Research Assignment Instructions and Scenario
Gyan Riggs recently retired from the most successful football team in history to pursue a new career in development in South East Queensland. He recently acquired shares in the private construction company Jones, Smith & Co Pty Ltd, and now is its sole director, secretary and sole shareholder. Jones, Smith & Co Pty Ltd currently has extensive building developments in progress throughout Queensland.
In its daily operations, Jones, Smith & Co Pty Ltd regularly deals with a variety of large public companies; small family companies; individual subcontractors; and various other industry professionals (firms and individuals), which include valuers, engineers, quantity surveyors, town planners and architects. Mr Riggs has an impeccable ethical record, and wishes to ensure that this is reflected in Jones, Smith & Co Pty Ltd’s ongoing operations. Recently he read in a newspaper that there will be significant changes to the Australian Consumer Law from November 2016, and that these changes will directly impact upon contract law and business operations.
As Mr Riggs is unfamiliar with Australian law he comes to you for advice. Specifically he seeks your advice as to what impacts the new law will have on Jones, Smith & Co Pty Ltd; and what measures he needs to implement and when to ensure Jones, Smith & Co Pty Ltd’s compliance with the changes when they commence.
Advise Mr Riggs.
[Please note: in your advice you are directed to assume that both Mr Riggs and Jones, Smith & Co Pty Ltd hold all licences and permits required by law.]

Students are required to provide an assignment submission in a Report style format. As to the structure of a report, please refer to:
For those needing further guidance it is suggested that your Report should be structured around the following as a minimum:
Executive summary – if used this is included in the word count
Explanation of the law and changes
Impacts for Jones, Smith & Co Pty Ltd
Recommendations / suggestions
Reference List – required as this is an assessment task – not included in word count

Research Assignment Instructions and Scenario
Required Format
Answers must be typewritten, should be in connected prose and must be in a Report style format. To be clear – for this Task bullet points are not appropriate.
Your submission must:
a. Advise the client as directed in a logical and concise manner and in a report style format;
Do not repeat the scenario in your Report;
b. Demonstrate an understanding of legal citation by use of Help write my thesis – APA in-text referencing style
c. Clearly communicate your ideas and arguments, and use correct grammar and spelling. Marks are allocated for correct referencing, evidence of research and communication.
d. Be typed in 12 point font (Times New Roman or Arial), with 1.5 line spacing and margins of at least 2cm;
e. Be on A4 size white paper;
f. Have a page number, your name and student number on each page;
g. Be 10 x A4 pages approximately (not including any cover page) ; and
h. Not exceed 3,000 words. This is an absolute. The word limit includes all material including in text referencing. Quotes also are included in the word count, as well as words like ‘a’ and ‘the.’ Material exceeding the word limit will not be read or marked.
Only the Reference List (and any cover page) is not included in the word count.
All submissions should be appropriately referenced. This means that if you are quoting or paraphrasing a principle from a case, Act, standard, industry code or other primary source, or taking an idea from something you have read you should provide a reference indicating the source.
NB – Google or Wikipedia or other types of websites are not appropriate reference sources.
References must be provided and you must be consistent in the style used. Footnotes and or Endnotes must not be used. Please: do not quote whole sections of any Act in the body of your Report, or as an attachment.
Academic Integrity
Please read and familiarise yourself with QUT’s policy .
In particular please note that the following is considered conduct which breaches that policy:
(i) copying verbatim phrases, sentences, paragraphs or more from a text, case, website, article or another source without appropriate referencing;
(ii) copying or using an idea from a text, article or other source without referencing the original source of the idea;
(iii) copying the work of another student and submitting it as your own. This applies whether you are copying the assignment of another student submitted for this unit or the work of another student that may be available on the internet although not directly submitted for this unit;
(iv) summarizing the work of another person, including cases, article, websites, without appropriate acknowledgement; and or
(v) collaborating for research and writing with other person/s, whether another student or not, when the assessment task is an individual assessment task.
This list is not exhaustive.
Substantial penalties including failing the Task, failing the unit or exclusion can be given depending on the severity of the plagiarism or other academic misconduct.

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