Student Version
Section A – Program/Course details
Qualification code: CHC52015
Qualification title: Diploma of Community Services (Case Management)
Unit code:
ACWA Guidelines
Unit title:
Fieldwork Placement Supplementary Project
Department name: HSYCS, Community and Social Inclusion
CRN number: Enter CRN number
Section B – Assessment task details
Assessment number: 1 of 1
Semester/Year: Semester 2, 2020
Due date: 8 weeks from commencement date
Duration of assessment: 8 weeks
Assessment method Project/Report/Portfolio
Assessment task results ?Ungraded result
?Other: Click here to enter text.
Section C – Instructions to students
Task instructions:
This supplementary project is an optional project for students studying the ACWA stream who want to use this project to contribute 140 hours towards their fieldwork placement.
This project can be completed individually or in groups of up to 8 people. If you complete the project as part of a group, you must submit individual evidence to support your contribution to points 1 to 5 below.
You will be assigned a teacher who will facilitate discussion prior to you completing the project and will support you throughout the project. This teacher will be your contact person. You should check in with your teacher when you have completed each point below to get approval to proceed to the next stage of your project.
To complete this project, you are required to:
1. Identify and research a social or community issue caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Victoria. Homework help – Write a 500 to 1,000-word report about the social or community issue.
Some examples of social or community issues could be:
– Access or disruption to education
– Access to healthcare
– Access to services (e.g. disability services, mental health services, family violence services)
– Access to technology
– Aged Care
– Anxiety
– Boredom
– Depression
– Family violence
– Financial stress
– Grief and loss
– Homelessness
– Loneliness
– Social isolation
– Stress and fatigue
– Unemployment
*Note: This list is not exhaustive
2. Identify a target group that is affected by this issue. Homework help – Write a 250 to 500 word report that identifies:
– The characteristics of the target group
– Why you have selected this target group
– How the target group have been / could be impacted by the social or community issue
Some examples of target groups could be:
– Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples
– Children
– Culturally and linguistically diverse people
– Essential workers
– Frontline healthcare workers
– International or domestic students
– LGBTIQ+ Community
– Men
– Older people
– People with disability
– Temporary migrants
– Women
– Young people
– Your local community
*Note: This list is not exhaustive
Your 250 – 500 word report should be written using culturally appropriate, inclusive language. For more information on inclusive language, refer to:
3. Plan and implement a community development project to address the social or community issue affecting this target group. Your community development project must include a COVID Safe Plan and observe government guidelines regarding COVID-19 restrictions.
4. Complete and submit a portfolio of evidence on completion of the project.
5. Complete and submit a Project Report and Evaluation.
For more information regarding the marking criteria for this project, refer to Section E: Marking Guide.
Section D – Conditions for assessment
Student to complete and attach Assessment Submission Cover Sheet to the completed Assessment Task.
This is an individual assessment.
You can refer to class notes to support your answers.
All work is to be completed and submitted to your teacher by the due date. Your teacher will provide you with the due date at the commencement of this project.
If you are unable to submit your task by the due date, you will need to apply for a deferred assessment within 5 days of the due date. Please consult with your teacher to complete a deferred assessment application.
You must reference your sources using Help write my thesis – APA 6th. For more information on referencing go to:
If you do not reference external sources correctly, this will be classed as plagiarism and you may not pass this task. For more information go to:
Reasonable adjustments may be made where necessary. Please refer to the unit outline and discuss your individual circumstances with your teacher if required.
If you do not pass this assessment task on the first attempt, you will have two opportunities for resubmission.
You may appeal the assessment decision. Please consult with your Education Manager if you wish to do so.
Equipment/resources students must supply: Equipment/resources to be provided by the RTO:
Computer and internet access (available in all Holmesglen Learning Commons)
A template on Brightspace in which to enter answers.
Project Plan Template

