Posted: September 28th, 2022
Unit 1 Project: Cell Builder
Unit 1 Project: Cell Builder
Create a model of an animal cell using any material of your choice. In your model be sure to include at least 7 organelles/structures found in a typical animal cell. Once complete, take at least 2 photographs of your model: 1 picture should be of your cell model, and 1 picture should include both yourself and the model. Include the pictures in a document that also contains the following information in a table format:
• A detailed key/legend that matches the model;
• Each organelle or part with its basic function;
• A disease or disorder that is associated with the malfunction of each cellular organelle/structure;
• Reference website where you found information about the disease;
o References from government websites, academic institutions, or organizations that are recognized authorities on the subject (see my Cystic Fibrosis example) are recommended
o Do not use websites, such as Wikipedia, WebMD, Healthline, forums, personal blogs, or popular magazines (i.e., Women’s Health, etc.)
o Recommended reference websites: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
See my Cell Model Example
. You only need to include 7 organelles, so your model and table do not need to include all the organelles you see in my example.
Some suggestions for models include: a Lego model, a pizza with toppings, a cake with candy toppings, a Styrofoam model with arts and crafts pieces attached, etc. Feel free to get creative. You can also draw or illustrate a model if you do not have access to building materials. Please note, if you choose to draw a model, the drawing should take up the entire space on an 8.5×11 inch piece of paper (can be larger if desired), organelles should be different colors and accurately depicted, and the drawing should not look rushed. Regardless of what model you choose to create, organelles should be accurately depicted. You are encouraged to use your imagination. If you do not have access to building materials, another option is to draw or depict a model of what you want to create. Please note that if you choose to draw a model, the drawing should fill the entire space on a sheet of paper measuring 8.5 inches by 11 inches (it can be larger if desired), organelles should be different colors and accurately depicted, and the drawing should not look rushed. If you decide to draw a model, please keep in mind that these requirements. There should be an exact depiction of the organelles in the model, regardless of which model you choose to make.
Basic Requirements (the assignment will not be accepted or assessed unless the following criteria have been met):
• Assignment has been proofread and does not contain any major spelling or grammatical errors.
• Assignment includes 2 photographs of created model: 1 picture of just the model and 1 picture including both yourself and the model (pets welcome in pictures).
• Assignment includes a table, such as the one in my example.
• Assignment includes at least 7 organelles in the model and table (the organelles in your model must also appear in the table).
o For each organelle in your table, state how the organelle is represented in the model, the organelle’s function, a disease that is associated with malfunction of the organelle, and the website where you found the disease information.
Unit 1 Project: Cell Builder Rubric
Unit 1 Project: Cell Builder Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnimal Cell Organelles 20 to >0.0 pts
At least 7 organelles found in animal cells are present in the model and are listed in the table. Organelles are accurately depicted in model. Model key in table is accurate. 0 pts
Organelles not in the cell model or in the table. Organelles are inaccurately depicted in model. Model key is inaccurate.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganelle Functions 20 to >0.0 pts
Each listed organelle’s function is identified in the table and is discussed in detail. 0 pts
Cell organelles are missing or inaccurately discussed.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiseases 15 to >0.0 pts
For each organelle, table states a disease that is associated with malfunction of that organelle. Reference website for each disease is included in table. 0 pts
Organelles are missing diseases and/or reference website. Diseases are inaccurate.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Project Quality 15 to >0.0 pts
Assignment does not contain any major spelling or grammatical errors. Assignment is well thought out and detailed. 0 pts
Assignment contains several grammatical or spelling errors. Assignment appears rushed or carelessly put together.
15 pts
Total Points: 70
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Unit 1 Project: Cell Builder