School of Accounting Information Systems and Supply Chain

Business Project Management (BUSM4611)
Assessment 3: Project appraisal report
Each individual student will work on a supplied project and will answer some specific questions and submit the project
appraisal report. The project appraisal report is an opportunity for post-graduate students to demonstrate what they
have learned during the semester on project management.
Course Learning Outcomes
This assessment is linked to the following Course Learning Outcomes:
CLO 2 Critically appraise projects using industry standards and methods
CLO 4 Substantiate recommendations for enhancing project performance using relevant research
Assessment Type: Report, Individual assessment Word limit: 2000 words
(reference list included in
word count)
Due date: Thursday of Week 7,
23:59 (Melbourne time)
Weighting: 30%
Assessment details
You are required to develop a project evaluation report based on a case study provided on Canvas. Your project
evaluation report will answer four specific questions which are provided with the case study. The project
evaluation report is an opportunity for you to demonstrate what you have learned during the semester about
project management. You have to write an evaluation report for a project based on a case study on Canvas. In your report evaluating the project, you will answer four questions that come with the case study. The project evaluation report is your chance to show what you’ve learned about the project over the course of the semester.

project management.

You should answer each question in a logical way and use references from books and academic journals.
You should present your answer to each question logically and use references from academic journals and books
to substantiate key points. You should cite at least 3 different references in each answer using the RMIT
Harvard/Business format. We would like you to demonstrate independent research into project management
concepts. Thus, the references provided in the summary case study and the course text are not included in the
minimum 3 references required for each answer. You may cite them, but your answers should focus on project
management concepts, practice and evidence-based solutions that respond to the question rather than a detailed
description of issues evident in the case. The requirement to use three project management references beyond
those provided with the case and the course text is noted as 3 new references in the assessment rubric.
The assessment criteria noted in the rubric specifies originality. This means you must avoid over reliance on
quotations in your answer. You are encouraged to paraphrase sources wherever possible and to compare and
contrast sources to demonstrate critical analysis of the issues.
Some of the answers are matters of opinion and you will need to study the literature for ways to approach them.
To support your answer, you can refer to project management books, PMBOK, peer reviewed journal articles and
authenticated sources.
This assignment must be presented in a word document containing 4 numbered sections. The section number
should correspond to the question being answered. E.g. 1-4. You must also include a RMIT Harvard/Business
format reference list at the close of your submission. No title sheet, introduction, conclusion or executive summary
is required. You just need to answer the four questions and include a reference list.
Submit your report via the Turnitin submission point on Canvas. It is your responsibility to ensure your report has
a satisfactory Turnitin result when you submit. This means you should submit early to allow time to read, interpret
results, and to fix any issues that are evident. Usually, it should record a matching score of less than 20%. We are
using a common set of questions so in some circumstances a higher score may be acceptable providing only
common elements are highlighted (e.g. Section headings/name of the case).
Where whole sentences or significant portions of sentences are highlighted, try to paraphrase to reduce similarity
when resubmitting your report. Do not copy and paste the case summary, case study report or case references
without citing sources in accordance with the RMIT Harvard/Business format. When you refer to the case, ensure
you cite the relevant source. All text copied from a source must appear in quotation marks with a citation. All
paraphrased text based on a source must include a relevant citation to demonstrate your research.
A whole list of references being highlighted as coming from a single source is also problematic whereas a multi
coloured reference list is usually OK. Familiarise yourself with how to use Turnitin to check the originality of your
submission via the Turnitin submission point on Canvas. Make sure you check your work well in advance of the
submission due date. Always ask your tutor if you are concerned about Turnitin results.
Only upload one word file containing your report. Do not upload or include a cover sheet in your submission. It is
not necessary as uploading to Turnitin indicates your agreement to the terms of assessment submission.
Referencing guidelines
You must acknowledge all the sources of information you have used in your
Please use RMIT Harvard referencing style for this assignment. Please visit RMIT
library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and
referencing guides for printing.
Submission format
Upload as one (1) single file to Turnitin via the link below. Make sure the file
type is an accepted format. For further information, refer to the Turnitin
guide .
Academic integrity and plagiarism
Academic integrity is about honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others
while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.
You should take extreme care that you have:
− Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted
(i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through
the appropriate referencing methods,
− Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary.
This includes material taken from Internet sites.
If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have
passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.
RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.
Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:
− Failure to properly document a source
− Copyright material from the internet or databases
− Collusion between students
For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.
Assessment declaration
When you submit work electronically, you agree to the assessment declaration.
Style) for this
Assessment Criteria
Criteria Ratings Pts
Question 1
Original critical analysis of the key
project management concept
(highlighted in the question) with
respect to the case is presented.
Three new high-quality references
beyond those provided in the case
and the course text are cited to
support key points.
Original critical
analysis of the key
(highlighted in the
question) with
respect to the
case is presented.
Three new highquality references
beyond those
provided in the
case and the
course text are
cited to support
key points.
Original critical analysis
of the key project
management concept
(highlighted in the
question) with respect
to the case is
presented. Three new
high-quality references
beyond those provided
in the case and the
course text are cited to
support key points. One
or two minor issues are
noted but the answer is
very good.
