Advanced Public Health Nursing
If you are passionate about meeting the healthcare needs of the community at large then you must be pursuing an advanced public health nursing program in an institution of higher learning. It is good to note that in order to study this program you should first be a registered nurse. Since this is an advanced program it does not take one long to complete it. You should be through with pursuing it within two years of full-time study. It is however worth to note that it can take you a little bit longer if you are a full-time registered nurse as you will have to study it on a part time basis. One of the key features that distinguish this type of nurses from other nurses is that as an advanced public health nurse, you are expected to utilize knowledge from other disciplines as well as from nursing to improve the community health in which you work in.
There are a number of key roles of advanced public health nurses. One of these roles is administration. This implies that nurses are responsible for coordinating the implementation and evaluation of various programs that are aimed at improving the health of the community. Moreover, they act as clinicians. This is to say that they provide healthcare services to the patients. Furthermore, nurses who have specialized in this field also serve as educators. To this end, they advise the community members on the best practices to prevent diseases and the importance of living healthy lifestyles.
Normally, advanced public health nurses work in the public sphere. This is to say that they can work in: hospitals, community organizations, international public health organizations, correctional facilities, colleges and universities as well as community health centers among others. These are all exciting places to work in as long as you are passionate about improving the wellness of the community in which you live in. If you are therefore thinking about advancing your nursing career then you should be sure to consider an advanced public health nursing program. You will in no doubt find this to such a fulfilling career considering that you will have firsthand experience with working with the members of your community. As a result of this, you soon become an expert of health matters of the given community that you work in due to the great knowledge that you will accumulate over the years. This is to say that an advanced public health nurse or a community health nurse is also a researcher.

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