Posted: September 6th, 2022
The Rulers and the Ruled Analysis
The Rulers and the Ruled Analysis
2-page paper (via Canvas) in which you complete these tasks:
Identify the main ideas expressed in the reading. (Think about this for a while.)
Bullet point 3-4 key pieces of supporting evidence.
Identify 1-3 passages where Lepore’s style is especially effective. Use quotes and briefly explain.
Identify at least one concrete metaphor, or humorous allusion, or historical comparison that illustrates a key idea.
How does the Introduction to this chapter connect to the chapter as a whole?
I’m looking for an engaged reaction to the reading. If you can do this in another way, go ahead.
The Rulers and the Ruled Analysis
The chapter narrates the truths of America’s rise and the struggle between the rulers and the ruled. The author weaves the tragic events of American history into a majestic tapestry of faith and hope. It depicts that Americans overcame numerous odds in the fight for their freedom. It sketches the role of various American icons that united the nation and inspired people for the future. The introduction on the deerskin clock connects with the chapter by illustrating the brutality of the colonialists and their efforts to undermine slaves or subjects.
The chapter starts with James’s background, a pope-like king who was determined to find a new colony. He issues a letter to grant permission to settle in Virginia. James had a different approach in allowing the settlers to mine gold, silver and copper. He also encouraged them to covert other people into Christianity to propagate the religion in the region. The chapter provides the differences between James’ approach and other colonialists. It shows that James was using a creative approach to use the hearts of men. The chapter also analyzes another comparison, which shows that Catholics focused on baptism as a conversion tool while Protestants focused on teaching the converts to read the bible. The illustration shows that James was adopting an approach that would allow the colonies to rule themselves.
According to the Lapore, people believed that men were created unequal. God has thus given them a king to rule over them. The mentality was spread across the colonies that accepted orders from the king. Lepore notes that “at the beginning of English colonization, the king’s subjects at both sides of the ocean believed that men were created unequal and that God granted to their king the right to rule over them.” The mentality was the main reason some colonies complied with the orders without questioning them. However, the reading illustrates that although some colonies complied with their rulers’ orders, some like Jamaica would experience a different scenario. In Jamaica, the ruled decided to break away from the suppression of their rulers. The fight between the rulers and the ruled resulted in freedom and recognition of their independence.
The colonies’ spread ignited the need to ship slaves from other parts of the world to America. Millions of Europeans and almost half a million Africans were transported to the plantations. As the nations continued to depend on the plantations’ revenue, they drafted laws that would justify and support slavery. For instance, in 1662, the Virginia House of Burgesses cleared doubts about the fate of children born of slave women. The new law indicated that “you are what your mother was.”
Lapore shows that despite the deterioration of the slaves’ condition, they were the first to ignite a revolution. The essay depicts an irony by showing that it is not the rulers who started the revolution, but the ruled. The revolutions were founded on one principle that states, “by what right are we ruled.” The fight for freedBy by the slaves divided the country with some regions supporting freedom while others did not. However, in a quick response, Benjamin Franklin, in 1754, presented a woot cut titled, join, or die. The political cartoon was essential in encouraging the colonies to unite. The chapter illustrates American history’s progression, the descent to anarchy, and the milestones towards revolution.
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The Rulers and the Ruled Analysis