1: Contemporary Healthcare Facilities
Just as the state of the healthcare industry and the concept of the patient have changed so have healthcare
facilities. Physicians’ oces aren’t always oces anymore. Healthcare facilities can be mobile, virtual or
traditional. This week we will look at how healthcare facilities have evolved.
Besides concierge medicine and retail clinics, identify two other contemporary healthcare facilities identied
in the literature. Assignment help – Discuss how marketers could advertise the new facilities and the impact you think the new
facilities will have on healthcare consumers and currently existing facilities in the market.
Part 2: Refocusing Facilities

With the many changes occurring in the healthcare industry, managers may nd themselves needing to
change their strategy in order to stay relevant in the market. Changing strategic focus takes time, eort and
planning. As healthcare continues to evolve the idea of changing corporate strategic focus may begin to
occur more often in healthcare businesses.
A strategy of focusing a general facility to specialize in ethnic or other minority group care can be very risky.
List at least three analyses that should be completed before reaching this decision. Be specic about the
factors that should be included in each analysis.

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