A. Analyze the various responsibilities of a coding manager by doing the following: 1. Describe the responsibilities of inpatient and outpatient coders within a healthcare organization. 2. Describe the purpose of a clinical documentation improvement (CDI) program. 3. Explain how you would evaluate the qualifications of potential coding candidates for employment. 4. Explain strategies that focus on staff retention. B. Explain how the responsibilities of the charge description master (CDM) committee bring coders, billing staff, and CDM staff together to ensure revenue cycle success. C. Develop strategies for improving both coding accuracy and coding productivity, and explain how a coding manager would use these strategies.
Task 2
B. Analyze the coding compliance auditing process by doing the following: 1. Describe how a healthcare organization should respond to a formal request for an audit by an internal reviewer, and how it relates to coding claims, documentation, or provider claims. 2. Describe how a healthcare organization should respond to a formal request for an audit by an external reviewer, and how it relates to coding claims, documentation, or provider claims. 3. Explain how a healthcare organization should respond to audit results that show a coding practice resulting in overpayment.
Task 3
Create a coding compliance training program as a multimedia presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote), including presenter notes, for staff members in the health information management department that includes the following components: 1. the purpose for a coding compliance training program 2. how a coding compliance training program is evaluated 3. the key policies that must be included in a coding compliance training program 4. the key points that must be included in a coding compliance code of conduct

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