Posted: September 6th, 2022
Promoting Human Rights in Canada Outline
Promoting Human Rights in Canada Outline
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Promoting Human Rights in Canada Outline
I. Introduction
A. Human rights form the back bone of humanity and how people interact with each other across various diverse contexts and settings.
B. They promote the welfare of every individual without favoritism or discrimination and they are based on the provision of freedom to all and embracing diversity.
C. In Canada, there are numerous groups of people categorized based on their religion, socioeconomic class, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and gender among other factors.
D. Considering that Canada is characterized by diverse individuals, it is imperative for the government to ensure that their welfare and rights are promoted despite the prevailing social injustices of neglect and discrimination to create an increased measure of harmony across the society.
II. Body
A. Paragraph 1
1. The basic requirements for the sustainability of human beings are food, shelter, and clothing as they form the backbone for holding together humanity and ensuring that people live harmoniously despite their indifferences.
2. These requirements also fall under the confines of their universal rights to access.
3. Considering that there is a crisis of climate change, the government is responsible for promoting its citizens’ welfare by ensuring that they have a sufficient supply of necessities such as clean water (Talaga, 2019).
4. As such, by denying people access to clean water and failing to handle the water crises issue, the Canadian government shows incompetence and disregard for human life, which calls for implementing urgent changes to the system
B. Paragraph 2
1. Religion is one of the fundamental human rights whereby an individual is given the freedom to worship whenever and however they want to while following the doctrines and requirements of the particular religion they are affiliated with.
2. This also comes with the attire, values, beliefs, and individual actions associated with that specific religion.
3. The administration at Quebec went to the extent of passing a controversial bill that goes against the basic principles of a democratic nation of governing for the people through the promotion of their rights and freedoms (Maimona, 2019).
4. In this regard, since Quebec has banned religious symbols for the public servants, this means that democracy is not being practiced as it should be in a case where
C. Paragraph 3
1. Promoting human rights is the primary duty and responsibility of any democratic government since the rule is for the people and by the people which means that their needs and wants should be the first priority across all contexts.
2. This means that those in authority should ensure that their policy implementation practices are solely geared towards the increased welfare of the members of the community and the promotion of their rights.
3. Sadly, the Canadian government seems to be falling short while handling its public affairs in relation to upholding human rights and focusing on the needs of the people.
4. As a result, the practice of democracy will lose its relevance and meaning across the society.
III. Conclusion
A. In Canada, there are people from all walks of life who rely upon the government to uphold and promote their rights thereby avoiding the prevalent social injustices that are based on neglect and discrimination.
B. The government of Canada has to embark on the most important roles it plays to the society which means that the involved personnel have to reconsider their priorities and focus on effective leadership based on democratic grounds.
Maimona, M. (2019). Quebec’s ban on religious clothing is chilling: To be like use, you must dress like us. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from:
Talaga, T. (2019). What will it take for Canada to address the water crisis in indigenous communities? The Star. Retrieved from:
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Promoting Human Rights in Canada Outline