Original critical
analysis of the key
(highlighted in the
question) with
respect to the case
is presented. Three
new high- quality
references beyond
those provided in
the case and the
course text are
cited to support key
points. Some
issues are noted
but the answer is
Original critical
analysis of the key
project management
concept (highlighted in
the question) with
respect to the case is
presented. Three new
high-quality references
beyond those provided
in the case and the
course text are cited to
support key points.
Several issues are
noted but the answer
is satisfactory.
Limited or no
critical analysis of
the key project
concept is
presented. Too
few new or no
references are
presented to
support key points.
A zero grade
applies if the
criteria is not
addressed or no
submission is
7 to >5.59 Pts 5.59 to >4.89 Pts 4.89 to >4.19 Pts 4.19 to >3.49 Pts 3.49 to >0 Pts 7
Question 2
Original critical analysis of the key
project management concept
(highlighted in the question) with
respect to the case is presented.
Three new high-quality references
beyond those provided in the case
and the course text are cited to
support key points
Original critical
analysis of the key
(highlighted in the
question) with
respect to the
case is presented.
Three new highquality references
Original critical analysis
of the key project
management concept
(highlighted in the
question) with respect
to the case is
presented. Three new
high- quality references
beyond those provided
in the case and the
course text are cited to
Original critical
analysis of the key
(highlighted in the
question) with
respect to the case
is presented. Three
new high- quality
references beyond
Original critical
analysis of the key
project management
concept (highlighted in
the question) with
respect to the case is
presented. Three new
high-quality references
beyond those provided
in the case and the
course text are cited to
Limited or no
critical analysis of
the key project
concept is
presented. Too
few new or no
references are
presented to
support key points.
beyond those
provided in the
case and the
course text are
cited to support
key points. The
answer is of a
support key points. One
or two minor issues are
noted but the answer is
very good.
those provided in
the case and the
course text are
cited to support key
points. Some
issues are noted
but the answer is
support key points.
Several issues are
noted but the answer
is satisfactory.
A zero grade
applies if the
criteria is not
addressed or no
submission is
7 to >5.59 Pts 5.59 to >4.89 Pts 4.89 to >4.19 Pts 4.19 to >3.49 Pts 3.49 to >0 Pts 7
Question 3
Original critical analysis of the key
project management concept
(highlighted in the question) with
respect to the case is presented.
Three new high-quality references
beyond those provided in the case
and the course text are cited to
support key points.
Original critical
analysis of the key
(highlighted in the
question) with
respect to the
case is presented.
Three new highquality references
beyond those
provided in the
case and the
course text are
cited to support
key points. The
answer is of a
Original critical analysis
of the key project
management concept
(highlighted in the
question) with respect
to the case is
presented. Three new
high- quality references
beyond those provided
in the case and the
course text are cited to
support key points. One
or two minor issues are
noted but the answer is
very good.
Original critical
analysis of the key
(highlighted in the
question) with
respect to the case
is presented. Three
new high- quality
references beyond
those provided in
the case and the
course text are
cited to support key
points. Some
issues are noted
but the answer is
Original critical
analysis of the key
project management
concept (highlighted in
the question) with
respect to the case is
presented. Three new
high-quality references
beyond those provided
in the case and the
course text are cited to
support key points.
Several issues are
noted but the answer
is satisfactory.
Limited or no
critical analysis of
the key project
concept is
presented. Too
few new or no
references are
presented to
support key points.
A zero grade
applies if the
criteria is not
addressed or no
submission is
7 to >5.59 Pts 5.59 to >4.89 Pts 4.89 to >4.19 Pts 4.19 to >3.49 Pts 3.49 to >0 Pts 7
Question 4
Original critical analysis of the key
project management concept
(highlighted in the question) with
respect to the case is presented.
Three new high-quality references
beyond those provided in the case
and the course text are cited to
support key points.
Original critical
analysis of the key
(highlighted in the
question) with
respect to the
case is presented.
Three new highquality references
beyond those
provided in the
case and the
course text are
cited to support
key points. The
answer is of a
Original critical analysis
of the key project
management concept
(highlighted in the
question) with respect
to the case is
presented. Three new
high- quality references
beyond those provided
in the case and the
course text are cited to
support key points. One
or two minor issues are
noted but the answer is
very good
Original critical
analysis of the key
(highlighted in the
question) with
respect to the case
is presented. Three
new high- quality
references beyond
those provided in
the case and the
course text are
cited to support key
points. Some
issues are noted
but the answer is
Original critical
analysis of the key
project management
concept (highlighted in
the question) with
respect to the case is
presented. Three new
high-quality references
beyond those provided
in the case and the
course text are cited to
support key points.
Several issues are
noted but the answer
is satisfactory.
Limited or no
critical analysis of
the key project
concept is
presented. Too
few new or no
references are
presented to
support key points.
A zero grade
applies if the
criteria is not
addressed or no
submission is
7 to >5.59 Pts 5.59 to >4.89 Pts 4.89 to >4.19 Pts 4.19 to >3.49 Pts 3.49 to >0 Pts 7
Reference list and length
An RMIT Harvard/Business format
reference list is presented. All
entries are of high quality, complete
and correspond to citations
included in answers. The
submission meets length
requirements within the +/-10%
format reference
list is presented.
All entries are of
high quality,
complete and
correspond to
citations included
in answers. The
submission meets
within the +/-10%
Presentation is of
a professional
format reference list is
presented. All entries
are of high quality,
complete and
correspond to citations
included in answers.
The submission meets
length requirements
within the +/-10%
tolerance. One or two
minor issues are noted
but presentation is very
format reference
list is presented. All
entries are of high
quality, complete
and correspond to
citations included in
answers. The
submission meets
requirements within
the +/-10%
tolerance. Some
issues are noted
but presentation is
format reference list is
presented. All entries
are of high quality,
complete and
correspond to citations
included in answers.
The submission meets
length requirements
within the +/-10%
tolerance. Several
issues are noted but
presentation is
References are
or incorrectly
formatted and/or
the report does not
meet length
within the +/-10%
A zero grade
applies if the
criteria is not
addressed or no
submission is
2 to >1.59 Pts 1.59 to >1.39 Pts 1.39 to >1.19 Pts 1.19 to >0.99 Pts 0.99 to >0 Pts 2
Total: 30 pts

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