrolled in Workshop Thursday 11am-1pm: AGL
Students enrolled in Workshop Thursday 1pm-3pm: CSL
Students enrolled in Workshop Friday 11am-1pm: XERO
a) What types of products or services do they sell? (2 marks)
b) On what day of the year does its current financial year end? (1 mark)
c) Why does it publish more than the current year’s data? (1 mark)
d) Are its financial statements audited by independent auditors? If so, by whom? (1 mark)
e) For the most recent three years calculate and explain:
(i) Two Profitability ratios: Return on Assets and Net Profit Margin (6 marks)
(ii) Two Efficiency ratios: Assets Turnover ratio and Assets Turnover period (days)(6 marks)
(iii) Two Liquidity ratios: Current ratio and Acid Test ratio (6 marks)
(iv) Two Financial gearing ratios: Debt ratio and Interest Coverage ratio (6 marks)
(v) Two Investment ratios: Dividend Per share and Earnings Per share (6 marks)
f) Having calculated the above ratios, you now need to take into consideration the company’s corporate governance and ethical standards and provide advice to an investor who wishes to invest all his life savings in the company. (maximum 1000 words) (10 marks)
Note: calculate the ratio using the ratio formula uploaded under the assessment 3
Individual Project – assessment criteria (Cont’d)
Pass (P) Credit (C) Distinction (D) High Distinction (HD)
Abstract /2 Adequate summary of the essay Good summary of the essay Well-developed summary of the essay Excellent, short, concise, summary of the essay
Introduction /3 Gives enough to tell what the topic is but little prioritising Describes the topic, refers to past work, what is proposed to do here As in C, but shows what past work has done/not done; logical progression to topic Interesting and complex account to why this topic, what questions need to be addressed, foretaste of original contribution
Issue and argument /10 Some relevant points in descriptive lists, mainly pro or con More relevant points drawn from literature, lists both pros and cons, but has difficulty in making a convincing case Most/all relevant points from mainstream literature; uses appropriate structure to resolve issues in convincing argument As in D but makes an original case in own voice, well supported by resources/references going well beyond the mainstream literature
Conclusions /5 Evaluation is a list of either pros and cons leading to a lopsided conclusion Evaluation recognises differences but unable to resolve them, weak conclusion or jumps to conclusion Evaluation is well balanced leading to a well-reasoned conclusion Evaluation leads to a surprise or original conclusion generating new issues
References /3 Sparse; little evidence of library skills. Evidence of some research skills. Standard references Comprehensive, showing care in researching the issue As for D but uses unusual references to bolster an original argument
Presentation /2 Adequate but contains some structure, formatting, grammatical and spelling errors. Good structure with some formatting, grammatical and spelling errors Well-structured and professional presentation with minor formatting errors Well-structured and highly professional presentation with no formatting errors
TOTAL: /25
Individual Project – assessment criteria (Cont’d)
Max Mark Given Mark Remarks
a Minimum two products/services clearly identified 2
b Day of the current financial year end identified 1
c Explanation to support the publication of more than the current year’s data clear and concise 1
d Independent auditors full name identified 1
e(i) Correct formula, calculation and explanation for 2 profitability ratios for 3 years 6
e(ii) Correct formula, calculation and explanation for 2 efficiency ratios for 3 years 6
e(iii) Correct formula, calculation and explanation for 2 liquidity ratios for 3 years 6
e(iv) Correct formula, calculation and explanation for 2 financial gearing ratios for 3 years 6
E(v) Correct formula, calculation and explanation for 2 investment ratios for 3 years 6
f Explanation about company’s corporate governance & ethical standards and how they link to financial ratios that support the advice given to the investor. Detailed arguments supported by data and a proper conclusion 10
Task 3 marks (max45) =
Overall remarks
Submission Instructions:
Submit through Turnitin only – submission box for your allocated class will be available under assessment
Submit word document only (no excel, picture, pdf or handwritten file)
Font: Times new Roman, font size: 12 and line space: 1.5.
Referencing style: Help write my thesis – APA 7th Style.
Submit by 25th October 2020 (Sydney Time). This is updated due date to give you extra 2 days.
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