Section E – Marking Sheet – Student Answer Sheet
Student ID: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Unit code:
ACWA Guidelines
Unit title: Fieldwork Placement Supplementary Project
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Project / Portfolio / Report Task
Criteria for assessment Satisfactory Comment
Yes No
The following has been submitted for assessment:
A 500 – 1,000 word report about a social or community issue caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Victoria.
Click or tap here to enter text.
A 250 – 500 word report that identifies a target group
Click or tap here to enter text.
A completed Project Plan Application Form (see attached template)
Click or tap here to enter text.
A completed COVID Safe Plan (see attached template) ?
Click or tap here to enter text.
A log book to record hours spent on the project (see attached template) ?
Click or tap here to enter text.
A portfolio of evidence to document project (e.g. notes from class, records of research, stakeholder engagement, notes from telephone calls, photographs or video footage, production of resources or websites, testimonials from stakeholders or community groups etc.) ?
Click or tap here to enter text.
A completed Project Report and Evaluation (see attached template) ?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Marking criteria for each product document/s supplied:
1. The 500 – 1,000-word report:
– Clearly identifies one social or community issue
– Describes the link between the social or community issue and the COVID-19 pandemic
– Identifies the short term and projected long term impacts of the issue on the community
– Suggests possible services or resources to support people experiencing the social or community issue
– Is supported by research from reliable sources and is referenced using Help write my thesis – APA 6th
Click or tap here to enter text.
2. The 250 – 500-word report:
– Clearly identifies a target group
– Describes the characteristics of the target group
– Explains why the student has selected this target group
– Explains how the target group have been / could be impacted by the social or community issue
– Is written using culturally appropriate, inclusive language
– Is supported by research from reliable sources and is referenced using Help write my thesis – APA 6th
Click or tap here to enter text.
3. The completed Project Plan Application Form includes all information, including:
– Summary
– Background / context
– Community profile
– Community needs analysis
– Stakeholder organisations / entities
– Working with stakeholders
– Legislative requirements
– Organisational policies, procedures and standards
– Overall project budget (if any)
– Project goals and strategies ?
Click or tap here to enter text.
4. The completed COVID Safe Plan includes:
– If possible, all members of the group to work from home
– If on site work is permitted and required, a DHHS COVID Safe Plan is fully completed and implemented.
Click or tap here to enter text.
5. The logbook is completed and evidences 140 hours of supplementary project work within the eight week timeframe
Click or tap here to enter text.
6. The portfolio of evidence includes at least 4 of the following:
– Notes from class
– Records of research
– Records of stakeholder engagement (e.g. notes from telephone calls)
– Evidence of group discussions
– Photos or video footage of project
– Project resources (e.g. printed resources, websites or products).
– Testimonials from stakeholders or community groups. ?
Click or tap here to enter text.
7. All sections of the completed Project Report and Evaluation are completed, including:
– Project details
– Project summary
– Engagement of target group
– Engagement of other stakeholders
– Partnerships and networks
– Sustainability
– Acquittal of funds (if any)
– Barriers and conflicts
– Monitoring and reviewing of program
– Skills and knowledge ?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Section F – Feedback to Student
Has the student successfully completed this assessment task? Yes No
Additional Assessor comments (as appropriate):
Click or tap here to enter text.
Resubmission allowed: Yes ?
No ?
Resubmission due date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Assessor name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Assessor signature: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student signature: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Supporting document
Community and School Grants Plan APPLICATION FORM
Unit code:
ACWA Guidelines
Unit title: Fieldwork Placement Supplementary Project
Student ID: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date of submission: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student signature: Click or tap here to enter text.
Submit the application well before the submission date.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is fully complete. To type in a field, make sure your cursor is placed at the beginning of the box.
Organisation/consortium name Click or tap here to enter text.
Project name Click or tap here to enter text.
Project funding amount sought Click or tap here to enter text.
Project duration Click or tap here to enter text.
BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION – identify the target group, describe the purpose of the project, the activities and the expected outcome (who, what, when and why)
Click or tap here to enter text.
General information on the target group
Demographics of target group Click or tap here to enter text.
Health and wellbeing Click or tap here to enter text.
Social and cultural factors Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence of specific issues / needs of the target group
Identification of the need(s) the program proposes to address Click or tap here to enter text.
Structures and systems that may contribute to the issues the community experience Click or tap here to enter text.
Name all stakeholders and describe their role(s) in project delivery
Stakeholder Role(s)

Click or tap here to enter text.
Strategies to build partnerships and networks to publicise and promote the project Click or tap here to enter text.
How project will comply with relevant legislation Click or tap here to enter text.
How project will comply with organisational policies, procedures and standards Click or tap here to enter text.
Include all items and projected costs
Item Cost
Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Total funding amount sought: Click or tap here to enter text.
SMART goals and detailed plan to achieve them
Goal Strategies / Actions Person/s responsible Resources / Equipment Due date Goal achieved?
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Goal Strategies / Actions Person/s responsible Resources / Equipment Due date Goal achieved?
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Supporting document
COVID Safe Plan Template
Unit code:
ACWA Guidelines
Unit title: Fieldwork Placement Supplementary Project
Student ID: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date of submission: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student signature: Click or tap here to enter text.
Important Note:
All supplementary projects undertaken during Stage 4 COVID-19 Restrictions should take place remotely with students and teachers working from home.
Projects that are permitted to take place onsite in the community during Stage 2 or 3 COVID-19 Restrictions should have a COVIDSafe Plan. If conducted onsite, the COVIDSafe Plan for your project should be submitted with your portfolio of evidence. To download a COVID Safe Plan template go to:
You will find a copy of the COVIDSafe Plan template under the heading “Creating a COVIDSafe Plan section of the website:

