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INF09801 Cwk 1 – Assess Brief 2022-23.docx
Assessment Brief Proforma
Assessment 1
1. Module number INF09801
2. Module title Project Management for Information Systems
3. Module leader Pritam Chita
4. Tutor with
responsibility for this
Student’s first point of
Pritam Chita
5. Assessment Portfolio of work
6. Weighting 50%
7. Size and/or time limits
for assessment
2500 words
8. Deadline of submission 3pm (UK Time) on 28
th October 2022 (Friday – week 8)
9. Arrangements for
All assessments MUST be submitted through Turnitin. If
this is not possible, email the module leader in advance.
10. Assessment
There are no exemptions from the University’s regulations.
11. The requirements for
the assessment
See below.
12. Special instructions See below.
13. Return of work and
Three academic weeks after the submission date.
14. Assessment criteria See below.
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Project Management for Information Systems
Assessment One
Issue Date: 28th September 2022 (week 3)
Submission Date: 28
th October 2022 (week 8)
Return Date: 18
th November 2022 (week 11)
This is a formal piece of work and is worth 50% towards your final assessment for this
This is an individual assignment. Copying and collusion are serious offences and will be dealt
with through the Academic Conduct Guidelines.
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Requirements for the Assessment
This is a formal piece of work which is worth 50% of the module and addresses LOs 1 to 5.
This assessment takes the form of the first part of a software development project. Importantly its
objective is to address the investigation and planning aspects. The aim is to reduce uncertainty as
far as is possible. There is no coding or programming involved and the focus is always on the
management aspects of software delivery.
The assessment will require you to generate a portfolio of management & technical documents for
assessment. You will have to cope with and solve typical problems associated with software
development projects such as
• Uncertain and limited information
• Difficult and fuzzy situations
• Changing requirements
• Potential for scope creep
In order to reduce uncertainty your task is to deliver a Project Brief which and more information and
requirements are in the scenario document.
Additional material available.
These materials are available on Moodle.
• Scenario Amaflix Management Training with the detailed client specification and deliverable
• PRINCE2 PFD Appendix and guidance on the construction of PFDs.
• Document Templates of relevant documents.
• Marking Schema.

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