Ethical challenges that may arise when working with children and families

For example, School Counselors receive cases of students that need their support in a situation of low academic performance and risk of failing. However, they find a challenge of families not providing their history or medical diagnosis to any other service provider. In this case, there is a dire need as a human service professional to provide confidentiality to the child and family while addressing the child’s low performance. What will you do? But it’s hard for them because families don’t tell other service providers about their history or medical diagnosis. In this case, it is very important for a person who works in human services to keep the child and family’s privacy while addressing the child’s poor performance. What will you do?

Assignment Instructions:

Make a video presentation on:


· A situation that will require advocacy when working with children and families.

· Two ethical issues that can occur.

· A Specific ethical dilemma then talk about how you will address this in the field.

Reference: ONHS Ethical Standards.

Homework help – Write a 275 words video presentation on the above. Kindly, highlight the main points answering the question asked above. – essay

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