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The company experiences upset at the rise of shadow IT projects due to weaknesses in the internal information system and the organization need to adopt another system to ensure that success levels are enhanced. The CEO is concerned about the failure of the current information system and wants it changed by the employee with the best solution to counter the failure. The current information system has led to failures since it is outdated, inadequate and inefficient. In this regard, the organization has allocated $5 million to fund the best idea to the best idea among all the employees in the company. The new internal information system should address the organizational needs and ensure that the projects are successful. The new information will be involved in critical function, by storing different types of data and will perform exemplary as compared to the old system.
Proposed Information System
The new information needs to enhance the interaction of people and support the business processes. In this regard, the proposed will incorporate the Management Information System (MIS) and a Decision Support System. The MIS will ensure that projects are taken through the right path to enhance their success while the DSS will ensure that efficient and effective decision making (Unwin and Unwin, 2009). Equally important, the new information system will have the various components of the information systems which include computer hardware, computer software, telecommunications to connect the network and hardware, databases and data warehouse for the storage and management of data and human resources and procedures to ensure that people can run it effectively.

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The above diagram indicates the incorporation of MIS and DSS to enhance the regulation of a project and proper decision making respectively.
Functions Important to Business
The information system will be vital in handling various IT project to their successful conclusion. The new information system will be vital in the implementation of various managerial functions at different levels (Unwin, and Unwin, 2009). In this regard, the new information system will facilitate effective decision making while handling management functions such as controlling, planning, and coordination of different activities for the success of different IT projects. Equally important, the information system will ensure that data and vital information is kept safely for the benefit of the company. This approach will ensure that data and information are only available to the appropriate personnel thus the operations of the company can be effectively implemented.
Data Management
The proposed information systems will handle both the qualitative and quantitative data. Both will be vital in decision making and guiding the path of the projects when used together. Data quality can be enhanced through data normalization, preventing data fixing and duplication, and CRM synchronizing.

Data Types
The information system will be vital in handling different types of data both qualitative and quantitative. The types of data to be handled in the current information system include the structured, unstructured and semi-structured data from different sources (Oliveira and Martins, 2011). Data input is crucial concerning the output given for decision making and management of the IT projects. The data will be evaluated and interpreted to give the appropriate results for the success of various projects. Additionally, the quality of data is vital for the effectiveness of the output given. In this case, the quality of data needs to be accurate, relevant, reliable and complete to enhance effective decision making and proper management of the company.
Storage Methods
Data can be stored in different methods that enhance data security and ease of retrieval. The data can be stored in the Random Access Memory (RAM) or the Read-Only Memory (ROM) and USB flash drives.
Data Quality
The quality of data is vital for the effectiveness of the output given. The data needs to be accurate, relevant, reliable and complete to enhance effective decision making and proper management of the company.
Transition of System Functions
The old system handles the managerial function with lack of coordination and inefficiency. On the other hand, the decision making component is made without considering all factors due to lack of enough and quality data. Additionally, safety of information is not adhered to leaving the organization vulnerable. However, the introduction of the new information system will enhance the coordination of different activities and proper decision by using accurate and sufficient data.
Evidence of Feasibility
It is evident that the new information system will be successful in meeting the goals and objectives of the company. In this regard, organizations such as medical facilities have adopted similar information changes thus experiencing great levels of success. Additionally, government agencies have adopted similar information system changes thus turning around challenges to success.
Oliveira, T., & Martins, M. F. (2011). Literature review of information technology adoption models at firm level. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 14(1), 110.
Unwin, P. T. H., & Unwin, T. (Eds.). (2009). ICT4D: Information and communication technology for development. Cambridge University Press.

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