P1 w2
Quantitative Analysis for Healthcare Managers
The purpose of this week’s assignment is to assess your understanding of the concept of sampling and how the knowledge of this concept can be applied in a healthcare services setting.
For this assignment, you will review two scenarios in a fictitious healthcare setting, and then provide your best response to each scenario.
Scenario 1: As a healthcare administrator of a popular healthcare facility in your community, you have been receiving news of unsubstantiated claims of poor customer service in your facility. To make matters worse, a news agency recently carried a news report that highlighted patient dissatisfaction with the quality of service they receive in your facility. As a result of this news, the board of directors and other key stakeholders in your organization met to discuss the matter. Based on the discussion, it was recommended that your healthcare facility conduct a survey of patients in your facility to learn more about the alleged claims of dissatisfaction. The board of directors is also interested in investing millions of dollars to improve any gaps by the proposed survey.
As the administrator of this healthcare facility, what type of sampling methods will you use to assess patient satisfaction from the more than two million patients that visit your facility on a yearly basis? Please give a clear rationale for the sampling methods chosen for this effort.
Scenario 2: As a healthcare administrator, you recently received a complaint from one of your operational managers that suggests there may be a wide range of dissatisfaction among surgeons working in your facility about the work conditions. As a result of this complaint, you decided you wanted to learn more about the challenges surgeons (21 in number) may be facing so you can do the right thing to improve their condition of service.
Based on this information, what sampling method will best help you to assess the working conditions of surgeons in your facility? Please give a clear rationale for the sampling methods chosen for this effort.
For both scenarios, consider addressing the following Points:
• Population
• Population unit
• Sampling methodology
• Sampling size
• Types of interviews (if any?)
• Strengths and weaknesses of sampling methodology?
Length: 1-3 pages, not including title and reference pages
Resources: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources. – essay writers

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