Quality Performance & Management

TOPIC: Evidence-based Leadership

Building a culture of quality and subscribing to the philosophy of evidence-based leadership (EBL) are critical in providing high quality care and maintaining focus and momentum.

Propose 3-5 EBL principles to your healthcare leadership team. Suggest and justify how employees can be engaged and keep engaged with minimal long-term coaching.

Directions to student: The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response. You will be writing three or more discussion posts per week.

Applying Quality Management in Healthcare: A Systems Approach, Fourth Edition 4th Edition
by Patrice L. Spath (Author), Diane L. Kelly (Author)

Evidence-Based Leadership
Within the context of care delivery, quality, competence, efficiency, and professionalism are among the major elements dominating the industry. For the increased effectiveness and efficiency of my healthcare leadership team, there are three major principles of the EBL technique that have to be adopted and implemented. One of these principles is that of risk and needs assessment. On this note, such a principle is crucial to the promotion of efficiency through the EBL philosophy (Spath & Kelly, 2014). Through the use of prior experience in developing the risk and needs assessment, it would be easier to incorporate consensual decision-making approaches from the leadership team with the aim of targeting the medium as well as higher risk individuals required to support the relevant programs within the organization. As a result, the employees are significantly engaged in this process with a minimum long-term coaching considering the level of experience incorporated in the practice.
The other EBL principle that will have to be embraced is that of staff training. This will be conducted through the implementation of relevant changes within the culture of the organization. Precisely, the healthcare setting will be obliged to transform its way of doing business while indulging in modern training strategies that are bound to yield results that are more substantial (Spath & Kelly, 2014). By so doing, the long-term coaching of employees will be significantly reduced considering the sustainable and reliable approaches used in the promotion of a newly defined culture of learning. Finally, the third principle to be adopted is that of collection and measurement of data throughout the daily organizational practices. The collection of data and its analysis is crucial to the assessment of knowledge and perceptions of the organization through the EBL philosophy. In this regard, this will minimize the long-term coaching of employees by providing valid and reliable systems of information management.
As such, in the provision of quality care as well as the maintenance of momentum and focus, developing a system that revolves around the evidence-based leadership (EBL) measures and building the culture of quality are relatively imperative and inevitable. The EBL philosophy has to apply at the top most strategic level of the healthcare setting, which means that it is bound to be practiced by senior leaders such as board members and CEOs.

Spath, P., & Kelly, D. L. (2017). Applying quality management in healthcare: A systems approach. Chicago: Health Administration Press.

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