Subject Title Social Content Creation
Subject Code MKT304A
Assessment Title Concept development and planning a content shoot
Graduate Capabilities
• Innovative Problem Solving
• Technology and Information Literacy
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a) Evaluate visual content (photos, videos and social) from a variety of written and visual sources.
b) Experiment with creative methodologies within the image making process.
c) Create promotional imagery, applying technical, creative and visual techniques to effectively build brand stories.
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 30%
Word count 1500 words (+/- 10% excluding cover page, table of contents, references)
Due day Week 7 Sunday 11:55PM
Submission type Assignment Tool ?
Format / Layout of Assessment Report:
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Reference List
Assessment instructions Assessment overview
In this individual assessment you are going to continue working with the business you analysed on your first assessment.
You are required to research and explore creative methodologies of social media content.
You will develop a plan for creating your own social media content and experiment within the image and, or video making process in the form of a test shoot for your proposed organisation/company.
It is always good to maintain ongoing analysis of the performance of your content by using relevant analytical tools that provide information and data to allow informed changes, adaptations and improvements.
You will identify how you plan to analyse the performance of your content. Free evaluation & measuring tools are often provided by respective platforms. E.g., Facebook Insights, LinkedIn Analytics, etc., or there are systems available from third party companies. Consider some systems may incur a cost.
Task Description
You must use the organisation/company you identified within your Assessment 1 submission.
Students are required to prepare a report that includes:
– Social Media Analysis – Observe, analyse and evaluate successful existing social media examples that you want to reference when creating your visual content – at least FIVE (5) different examples from either the same, or differing social media platforms.
– Social Media Plan – Create detailed social media plan, including:
• Selection of Social media platforms and justification for your selection. A minimum of TWO (2) social media platforms must be proposed. Include intended evaluation and measuring tools, as well as the respective metrics that would be used.
• Content development. Develop overall creative direction keeping in mind that in Assessment 3 you will be creating SIX (6) new social media content images, or videos for your organisation/company.
• Planning your shoot: Create and complete a Moodboard, Shot-list and Shoot Planner/Call sheet
• Test shoot: Utilising the creative direction and planning that you have outlined within the
‘Content development’ and ‘Planning your shoot’ section of this assessment you are required to test shoot ONE (1) of your planned SIX (6) images and, or videos in order to understand, experiment and solidify the creative direction of your shoot/s. Identify the best 3
images and, or videos from your test shoot and include them within your report.
– Your report should have a clearly identifiable structure including: ICMS cover page, table of contents, Introduction to your report, Report findings as per the brief and a Reference list.
– Your report must be presented as a Microsoft word doc PDF.
– Marks will be deducted for poor spelling and grammar.
– Use at least FIVE (5) pieces of academic evidence. Academic evidences are defined as peer reviewed journal articles, governmental publications, and academic textbooks.
– You must reference your report in accordance with the ICMS Style Guide (Help write my thesis – APA 7th Edition).
– The report submitted must be your own work and the lecturer reserves the right to carry out a viva voce on the essay to ensure that the essay is the students own work.
– The Turnitin submission by 11.55pm on the date specified.
Readings for the assessment Refer to Essential Resources within Topics 1 – 7.
Grading Criteria / Rubric Please refer to the Marking Rubric provided below.
Assessment 2 – Marking Rubric
Criteria HD (85-100) D (75-84) CR (65-74) PASS (50-64) FAIL (0-49)
Social Media
Excellent analysis of at least FIVE (5) social media examples. Very good analysis of at least FOUR (4) social media examples.
Good analysis of at least THREE (3) social media examples. Basic analysis of at least TWO (2) social media examples. Limited (or no) analysis of social media examples.
Social Media
Plan –
( 20%)
Excellent justification for selection of social media platforms and included evaluation and measuring tools. Very good justification for selection of social media platforms and included evaluation and measuring tools. Good justification for selection of social media platforms and included evaluation and measuring tools. Basic justification for selection of social media platforms and included evaluation and measuring tools.
Limited (or no) justification for selection of social media platforms and included evaluation and measuring tools.
Social Media Plan – Content development.
Excellent content
development plan for SIX (6) new social media content images, or videos for your organisation/company.
