Person and Family Centred Care
Assessment 3
Due date Thursday 10th October week 10 before 17:00
Weighting 40%
Submission Your assignment will be submitted into a Turnitin submission box within the SNUG105 Moodle site. You will have the opportunity to review and re-submit your assignment up to the due date and time.
Type of Collaboration Individual Assessment
Length 1500 words
Details The purpose of this essay is to examine the role of the family and the nurse in the development and maintenance of child and adolescent health through health screening and promotion, integrating evidence based practice. This essay will provide the opportunity to reflect on personal values and beliefs and how they impact on person centred care provided to child, adolescents and families in relation to the chosen issue.
Select ONE health issue facing families today, suggested issues include:
– Vaccination
– Breastfeeding
– Nutrition
– Screentime
– Alcohol use
– Drug use
– Smoking
– Bullying
An introduction and conclusion are required (150 words EACH).
ATTENTION. – Do NOT write part 1 or 2 in first person, this will be classified as poor academic practice.
Part 1
Outline and examine the impact of family and culture on the chosen issue, these could be positive and negative influences (400 words).
Part 2
Outline and examine the impact of the nurse on the issue (including health promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, and relevant screening tools) (400 words).
Part 3
Identify own personal values and beliefs and comment on how these could impact person centred care in relation to chosen topic (400 words). This third section is largely a reflection. I would assume that third and first person would be acceptable here. In terms of references, if you use material you need to reference. Given that this is still a piece of academic writing it would be recommended that you still do some reading around how values and beliefs influence practice.
Style and format Essay
Subject Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
Subject Learning Outcomes On completion of this subject, students should be able to:
1. Identify normal human growth and development relating to the assessment and care of children, adolescents and families
2. Assignment help – Discuss the role of the family in the development and maintenance of child and adolescent health
3. Integrate current evidence and research to support nursing assessment and management in the context of care to children, adolescents and families
4. Demonstrate physical and mental health assessment and skills using a lifespan approach
5. Describe the role of the nurse in health screening, promotion and illness prevention across the lifespan
6. Explain cultural, linguistic, social, economic and environmental factors in the context of care for children, adolescents and families
7. Reflect on personal values and beliefs and how these impact on person-centred care
Marking Criteria See Rubric Please follow high distinction one AND follow Help write my thesis – APA referencing

EXAMPLE for writer: You just need to focus on the development stage that you have chosen. FOR INSTANCE: vaccination example, you need only relate it to the newborn and family. No need to expand on the adolescence stage.
Introduction: Address the significance of the vaccination for a newborn (prox 150 words).
Part 1
Outline and examine the impact of family and culture on the the vaccination,
these could be positive and negative influences (400 words).
Part 2
Outline and examine the impact of the nurse on a newborn vaccination (including health
promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, and relevant screening tools)
(400 words).
Part 3
Identify own personal values and beliefs and comment on how these could
impact person centred care in relation to newborn vaccination (400 words).
Conclusion; what are the implication for nursing practice (150 words).

