Online Class Assignment
Week 2
Use this guide sheet for completing the online assignments to replace in class discussion and review of the slides. Reference the slide deck and keep it handy for the questions below.
1. In slide 4 there is mention of IT being an important part of an organizations strategy. Research the internet to name another company that was forced to shutdown due to its lack of adoption of information technology. Briefly describe why the company failed. This company may now be back in business but may have suffered customer losses due to lack of adoption of technology
2. Slide 6 – you may belong to or possess a customer loyalty card. Which one do you gain the most benefit from – i.e. which one gives you the most reasons to shop back at that retailer. Do you mind that these companies track your purchases and share information with others?
3. Slide 8 – respond with whether you have switched phone platforms? Or have you always stayed with Apple, Samsung etc. Why in one to two sentences?
4. Slides 10-16 lay out some of the Boeing information.
5. Slide 17 – the key point here is to understand that as Amazon created technologies to accommodate 100s-1000s IOps (Inputs Outputs per second) they in turn used that investment in technology to host other businesses and charge them for it.
6. Slides 25-26 – an investment in an integrated IT solution is expensive. Not investing in one is more expensive in terms of lost or unfulfilled orders (Frito Lay), trucks breaking down because they were out of maintenance without records (Conway)
7. Slide 27 view the video as an example. Click on the picture to follow to CapeGemini product example.
8. Slides 28-29 – IT is the answer for both situations.
9. Slide 30 – View the Citrix Birst video as an example. Click on the picture to launch
10. Slide 31 – How the healthcare industry is approaching coordinating data from the multiple locations a patient could seek care.
11. See link to KPMG video. Please provide 2-3 sentences on your impression.

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