Posted: September 15th, 2022
Module 4CN002 – Sustainable Construction Technology Assessment
4CN002 – Sustainable Construction Technology (Residential)
Ant’ Hatfield
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Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Architecture and the Built Environment
Assessment Brief
Module 4CN002 – Sustainable Construction Technology (Residential)
Module Leader Ant’ Hatfield. Module Team: Dr David Searle and Dr Mohammad Q.
Semester One and Two
Year 2019 – 20
Assessment Number 2
% of module mark 50%
Due Date No later than: Friday 22nd May 2020
Hand-in – what? Assignment: Portfolio – A Social housing Development.
F.A.O. of your module leader shown above
Hand-in- where? MI024 – Student Centre
Pass mark Minimum 40%
Method of retrieval See Page 2
Feedback Within 4 working weeks
Collection of marked
Feedback will be provided. You should keep an electronic’ and hard
copy of your work including any drawings.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. Develop your knowledge and understanding of the interaction and placement of structural
and non-structural components of a residential building.
2. Develop your subject specific skills that relate to the chemical and biological reactions that
can adversely affect building materials and thermal efficiency.
4CN002 – Sustainable Construction Technology (Residential)
Ant’ Hatfield
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Submission of work
Your completed work for assignments must be handed in on or before the due date. You must keep a copy or
backup of any assessed work that you submit. Failure to do so may result in your having to repeat that
piece of work.
Electronic submission:
This is normally done via CANVAS. Any special instructions will be available on the upload tag or within the
assessment brief.
Paper submission:
Your assignment should be handed in at the student office on the ground floor of MI building. It should have a
barcoded front cover (available via e-Vision) and be neatly presented, at least stapled and preferably in a suitable
plastic folder. Any item handed in must have, clearly written on the front:
Your student I.D. number
The module number, title and the module leader’s name
The date of submission
All drawings should be bound with the main document and should also show the student I.D. number.
Penalties for late submission of coursework
Standard University arrangements apply. ANY late submission will result in the grade 0-NS being allocated
to the coursework.
Procedure for requesting extensions / mitigating circumstances
This is done via e-Vision. Further information can be found at
Retrieval of Failure
Where a student fails a module (less than 40% for undergraduate modules) they have the right to attempt the
failed assessment(s) once, at the next resit opportunity. If a student fails assessment for a second time they
have a right to repeat the module – but at an extra cost.
The resit period for the exam in this module will be during the week commencing: July 13th 2020.
The latest resubmission date for assignments in this module is: 3.00pm Friday 17th July 2020.
Return of assignments
Assignment feed-back will be normally be available from the Student Support Office MI024 within four working
weeks and will be based upon the University marking descriptors.
Your student Support Officers who are based in MI024b.
If you have any questions regarding your feedback, you normally have two working weeks from the date you
receive your written assignment feedback or receive your exam results to contact and discuss the matter with
your lecturer.
Cheating is any attempt to gain unfair advantage by dishonest means and includes plagiarism and collusion.
Cheating is a serious offence. You are advised to check the nature of each assessment. You must work
individually unless it is a group assessment.
Cheating is defined as any attempt by a candidate to gain unfair advantage in an assessment by dishonest
means, and includes e.g. all breaches of examination room rules, impersonating another candidate, falsifying
data, and obtaining an examination paper in advance of its authorised release.
Plagiarism is defined as incorporating a significant amount of un-attributed direct quotation from, or unattributed substantial paraphrasing of, the work of another.
Collusion occurs when two or more students collaborate to produce a piece of work to be submitted (in whole
or part) for assessment and the work is presented as the work of one student alone.
For further details see:
4CN002 – Sustainable Construction Technology (Residential)
Ant’ Hatfield
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Your Brief:
As a senior partner of an architectural and structural engineering consultancy, you have been
approached by a prospective client with no prior knowledge of new-build construction namely;
Senenmut Housing. Their intention is to purchase this ‘brownfield’ site to have 120 identical energy
efficient units (houses) built for social housing use.
Archival records and a full site
investigation report have concluded that a
disused quarry was used during the
Victorian period as a landfill site. Industrial
units where constructed over it in the
1920’s but these were demolished in the
late 1970’s, only their foundations and the
concrete carpark remain.
The gently sloping site consists of
cohesive soil around the perimeter of the
site which is prone to flooding. There are
also pockets of compressible land-fill
materials of varying depths (maximum
depth of 6.50 metres) encountered at
intervals across the centre of the site.
Senenmut Housing has commissioned you to prepare a detailed report of the suggested substructure
and superstructure. Additionally, you are to advise on alternatives to traditional brick and block wall
construction methods, and, to establish the potential heat loss from each unit and the entire site.
Your report should consist of two sections:
Section A. Construction choices (approximately 1,750 words)
70% weighting of assignment.
1). Weighting (30%)
Based upon the site conditions above, identify three suitable foundation types utilised for low rise,
masonry cavity wall construction; briefly explain the key factors that may influence their selection.