Very good content development plan for SIX (6) new social media content images, or videos for your organisation/company. Good content development plan for SIX (6) new social media content images, or videos for your organisation/company.
Basic content development plan for SIX (6) new social media content images, or videos for your organisation/company.
Limited (or no) content development plan for
SIX (6) new social media content images, or videos for your organisation/company.
Social Media Plan – Planning your shoot: Create and complete a Moodboard and
Shoot Planner
(20%) Excellent planning for your social media shoot, including Moodboard and Planner. Very good planning for your social media shoot, including Moodboard and Planner. Good planning for your social media shoot, including Moodboard and Planner.
Basic planning for your social media shoot, including Moodboard and Planner.
Limited (or no) planning for your social media shoot, including Moodboard and Planner.
Test shoot
Excellent standard in producing and creating social media test shoot images and/or videos.
Very good standard in producing and creating social media test shoot images and/or videos.
Good standard in producing and creating social media test shoot images and/or videos.
Basic standard in producing and creating social media test shoot images and/or videos.
Limited, or poor standard in producing and creating social
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media test shoot images and/or videos.
writing, research, resources and supporting evidence (10%) Excellent research and summation of all sections of report
A wide range of academic research including more than FIVE (5) academic evidence beyond subject materials to appropriately validate all key findings.
Referencing is consistently accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide (Help write my thesis – APA 7th Edition).
Very good research and summation of all sections of report.
A wide range of academic research including more than FOUR (4) academic evidence beyond subject materials to appropriately validate all key findings. Referencing is consistently accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide (Help write my thesis – APA 7th
Edition). Good research and summation of all sections of report. A wide range of academic research including more than THREE (3) academic evidence beyond subject
materials to appropriately validate all key findings.
Referencing is accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide (Help write my thesis – APA 7th
Edition). Basic research and summation of all sections of report. A wide range of academic research including more than TWO (2) academic evidence beyond subject materials to appropriately validate all key findings.
Referencing is mostly accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide ( Help write my thesis – APA 7th Edition).
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Concept development and planning a content shoot
Graduate Capabilities
• Innovative Problem Solving
• Technology and Information Literacy
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a) Evaluate visual content (photos, videos and social) from a variety of written and visual sources.
b) Experiment with creative methodologies within the image making process.
c) Create promotional imagery, applying technical, creative and visual techniques to effectively build brand stories.
Concept development and planning a content shoot involve a range of skills that align with the graduate capabilities of innovative problem solving and technology and information literacy. To achieve the learning outcomes of the subject, the following steps could be taken:

Research: The first step in developing a concept and planning a content shoot is to conduct research. This includes researching the brand, the target audience, and the industry trends.

Brainstorming: After conducting research, the next step is to brainstorm ideas for the shoot. This involves coming up with creative concepts and strategies to showcase the brand and effectively communicate its story.

Planning: Once the concept has been developed, the next step is to plan the logistics of the shoot. This includes determining the location, props, lighting, and equipment needed for the shoot.

Execution: During the execution phase, the shoot takes place, and the creative ideas are brought to life. This involves using technical and visual techniques to create promotional imagery that aligns with the brand’s story.

Evaluation: The final step in the process is to evaluate the visual content produced during the shoot. This involves assessing the effectiveness of the imagery in building the brand story and reaching the target audience.

Throughout the process, the graduate capabilities of innovative problem solving and technology and information literacy are used. Innovative problem solving is used in developing creative concepts and strategies for the shoot, while technology and information literacy are used in selecting the appropriate equipment and tools to bring the concepts to life. The learning outcomes of the subject are achieved through evaluating visual content, experimenting with creative methodologies, and creating promotional imagery that effectively builds brand stories.

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