Assignment help – Discussion boardQuestionAt least 175 words Read the report onhuman rights in Venezuela by Human RightsWatch (2017) (Links to an externalsite.). Supplement the required report with current newsarticles.  Assess the current status of human rights in Venezuela. What could the United Nations, individual countries, and non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs) do to help stabilize Venezuela and protect the basic humanrights of its people?

Sample Essay

Human Rights in Venezuela
The current status in Venezuela has attracted international attention due to the recurrent violation of basic human rights. The executive power has violated human rights by openly harassing protestors, journalists, and human rights defenders. For instance, during the 2017 street protests, 124 people were killed, 2,000 were injured, and 5,400 were arrested (Human Rights Watch, 2018). The government has also failed to provide quality healthcare leading to a 65 percent hike in maternal mortality and 30 percent infant mortality. The hygienic conditions in prisons are poor and prisoners are assaulted using electric shocks, severe beating, sexual abuse, and asphyxiation.
The UN, NGOs, individual countries can help in stabilizing the country and protecting human rights. The UN can engage the president in finding a peaceful way of ending the protests. Individual countries can also engage sanctions that will alert the country about the need to change (Zakrison & Muntaner, 2019). NGOs can also empower and educate people about their rights. The various stakeholders should, however, join hands to help the country transition to new leadership and review the constitution.

Human Rights Watch (2018). Venezuela in 2017. World Report. Retrieved from
Zakrison, T. L., & Muntaner, C. (2019). US sanctions in Venezuela: help, hindrance, or violation of human rights? The Lancet, 393(10191), 2586-2587.

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