Using a ruler and drawing pens, hand-draw these three foundation types and annotate to help you to
describe their components. As a guide, each foundation drawing should fill one sheet of A4 paper,
this will allow the drawings to be annotated with their component names and approximate
(proportional) dimensions.
2). Weighting (20%)
2a). To a suitable scale, each on one side of A4 (aim to fill the page), draw and annotate a cross
section through a traditional brick and block masonry cavity wall at window cill level. Additionally,
draw and annotate a cross section of a typical ‘Eaves’ and ‘Ridge’ detail including the location of any
2b). Draw a ‘silent joist’ and briefly explain how they are made and the rationale for their use. You
may wish to test your C.A.D. skills although this is not compulsory.
3). Weighting (8%)
3a). As an alternative to traditional construction, identify two prefabricated types of residential wall
assembly made from sustainable materials. What would the technical and financial advantages be of
using these methods assembly for the client?
3b).The assembly technique of pre-fabricated timber walls is derived from two walling systems; which
do you recommend, and why?
4). Weighting (8%)
Explain to your client the difference between erecting a ‘Purlin’ cut roof and ‘Trussed’ roof; justify
which method you would use for this project.
View from site access point
4CN002 – Sustainable Construction Technology (Residential)
Ant’ Hatfield
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5). Weighting (4%)
Photovoltaic panels will be fitted on the roofs; what is important about the orientation of the units on
the site?
Section B – Laboratory work and practical sessions
30% weighting of assignment, split into three.
This section, due to the calculation and workbook requirements, is not included in the word count.
6). Thermal Losses – 18% weighting
Calculate the combined (total) rate of heat loss from 120 identical units using the following
Unit (dwelling) Dimensions: Length 8.25m, width 6.75m, height 5.2m
Wall Construction: 25 mm Render (k=0.94 W/m K); 103 mm Brickwork (k=0.77 W/m K); 50 mm clear
cavity (R=0.180 m2
K/W); 50 mm Insulation board (k=0.020 W/m K); 115 mm Aerated block (k=0.11
W/m K); 20mm Internal lightweight plaster (k=0.18). Internal boundary layer resistance (Rsi) = 0.120
K/W, External boundary layer resistance (Rso = 0.060 m2
Windows: 8 no (two in each wall) size: 1m x 1.8m (U value = 5.8 W/m2
Door: 2 no. size: 1.981m x 0.813m (U value = 2.0 W/m2
Floor rate of heat loss = 313 W Roof rate of heat loss = 628 W
Assume an internal temperature of 23oC, an external temperature of 8
oC; and 1.5 air changes per
6a). Fabric heat loss (9% weighting)
Total rate of Fabric heat loss (Pf) = U A t
Where: U=U value; A=area of fabric element (door, wall etc.); t=internal/external temperature
difference (oC)
6b). Ventilation heat loss (9% weighting)
Total rate of ventilation heat loss (Pv) = 0.33 N V t
Where: N=number of air changes per hour; V=volume of building (m3
); t=internal/external
temperature difference (oC)
Remember to calculate the combined heat loss of one Unit and then the total loss for the total site!
7). Laboratory workbook 1
Fresh Concrete and Aggregate Testing (6% weighting)
The workbook will be available on CANVAS.
Please attach your completed workbook to your assignment (Portfolio) for marking.
8). Laboratory workbook 2
Compliance testing for clay bricks (6% weighting)
The workbook will be available on CANVAS.
Please bind your completed workbooks to your assignment (Portfolio) for marking.
4CN002 – Sustainable Construction Technology (Residential)
Ant’ Hatfield
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Assessment criteria:
As a guide, marks will be awarded in this assignment as follows:
Clarity, structure and professionalism of your report: 10%
Extent of research, technical feasibility and “real life” justification
of the technology applied – reflected in both text and drawings: 50%
Informed and objective conclusions, logic and appropriateness
of discussion, grammar, Harvard referencing (evidenced by quality
and number of reference sources), use of Appendices etc. 10%
Accuracy of thermal loss calculation and Laboratory workbooks 30%
All 8 questions must be attempted.
Drawings to be produced on A4 paper – Bordered with legend and with your student I.D.
written on each and the scale used where appropriate.
Show all heat-loss calculation working-out, not just the answer.
The assignment (Portfolio) must in an appropriate technical report format, suitably bound (not
loose in plastic wallets) to the drawings and work books.
Harvard referencing (excluding the workbooks).
Word count to be included on the contents page.
Each page to be numbered.
In case of computer failure, it is advised that you keep electronic’ and hard copy back-ups of
your work including any drawings.
Note that both components (Assignment and Exam) have to be passed (minimum of 40% each) in
order to successfully complete this module.
The University Performance descriptors for your Level 4 modules will be used as the basis of your
assignment feed-back and are included in your module guide.
Student Notes:
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