Posted: October 4th, 2022
Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW1
MBA 699 Module Seven Case Analysis Guidelines and – MBA-699-Q1999 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW1
An important aspect of a change management strategy is to consider how different alternatives may impact future outcomes. Organizations often use the business case method to
explore strategic alternatives as it helps simulate a real situation. Such simulations help with identifying business issues and provide critical information that organizations can then use
to arrive at their own conclusions.
The VP of business development has asked you to analyze other organizations that have gone through the exit process. Doing so will help you identify common risks, challenges, and
best practices related to mergers and acquisitions and apply this knowledge to guide the change management strategy of the life sciences organization. For example, if two merging
organizations have extremely different communication styles or organizational cultures, it may often lead to conflict between the management and the employees. The same is true
when one organization is acquiring another organization. Therefore, it is important that you identify all potential risks and challenges and include the best practices to avoid similar
conflicts in your organization after it has been acquired.
You have decided to research a business case that may help you learn from the experiences of another organization.
The focus of your analysis should be on change management and the associated best practices that impacted the transformation of the organization in the case.
Review the case study Bumpy Road Ahead: The Automotive Interiors Merger That Wasn’t. Next, consider the following steps to complete your analysis of the automotive case and
apply your findings from the case analysis to your work in the life sciences organization in the course scenario. Take a look at the case study titled “Bumpy Road Ahead: The Automotive Interiors Merger That Wasn’t.” Next, think about the procedures that need to be taken in order to finish your analysis of the automobile case and apply the knowledge you gained from that study to your work in the life sciences firm that you will be experiencing in the course scenario.
In particular, you are required to take into account the following criteria:
Specifically, you must address the following criteria:
Case Study Review
1. Provide a brief overview of the two organizations in the case study that addresses the following:
a. Identify common characteristics of each organization.
b. Explain how the products and services of the two organizations differ.
2. Describe the key issues that affected the merger plan and its implementation.
a. What were the key issues related to organizational cultures and structural integration that created problems after the merger of the two organizations? Support your
response with information from the case.
3. Evaluate the postmerger integration and change management strategies used in the case. Your response should address the following:
a. How did the key decision makers respond to the challenges with the postmerger integration?
b. What led to the challenges faced by the organization after the merger?
c. Could these challenges have been prevented using different change management strategies? Explain.
4. Based on your findings from the case study, describe specific areas that may lead to post-acquisition risks and challenges for the life sciences organization in the course
scenario. Support your response.
5. Recommend change management best practices the life sciences organization can use for managing post-acquisition integration in a planned manner and avoid the risks and
challenges you’ve identified above.
Guidelines for Submission
9/28/22, 12:34 AM MBA 699 Module Seven Case Analysis Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q1999 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW1 2/3
Submit a 4- to 5-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to Help write my thesis – APA style. Consult the
Shapiro Library Help write my thesis – APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Case Study Review:
Exceeds proficiency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Provides a brief overview of
the two organizations in the
case; identifies common
characteristics of the two
organizations; explains how
the products and services of
the two organizations differ
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
explaining the similarities and
differences in the two
Does not attempt criterion 20
Case Study Review: Key
Exceeds proficiency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Describes key issues related
to organizational cultures and
structural integration that
created problems after the
merger of the two
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
describing at least one key
issue supported by facts from
the case
Does not attempt criterion 20
Case Study Review:
Postmerger Integration
Exceeds proficiency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Evaluates the postmerger
integration and change
management strategies;
supports evaluation with facts
from the case and addresses
how the key decision makers
responded to the challenges
with the postmerger
integration, the possible cause
of challenges, and if these
challenges could have been
prevented using different
change management
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
using relevant facts from the
case to support the
evaluation, such as an
example of how the key
decision makers responded to
the challenges, what caused
the challenges, or what could
have been done to prevent
these challenges
Does not attempt criterion 20
Module Seven Case Analysis Rubric
9/28/22, 12:34 AM MBA 699 Module Seven Case Analysis Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-699-Q1999 Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW1 3/3
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Recommendations: Postacquisition Risks and
Exceeds proficiency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Identifies specific areas that
may lead to post-acquisition
challenges in the organization
from the course scenario;
provides examples of possible
risks and challenges the
organization in the scenario
may face
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
providing specific and relevant
examples of possible risks and
challenges that the
organization in the scenario
may face post-acquisition
Does not attempt criterion 15
Recommendations: Change
Management Best
Exceeds proficiency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Recommends change
management best practices
that the organization in the
scenario can implement for
managing post-acquisition
integration in a planned
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
identifying at least two
change management best
practices relevant to the
organization in the course
scenario for managing postacquisition integration
Does not attempt criterion 15
Articulation of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
exceptionally clear, insightful,
sophisticated, or creative
Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstrating an
understanding of audience
and purpose
Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, negatively
impacting readability
Submission has critical errors
in grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
preventing understanding of
Citations and Attributions Uses citations for ideas
requiring attribution, with few
or no minor errors
Uses citations for ideas
requiring attribution, with
consistent minor errors
Uses citations for ideas
requiring attribution, with
major errors
Does not use citations for
ideas requiring attribution
Total: 100%
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Strategic Opportunity Mgmt 22TW1