AACN Essentials lV. lnformation Management and Application of Patient Care Technology During a nursing program, the essential was met through the provision of the nurses with proper knowledge and skills about information management and patient-care innovation that is vital in promoting quality patient care. The nursing graduates are expected to have basic competence in the core technical skills that includes the usage of computers and implementation of patient-care innovation (Barton, 2016). Their ability to use information technology systems such as decision-support process helps to gather effective evidence to support the nursing practice. Computer and information literacy abilities are important in the future growth and development of nursing. For example, nurses with a high level of competency in patient-care technology and management systems helps to improve cost effectiveness and safety of the nursing practice. The nurses are able to gather quality outcomes research and coordinate with other professionals to manage the electronic health records.
Ethical management of data, information, and knowledge helps to improve effective communication in the organization. Use of clinical and research evidence is vital in guiding critical practice decisions (Fowler, Conner & Smith, 2018). New technology demands new workflow design and changes in practice models to support effective implementation of patient care.
The integration of proper understanding of standardized concepts is critical in the development of advanced clinical information systems. Such efforts will enhance daily nursing practice as well as improving the aspect of interprofessional communication and generation of standardized data to assess and improving the nursing practice. The fulfillment of the needs of the essential also demands for performing of clinical and coursework experiences that support information management and patient care technologies. These critical programs are important in enhancing safe and effective expansion of care services. The linking of the fundamental skills of the nurses to innovation also works well to support the understanding of the changing technology and innovation in health care.
V. Healthcare Policy The essential was met through the design of effective health care policies such as financial and regulatory policies that influences the functioning of the health care system and thus, improving critical considerations in professional nursing practice. The health care policies have a significant impact on the organizational and national issues of access and social justice in the society. lmproved health care policies are critical in promoting the quality and safety of the nursing practice environment in the hospitals. Nurses should have a proper understanding of the broader health care policies and how they influence the patient care services. For example, they should analyze how the health care policies will affect the organization and financing of patient care services as well as the reimbursement structures (Barton, 2016). Regulatory bodies should also work with nurses to help them understand their role in streamlining the health care policies and programs. Effective health care policies influence the quality and safety of the nursing practice as well as ensuring that the professional nurses take part in the advocacy and political process to make sustainable health care changes.
For instance, the essential supports health care advocacy for vulnerable population with the aim of enhancing social justice, which is a core moral and ethical responsibilities of the advanced practice nurses.
Most importantly, the nurses should understand the impact of health care policies on aspects of healthcare access, equity, and social justice in enhancing health care delivery.
The capacity to deliver quality health care services depends on these principles of access, equity, and social justice.
https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/Access-to-Health-Services 30%
The capacity to deliver quality health care services depends on these principles of access, equity, and social justice. However, the nurses should be on the forefront of ensuring that hospitals uphold these health care principles (Hicks, & Rosenberg, 2016). Continued advocacy for quality nursing care is critical in improved the professionalism of the nursing practice in the society. The essential can be actualized through supporting advocacy and political processes that support quality healthcare policies.
Vl. lnterprofessional Communication and Collaboration The nursing programs were able to meet the requirements of the essential through enhancing collaboration and communication amongst the health care professionals to promote the delivery of quality and safe health care services. Effective communication and collaboration amongst the different health care professionals is critical in the provision of quality patient-centered care services. All health care professionals are encouraged to support future clinicians in the delivery of patient-centered health services. lnterprofessional learning an education is an interactive educational program that involves two or more professionals and supports enhanced collaboration that enhances patient care. For example, collaboration amongst the different health care professionals acts as a complementary for all critical roles required in a healthcare team (Barton, 2016).
Good teamwork amongst the healthcare professionals relates to the delivery of quality and safe patient care services.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261601934_The_Current_Evidence_Base_for_the_Clinical_Nurse_Leader_A_Narrative_Review_of_the_Literature 30%
Good teamwork amongst the healthcare professionals relates to the delivery of quality and safe patient care services.
Nursing education also informs the nurses about the workplace with the basic competencies and confidence for interactions with effective communication to improve nursing practice.
Such programs lead to improved patient care outcomes.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261601934_The_Current_Evidence_Base_for_the_Clinical_Nurse_Leader_A_Narrative_Review_of_the_Literature 50%
Such programs lead to improved patient care outcomes. For example, interprofessional education can happen in different health care settings (Fowler, et al., 2018). An important element is the creation of collegial relations that recognizes the distinct health nursing practices. The essential also demands for improved intra-professional collaboration that supports shared goals of improving dynamic decision-making and creation of open communication programs and leadership. lt implies that interprofessional education supports improved opportunities for enhanced trust and respect amongst the diverse members of healthcare teams.
Some of the important components of interprofessional collaboration and communication includes relationship building, participatory decision-making, conflict management, navigating through complex systems, and promoting interprofessional socialization and communication amongst diverse healthcare cultures. These important programs will be critical in pushing for the implementation of the essential components in nursing practice.
References Barton, A. J. (2016). Teaching Health Centers:
A Possible Model for Nursing Education. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(10), 547-549.

Enacting a vision for a master’s entry clinical nurse leader program:
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