Supporting document
Supplementary Project Logbook and Portfolio of Evidence
Unit code:
ACWA Guidelines
Unit title: Fieldwork Placement Supplementary Project
Student ID: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date of submission: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student signature: Click or tap here to enter text.
Please complete this logbook to record your project activities and evidence you will submit with your portfolio. If you are submitting recordings, photographs of, or quotes / testimonials from people, please remember to seek their permission before submitting these.
Date Activity/s Evidence (to be provided in your portfolio and numbered for easy reference) Total Hours Hours Remaining
e.g. 14/09/20 e.g. Conference call, team meeting. 1. Notes / recording from conference call.
2. Meeting minutes 5 135
e.g. 17/09/20 e.g. Research 3. Notes from research
4. Research report 8 127
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Date Activity/s Evidence (to be provided in your portfolio and numbered for easy reference) Total Hours Hours Remaining
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Date Activity/s Evidence (to be provided in your portfolio and numbered for easy reference) Total Hours Hours Remaining
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Supporting document
Community and Schools Grants: Project Report and Evaluation
Unit code:
ACWA Guidelines
Unit title: Fieldwork Placement Supplementary Project
Student ID: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Date of submission: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student signature: Click or tap here to enter text.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is fully complete. To type in a field make sure your cursor is placed at the beginning of the box.
Name of project Click or tap here to enter text.
Names of all group members Click or tap here to enter text.
Summary of the project outcomes, including specific data
Project outcomes Click or tap here to enter text.
How did the project engage the target group in planning, implementing and evaluating
Identification of target group
Involvement in planning? Click or tap here to enter text.
Involvement in implementing? Click or tap here to enter text.
Involvement in evaluating? Click or tap here to enter text.
How did the project engage stakeholders in planning, implementing and evaluating
Identification of stakeholders
Involvement in planning? Click or tap here to enter text.
Involvement in implementing? Click or tap here to enter text.
Involvement in evaluating? Click or tap here to enter text.
How the project built on partnerships and networks to gain support for it (e.g. community members, other organisations and relevant government bodies)
Partnerships / networks and methods used strengthen them Click or tap here to enter text.
Identification of sustainability considerations and how they were managed Click or tap here to enter text.
Include all items, projected and actual costs
Item Projected cost Actual cost
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Total funding amounts Click or tap here to enter text.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Identification of possible future funding sources (if project were to continue) Click or tap here to enter text.
Identification of barriers and conflicts encountered and how they were resolved / not resolved. The barriers discussed could be internal and/or external.
Barriers/conflicts & how they were/were not resolved Click or tap here to enter text.
How progress was monitored and reviewed, including implementing improvements and changes in the project
Methods of monitoring & reviewing Click or tap here to enter text.
Improvements/adjustments to program made as a result Click or tap here to enter text.
How skills and knowledge in the group were upgraded to meet the needs of the project? (i.e. formal or informal training)
Skills/knowledge & methods used to upgrade them Click or tap here to enter text.

Assessment Submission Cover Sheet (VET)
Student to complete relevant sections and attach this cover sheet to each assessment task for submission.
Student information To be completed by Student
Student name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Student ID: Click or tap here to enter text.
Program/Course details
Qualification code: CHC52015
Qualification title: Diploma of Community Services (Case Management)
Unit code:
ACWA Guidelines
Unit title:
Fieldwork Placement Supplementary Project
Department name: HSYCS, Community and Social Inclusion
CRN number: Enter CRN number
Assessment information To be completed by Student
Teacher name: Click or tap here to enter text.
Due date: 8 weeks from commencement date
Date submitted: Click or tap here to enter text.
Re-submission: ?
Student declaration
By submitting this assessment task and signing the below, I acknowledge and agree that:
1. This completed assessment task is my own work.
2. I understand the serious nature of plagiarism and I am aware of the penalties that exist for breaching this.
3. I have kept a copy of this assessment task.
4. The assessor may provide a copy of this assessment task to another member of the Institute for validation and/or benchmarking purposes.
Student signature
For electronic submissions: By typing your name in the student signature field, you are accepting the above declaration. Click or tap here to enter text.
Assessor to attach a photocopy of the completed Marking Guide (Section E) from the Student version of the Assessment Task.
Final result of the subject/unit will be entered on Banner by the teacher/assessor once all assessment tasks have been assessed.

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