Assessment 3 – ESSAY RUBRIC
Criteria Fail 0-49% Pass 50-64% Credit 65-74% Distinction 75-84% High Distinction 85-100%
Introduction- 10%
Present a brief description / summary of the significance of the topic.
Demonstrated minimal knowledge and understanding of the significance of the topic. The problem statement lacks adequate detail. Demonstrated a reasonable level of knowledge and understanding of the significance of the topic. The problem statement is expressed but incomplete due to minor omissions. Demonstrated a thorough level of knowledge and understanding of the significance of the topic. The problem statement is expressed. Demonstrated a clearly articulated level of knowledge and understanding of the significance of the topic. The problem statement is clearly expressed. Demonstrated an exceptional level of knowledge and understanding of the significance of the topic. The problem statement is concisely and clearly expressed.
Part 1- Impact of family and culture on the chosen issue – 20%
Outline and examine the impact of family and culture on the chosen issue, these could be positive and negative influences
The impact of family and culture on the chosen issue is incomplete or does not match the issue. The range of literature sources used is insufficient. The impact of family and culture on the chosen issue is included but positive and negative influences poorly expressed. Small number of references used. The impact of family and culture on the chosen issue including positive and negative influences is expressed but incomplete due to minor omissions. An appropriate number of references used. The impact of family and culture on the chosen issue including positive and negative influences is correctly stated. An appropriate number of peer reviewed references used. The impact of family and culture on the chosen issue including positive and negative influences is concisely & correctly stated. An appropriate number of high quality, peer reviewed references used.
Part 2- Impact of the nurse on the issue- 20%
Outline and examine the impact of the nurse on the issue (including health promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, and relevant screening tools).
Presented an incomplete explanation on the impact of the nurse on the issue without including health promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, and relevant screening tools.
The range of literature sources used is insufficient. Presented a brief explanation on the impact of the nurse on the issue with limited examples that include health promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, and relevant screening tools.
Small number of references used. Presented a correct explanation on the impact of the nurse on the issue including health promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, and relevant screening tools.
An appropriate number of references used. Presented a clear and correct explanation on the impact of the nurse on the issue including health promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, and relevant screening tools. An appropriate number of peer reviewed references used. Presented a clear, concise and correct explanation on the impact of the nurse on the issue including health promotion, multidisciplinary collaboration, and relevant screening tools.
An appropriate number of high quality, peer reviewed references used.
Part 3- Own personal values and beliefs – 20%
Identify own personal values and beliefs and comment on how these could impact person centered care in relation to chosen topic. Provided a little evidence of identifying own personal values and beliefs. There is no comment on how those could impact person centred care in relation to chosen topic.
Provided a little evidence of identifying own personal values and beliefs. There are a few comments on how those could impact person centred care in relation to chosen topic. Provided an overview of identifying own personal values and beliefs. There are some comments on how those could impact person centred care in relation to chosen topic. Provided a thorough review of identifying own personal values and beliefs. The comments on how those could impact person centred care in relation to chosen topic are well explained. Provided a detailed review of identifying own personal values and beliefs. There are well related comments on how those could impact person centred care in relation to chosen topic.
Conclusion – 10%
Conclusion with implication for practice. The conclusion is incomplete and does not outline any implication for practice. The conclusion is included but poorly expressed any implication for practice. The conclusion is expressed but implication for practice is incomplete due to minor omissions. The conclusion is correctly stated and implication for practice is correctly listed. The conclusion is concisely & correctly stated and implication for practice is concisely listed.
Academic Writing – 10%
Uses correct spelling and paragraph structure throughout.
Structured as per UOW Assessment Handbook. Did not present information in an academic style. Language hinders the effective flow of ideas & meaning. Sentences lack structure & are consistently too short or too long. Multiple errors in spelling, grammar and style. Not structured as per UOW Assessment Handbook. Written reasonably clearly with academic style and structure. Adequate communication of information. Attempts to use paragraphs. Some sentences may be too long/short. Meets almost all style requirements including spacing, page numbers, font, headings. Presented a clear and logical discussion in an appropriate academic style. Evidence of sound academic writing. Paragraphs are 5-7 sentences in length and sentences are clear & concise. Minor errors only in syntax, spelling & grammar. Meets all style requirements. Presented a well- structured discussion in academic style. Evidence of superior academic writing skills. Correct use of paragraphs. Assignment help – Discussion in each paragraph provides sufficient depth to demonstrate understanding. Superior spelling, grammar, & syntax 5 minor errors. Meets all style requirements. Outstanding academic writing. Introductory sentence used at the start of paragraphs. Main subject matter is developed within each paragraph. Concluding sentence used at the end of paragraphs. Exemplary spelling, grammar & syntax with no errors. Meets all style requirements.
References – 10%
Uses Help write my thesis – APA style. Both in-text referencing and reference list included. Absent in-text referencing including the photos or reference list. Reference list & in-text referencing has major errors. Attempts to use Help write my thesis – APA style in-text referencing including the photos or reference list. Some errors in reference list & in-text. References included in reference list not in-text & vice-versa. Complies with referencing style requirements in-text referencing including the photos or reference list. Some referencing errors in in-text or referencing list. Help write my thesis – APA referencing style is consistently accurate in-text referencing including the photos or reference list. Less than 5 minor referencing errors. Complies with all the referencing style requirements in-text referencing including the photos or reference list. There are no errors in referencing throughout.
Please note: When using this rubric you must fulfil all the lower criteria before being awarded a higher grade

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